"Field" drill: saying hi to strangers. ?.....


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hey brothers, Im just a newbie starting out.

I've been reading the whole DJ Bible. Im starting the whole DJ mentality thing (((thumbs up))) I noticed Im not the most social guy in the world, I signed myself up for a buncha clubs in my university to start a social network thing going. I made myself a basic beginner's work out program and I started evaluating my life, my goals, my future, my dreams etc.

So far, so good : - )

I've been trying out this DJ drill of saying hi to random strangers. I went to barnes and nobles, Target, my university, Coffee shops. Know what ? It's not sooo...bad. Didnt get any bad reactions from women.

Do you guys have anymore "drills" that you sort of use to get that social muscle going ??

I noticed... It's all about passing and giving good vibes too. I noticed that when Im in a good mood, Im giving instead of taking ya know....like when I smile and say hello at someone I get the feeling that the vibe should be " Im smiling because I feel great and Im giving an aura about myself, I dont need anything from you, but since I feel great, I am giving out some cool vibes."

Yeah...I would imagine this should be the mindset and its heck of a lot more fun. (((thumbs up)))

Im interested to know what some of you do in particular to get into that fun, playful giving mood before you go out there and "sarge".

Thanks, Im gonna start doing field reports of actual conversation approaches soon.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Its strange that people have very contrasting views on this.

Some pua groups teach to be very approachable, social and friendly.

Iv always used the masculine threatening approach. Constantly walk around like you are the 'most alpha guy in the room'. Neg + heavy ****y funny + place yourself higher value than the person your talking to. Subtely AMOG any guy that talks to you and CF flirt directly and sexually with girls. When you do this, confidence comes immediately and subconciously, because you are the most important person there. Its very dependant on your body language and how you talk, so needs practice.

This isnt very social or approachable, but instead emits an aura of power and masculinity as you walk around people. Girls will make eye contact with you when they notice your presence.

I always pick up a lot more vibes from girls with the manly approach than the sociable friendly guy. Try it, everyone has their own style.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the insight bro.

Thats a good reminder. Stop trying to get her approval.

I know Im far guilty of this definitely in the past.

They say dominance is the key. Im going to implement that in my laid back "style".