Feminists Will Never Be Satisfied

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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The search for 'equality' between 'men' and 'women' is like a dog chasing its own tail. It will always be out of reach.

If ever there came a time that men spent more hours at home looking after the children, the feminists would suddenly discover that children were not a burden but a pleasure.

"This is outrageous," they would say. "Those poor women are out at work while the men are at home sitting in front of the TV and having a good time bonding with their children."

You have to understand the mindset of these so called feminists. They are driven by a hatred of men. This hatred breeds anger and it is the only thing that unites them. It is the only thing that explains what they say, think, and do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Why do you care about feminists? Focus your emotional energy and time on something more constructive.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
El Payaso said:
The search for 'equality' between 'men' and 'women' is like a dog chasing its own tail. It will always be out of reach.

If ever there came a time that men spent more hours at home looking after the children, the feminists would suddenly discover that children were not a burden but a pleasure.

"This is outrageous," they would say. "Those poor women are out at work while the men are at home sitting in front of the TV and having a good time bonding with their children."

You have to understand the mindset of these so called feminists. They are driven by a hatred of men. This hatred breeds anger and it is the only thing that unites them. It is the only thing that explains what they say, think, and do.
i agree 110%

i also agree with the other posters that there is no point worrying about it, nothing we can do

but while we're at it:

one minute, they want men who are clean shaven, no facial hair, skinny and girly looking and 'in touch with their fem side'

next minute, men are too wimpy and girly nowadays i want a big burly man with a beard and huge arms to protect me!

one minute, you're too quiet and boring and stoic and need to loosen up! god i hate you!

next minute, god you're so loud and annoying and never shut up and stop talking! wish you could just relax and be more laid back!

then there's the 'nice guy' one, everyone knows this one - 'i want a nice guy blah blah blah' then it will be 'ohhh you know...you're more of a friend to me, you're so nice!'

the good way to look at this, is you're never guna figure it out, and they never guna stop moaning and *****ing. simple solution from what im beginning to learn is = do what the **** YOU want, and act how you deeply feel you should act. if you feel changing for this woman is wrong to your inner core but you want to make her happy. DONT DO IT. for some reason women say these things but don't actually mean it...hence why we should not take them too seriously instead of thinking they are so so special

funny thing i remember my grandparents would always argue. they would be cursing each other, you're this, you're that. i hate you etc but they never broke their marriage?

i've noticed girl's that have been deeply infatuated with me, we used to always argue and she would always say, 'you're selfish, you're a **** to me, you don't care about me, blah blah complain complain'. i would never do this intentionally, i genuinely just didnt care. if i was so bad why didnt they just walk away?