The mens video is p1ss weak.
Half those questions could be answered with a one like smart mouth answer that it deserves but instead they take 30 min on a video that took 3.
So i'll do it for the lols:
1. Coz there boring, and out of touch with reality.
2. Coz boobs are awesome, I've never heard of a pair of boobs that got pulled over and attacked a race..*cough* Mel Gibson *cough*
3. I have never had that thought at all, I even enjoyed gone girl, if you take away the feminist bull that came with it and enjoy it the movie for what it is.
4. No, some girls are funny and no hunny your not as funny as me....nobody is.
5. Coz my d1cks the bomb....girl.
6. Confucious say "Key that opens many locks is master key, lock that opened by many keys is sh1tty lock"
7. I've never thought that before in my life. A ho is a ho it goes far beyond what your saying.
8. Opposite land presumably.
9. Coz you are emotional creatures, who the heck cat calls these days?
10. Trust me, if im "nice" to you, i dont want your body.
11. But sending a solicited d1ck pic is ok?? What's a solicited d1ck pic anyway?
12. I insult everyone equally
13. Probably because you have no point and your an idiot and you should probably stop talking.
14. Balls get sweaty, and you should do that to your boobs, probably take the attention away from the mole on your face.
15. Weak in what ways?? Physically, yes, pain threshold, no, that q seems a bit offensive to women.
16. I show plenty of emotions all starting with H, happy, horny and hungry. Is that not enough?
17. Becuase thats what men have been doing since the dawn of time, its what made us successful as a species.
18. I love a chick that can swear, its knowing the time and moment to use it is the attractive feature.
19. Doubt women how? Thats not even a question more of an attack disguised as one....for shame mop head.
20. Because 99.5% of the time, its exactly the with that sh1t, dont take it out on me.
21. Lol you cant actually because the 2 arnt the same, but please go ahead.
22. Ok sell your body for cash, see if anyone cares. We dont is the answer.
23. 2 girls, 2 times the boobs...thats 4 boobs!!!! I like boobs.
24. Almost as painful as your existence.....almost.
25. Do you get tired of being a p.ussy all the time??
26. I actually cherish the idea of gender equality.
27. Coz im better then you.
28. & 29. Thats 2 different stats for the same thing, its like there making it up on the spot.
30. Im not, i always dreamed of having a suga momma.
31. Coz usually your opinions are moronic.
32. Coz joking about a guys d1ck size is totally cool yeah?
33. What privilege?