Feminist bull**** on TV: unavoidable.

sh4rk b1t3

Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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I turn on my TV to watch a bit of CNN today. I heard something about Bush asking for 1.2 billion to rebuilt Iraq, plus the ususal communist garbage I hear on that station.

A commerical comes on. In the commerical, there is this guy acting like a big dumbass on a plane, trying to cook some oatmeal with a kitchen heater appliance on his lap. His tie touches the element on the heater, and it sets alight. All the women around him are rolling their eyes and laughing. Then the camera pans onto one of the women eating a small oatmeal bar, with a "Wow, I'm so smart, that guy is a complete dumbass" smirk on her face.

Next commerical. This one is for car insurance. It shows a buisnessman with an evil look on his face driving a car at high speeds. He slams his car into someone else's coming around the corner. The camera goes to the driver's face before it happened: it's an innocent women in her 30's looking attentive. The evil buisness man hits her car and drives off.

Next commerical. Pizza hut this time. Kid and his family are talking about what pizza to get. All of a sudden, jessica simpson dressed in a skimpy outfit comes out of nowhere. Some ugly, pathetic looking teenager has his eyes fixed on her, wide open, unblinking. She approaches him, puts some disgusting looking pizza in his mouth. He makes some goofy "ahhh" noise, then passes out, hitting his head on the floor.

TV goes off. Too much feminist bull**** for one day.

Why the hell are men always the big dumbasses that are acting all goofy in commericals? Why are the women always the smart ones who always manage to say something witty at the right time that completely shuts down the man? This happens even if the commercial is appealing to men, IE: a Dodge Nitro pickup truck commerical.

Really, the only exception to this rule that I have EVER seen in my life is the burger king commerical where all the guys on the street get up and leave their girlfriends who are making them eat ****ty food to go to burger king. Even then, they are singing like faggots and acting like dumbasses, so this isn't a completely unbiased commerical.

Why can't I watch 5 minutes of TV without getting punched in the face? it pisses me off badly.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
that burger king dude is quite scary looking, thanks for reminding me of him.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
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It's not just commercials, its even worse in movies. There are some exceptions, but VERY few.

I can only think of one off the top of my head: Brad Pitt in fight club. He hits and splits. Same in Troy. But even there they manage to inject some losers (Edward Norton has his moments and so does Orlando Bloom .. of course Orlando is just a fag but whatever).

Maybe it's a sign from above you shouldn't be watching so much tv. Nope, not even 5 minutes of it. Unless it's news or football, in which case go do some pushups while the commercials are on.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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I agree that commercials are insidious and evil

But I kinda feel you are reading to much into this ****.

I would suggest that perhaps market research has identifed the demographic for viewers at that particular timeslot to be young upwardly moblie women who worry about the cars getting damaged, don't mind a pizza and who have the occasion to fly....

The commercial media, whist doubtlessly being the agents of demonic beings, are more concerned with making insane amounts of money by hocking **** that people don't need to fat greedy idiots rather than intentionally making men feel more insecure about these all powerful and dangerous women winning insurance claims and eating healthy snacks.

Whenever I watch the footy I have to put up with girls *****ing about how all the commercials objectify women (my fave is for a LCD TV where "Its fine lines and elegant style give "her" ideas... a whole lotta ideas... so let her change the room, but not the channel"). I usually say there are bigger issues at stake in this world than steretyped gender roles seen on TV in affluent western democracies, like Climate Change, the debacle in Iraq and the insane amount of fluff that finds its way into my navel...

I suggest you greet commercials which make you see the evil feminists hiding behind every door with the same stoic forebearance I treat my girlies pleas for me to change the channel to some days of our lives chick bull**** when I'm watching sport, and get on with living your life.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
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Entire stations like VH-1 spew this stuff.
VH-1 used to be kinda good, in that it would play some music that wasn't always rap/hip-hop 24 hrs a day. And every once in a while they'd have a music documentary about metal that would be decent.

But now it's effeminate men, comedians and cranky women making snarky commentary about celebrity gossip and fashion.
Like a sewing circle of gossipy women and gay men spilling dish.

The other day they had an entire show devoted to Lindsey Lohan. WTF?

Not to mention the large amount of horrid reality-based/former-celebrity junk.

Even shows centered around high-testosterone figures like Hulk Hogan are about his domestication.

Maybe the channel is being run by lesbians or gay men.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
I never posted here about that. I noticed on a lot of movies and songs guys are the bad guys. What about the chick that left her husband and three kids get's child supprt and doesn't see her husband. Men love women so much that they are usually willing to make themselves look stuipid to get one. Like women are some sort of Item they can buy. BTW I don't like the term fag. It's funny sometimes but most of the time it's used with hate. Chosen signing off.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
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At least you got to turn the TV off, try seeing it in REAL daily life.