Female Radar LADAR!!!!! (LONG)


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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In the movie Swingers, right at the beginning, some dude tells his AFC buddy that when he really gets over his ex, she'll call him, so for the mean time he'll have to act like he's over her in the hopes of getting her to call back, and ultimately get back together with her. For any of you guys who haven't seen this movie, you must!

There was a girl I was still kind of interested in about 2 months ago. As soon as I had totally lost interest in her and stopped bi-weekly calling, I got a call from her. I wasn't home but something hit me. Girls have a radar that tells them when a guy blips off their screen.

It's true! Think of it this way, as a Don Juan goes on more and more dates, if he's anything like me, he'll start forgetting who he's gone out with. Then when you really forget about a girl or girls, their Ladar (ladar? lady + radar):D should and WILL go off alerting them that their great date from 'X' number of days/weeks ago has either lost interest or a competing female has earned more of his attention. Thus making you seem more valuable in the eyes of potential partners. This radar NEVER shuts off and can be your SPY in enemy territory, if you will.

So guys, what are we gonna do to recruit this guy? We are gonna continue DJing many women, closing on them and getting dates.

"But how can we forget about a date? Is that possible?"

H*ll yea, it's called first dates are only for FUN. We should already know that. If you are already pondering a girl's potential for an STR or LTR after only one or two dates, you're pondering too much. Get out there and meet more women. Flood your market damnit, you're a ****salesman and every lady wants your product!!!

"But why meet more women than we can handle? I do not want to flood my market!"

What are you afraid of? If you don't have the time to make a date, the more power to you. Women love a man who is busy with his passions, his life! And don't forget to be happy about it too. They're not gonna piss on you for not having time to make a date. And if they do, "Neeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxt!" Speaking of time, there's always time to close on a new lady. There is potential for it everywhere. A Don Juan should not care about where he closes a girl, within reason of course. Gentlemen, don't be fearful of meeting/going on new dates. Doing so is the way to signalling to your spy that he should set off the Ladar in a woman.

In the short run, it may be a strenuous task, but you can do it, for you WILL ENDURE! But be sure you make the phone call to arrange a date. Regardless of successfully setting up a date or not, try anyways. You MUST show up on HER radar to make use of your 'spy'

In the long run, watch and be amazed. You'll end up with an even larger list of numbers and perhaps you'll go on so many dates you WILL forget about at least one or two women.

"Hey jack arse, how many dates are you talking about here? I don't exactly have the time you know."

Well, I don't know. That's totally up to you. I don't know your guys' schedules so I can't tell you exactly how many dates you need to go on before you forget about a girl. Act and approach this accordingly. When you're busy, you're busy. But don't stop meeting women and calling them.

"Ok ok, so what WAS the point of this rant?"

The point of this post is to make known yet another trait of the opposite sex, LADAR. And on a deeper more complex level, I believe using this information is a valuable contribution to perfecting our MINDSET. How? Well somehow, through not being caught up with women I think Pook's advice about focusing on ourselves will really manifest itself in us!!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Alright, having just read my post, it appears I left out something important.

...(continuing from original thread)....

The way we can use ladar to our advantage is by recognizing it's potential to make a women attribute more value to us. Let's say that you go on a fabulous date one week, and you have a lot of fun with this particular woman, and she does too of course! Now in the next couple of weeks, because you have other dates and/or have many other women to call, you quite honestly, forget about that girl. Then her ladar goes off and just like that, she tries to bring you up on her screen again. See, see, she's coming after you and trying to EARN your attention once more. Her ladar is fueling her fire of attraction to you. You, on the other hand are on the receiving end and the cycle begins again when you forget about another lady. Whew, I hope my message hits you guys, it's real late here and I'm out, peace! :)