Female Facebook Factor = Fad?


Oct 20, 2006
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Many have observed how women these days seem to have too much going on between an oversupply of single men, their cell phones in hand, and 350+ Facebook friends.

However, it occurred to me today that this might be a passing fad that could actually work to men's advantage in the coming years.

1) Consider that most hot women have about 300-400 "friends" on Facebook.
2) About 60% of women's FB friends are likely to be men, so they have about 210 guy friends each on average.
3) Most of us only joined Facebook in the past 3 years.
4) So the average girl has acquired about 70 male friends per year since 2008.
5) This likely doubles the number of guys who ask them out in a normal year, if we assume they give their number to a new man about once every 5 days.
6) So in the past 3 years, just about all women have had their egos inflated to about 200% - as twice as many men as normal have been contacting them on average.
7) Now every ex boyfriend, future prospect, or old high school crush contacts them regularly. The women, believing what they want, think it's because they got prettier.

However, women will eventually run out of friends to add - at least at the same pace as the past few years when every person they went to high school with is poking them.

Won't this will cause the opposite effect? Won't women notice when only half as many men as average are contacting them? Won't they become desensitized to all of their ex's who are at their beck and call?

Hopefully this will bring women's inflated egos back to Earth.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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They wont run out of guys to add simply because they can get dozens of contact in a single night in a club.
They will just decrease the amount of familiarity necessary to add someone therefore making them even more superficial.

If in past they had to give sex to a man in order to have attention from him, after the cellphone/facebook/myass era they realized that wasnt necessary anymore, a picture was more than enough.

After their criteria for adding guys will change again they will consider men no more than candies or cookies that can be taken easily on a shopping bag.

There is no happy ending or final justice but only a cruel polarity.
Those who were rich are getting richer and those who were poor are getting poorer, the same is happening in the facebook era.
The guy who had lot of women is posting pictures and getting status therefore getting other women, the opposite..well you can guess.

Men are simply not made to live so, we are simple straigh and natural we work on the principle of
" right action---->good result = I behave/work good-->I get a reward".

Its not anymore like this, a woman that doesnt need a man to survive is a kid who get food and shelter without the need of parents so he is going to pick the adult who allow him to jump on the bed instead of sending him in the shower.
Then when he has louses, the real parents are supposed to cure him and be told from him that the potion is bad and that they suck.

If you want to leave a good life do yourself a favour,make sure to be one of the men on top or simply take a fkn airplane and visit greener fields.
There is no shame, a qualified worker who cant get a job in his coutry cause he doesnt know the right people, can be an apreciate professional abroad,because
thats what is all about,being recognized as men for our work and given something in return according to justice.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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bigneil said:
1) Consider that most hot women have about 300-400 "friends" on Facebook.
2) About 60% of women's FB friends are likely to be men, so they have about 210 guy friends each on average.
3) Most of us only joined Facebook in the past 3 years.
4) So the average girl has acquired about 70 male friends per year since 2008..
the above only works if the girl had 0 male friends in 2007, you have to remove anyone the girl knew prior to joining facebook for that to work, all the people just from school is a large amount, university probably more


Oct 20, 2006
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I didn't assume she had 0 friends before, I was assuming the average girl had 1 new contact every 5 days, and that Facebook, by reintroducing people from years past, produced a temporary artificial spike in the amount of attention she was receiving.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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Your numbers are so awfully contrived I can't even bring myself to point out individual issues that I have with them.

I'll let it with this: Do you actually think that womens' inflated egos, or men's perception of womens' inflated egos, are so significantly a new thing that they can be correlated with the rise of Facebook, and then that simply running out of people to add on Facebook will end this perceived elevation of womens' egos?

Dude, get off the numbers and get on a bar stool somewhere, or on a golf course, or on a tennis course, or anything but making up numbers to lend evidence to an idea that is equally contrived.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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Originally Posted by Strelok

If you want to leave a good life do yourself a favour,make sure to be one of the men on top or simply take a fkn airplane and visit greener fields.
There is no shame, a qualified worker who cant get a job in his coutry cause he doesnt know the right people, can be an apreciate professional abroad,because
thats what is all about,being recognized as men for our work and given something in return according to justice.


This is not the first time I see you give this advice. I was just curious, where do you live? I've seen you tell someone else in another thread to move to Eastern Europe or Africa. I was just curious where do you live? And have you ever been to Easter Europe or Africa? I have, and know people from there, people who are DESPERATELY trying to come to US because the living conditions are so HORRID and some places there is basically no law as mafia runs certain things and can do whatever the hell they want. A lot of places there you cannot even FIND a job, and the few lucky ones that do get SH*T money!

Just curious, what countries are you exactly talking about? Have you been there? Where do you live?

This is very lifestyle changing advice you are giving here, are you well informed?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Average woman stalls out around 280-300 and they have to work for the new guys to give them attention or actually be active in situation where they meet new prospects. A young hot woman doesnt stall at all purely because of the looks and the numbers of fans reach well into 1000+ without any work. I ve been looking at one average chick's numbers and she received a couple request over a 6 month period, one was mine and the rest was from the older demographics who have just started with this stupid sh!t.I honestly believe that people are getting fed up and bored with the facebook. It will revert back to normal numbers after a few years, in fact I ve noticed that some good-looking women have cut their numbers by as much as 40%. All their high school friends, college folk who they spoke once to, all need to be removed imho. It's kinda bogus to go by these numbers. The only good thing that comes out of it is that women dont work as hard to get attention in real life, and that men become more and more pussified, making it easy for me in real life. A womans ego is just this, poke it in one place and it falls apart. Men perceive female egos to be huge,but in fact they have gotten even more fragile bordering insecurity or delusion. Guys, don't let that fool you.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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women will always have facebook for attention, looking for better guys, or to boost their ego. why would they ever give it up?
Jul 3, 2011
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bigneil said:
Many have observed how women these days seem to have too much going on between an oversupply of single men, their cell phones in hand, and 350+ Facebook friends.

However, it occurred to me today that this might be a passing fad that could actually work to men's advantage in the coming years.

1) Consider that most hot women have about 300-400 "friends" on Facebook.
2) About 60% of women's FB friends are likely to be men, so they have about 210 guy friends each on average.
3) Most of us only joined Facebook in the past 3 years.
4) So the average girl has acquired about 70 male friends per year since 2008.
5) This likely doubles the number of guys who ask them out in a normal year, if we assume they give their number to a new man about once every 5 days.
6) So in the past 3 years, just about all women have had their egos inflated to about 200% - as twice as many men as normal have been contacting them on average.
7) Now every ex boyfriend, future prospect, or old high school crush contacts them regularly. The women, believing what they want, think it's because they got prettier.

However, women will eventually run out of friends to add - at least at the same pace as the past few years when every person they went to high school with is poking them.

Won't this will cause the opposite effect? Won't women notice when only half as many men as average are contacting them? Won't they become desensitized to all of their ex's who are at their beck and call?

Hopefully this will bring women's inflated egos back to Earth.

Wishful thinking on your part. The problem here is GLOBALIZATION and FREE AGENCY.

1. Globilation: You are now competing against a world of world-class men for the few super-elites who are out there. Unless you are super-elite yourself, free agency works against you in a global environment.

2. Free agnecy. The super-elites do not marry, never leave the market, and suck up all the attention from everyone elase, who is "below" their league. The 9-10s hook up with each other, and effectively leave everyone else wanting. This used to be the case in a very limited singles scene (both timewise and in terms of logistics), but now it is permanent, and global. It doesn't pay for anyone super-desirable to leave the market.

What you say may level off, but once it does, the problems of which you speak will still be there. About the only backlash there will be will come from good men and "nice" women who just GIVE UP rather than endure such a ridiculously hypercompetitive market.

Ray Gordon
Bettor Off Single: Why Commitment Is A Bad Gamble For Men


Jun 6, 2009
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Fvck facebook and basically fvck all social media whoaring.

Best thing I ever did was cancel that facebook account.

Because, you know, I reallly dont give a sh!t what you "like".

...........Actually I am coming in here to edit and add a bit more.
The internet has its uses. I will not deny. Its probably the biggest single change in human media history since Tv, and the first newspapers before that.

But this whole thing of carrying your camera and or phone around, clicking pics and facebooking them to make yourself seem popular - its fvcking sick. Yeah - look, I am the same as the next guy, its nice to be acknowledged and thought well of, but I maintain if you are truthful and not buttfvcking your ego that you will be lucky to have more than five real true friends, and I mean friends that you can go and do and say anything, they have your back and you have theirs - you know, like the sh!t you sometimes see in war movies amongst gyus in a platoon- that kind of bond. For me I have maybe two real friends like that.

So - what I am saying is the whole basis of Facebook is bullsh!t. I haven't seen the movie the "Social network" but I understand that it started as some nerd wanting to help university friends keep a track of each other - and it has morphed into this giant fuvkced up ego monster where "facebooking" each day is as normal as taking your daily sh!t.

Yea so the little facbeook nerd is a billion or zillionaire or whatever - and he's probably fvkcing some racked blonde ***** - but fvck him and his fvcked up media monster he created.

I enjoy that "No" word that rolls of my tongue now when people ask me "are you on facebook". I don't bother explaining why not, and i definitely dont rant like this. Fvck 'em - im not on it and if that makes me not "normal" then well and truly "yippee kai yay" to that then muthfvkcers, I'd rather be different than like every other silly cvnt facebooking their boring fvcked up lives for the world to see.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Facebook was great when it first started, around 2006-2007, back when it was for college students only. It gradually veered into an attention-whoring vehicle once they implemented the news feeds feature (around 2008?) and opened it up to the masses.

Now I see the same girls doing all the attention-whoring. And now I'm seeing more and more guys drop out of Facebook. Maybe Google+ can exploit this niche and tap into this market. I see Facebok morphing into a gay/girl-ghetto for attention-*****s, and Google+ as a platform for those (especially men) who are serious about maintaining contacts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Deleted my facebook not too long ago, and I must say.. my life is a lot less dramatic now. For awhile I thought I was missing out on pvssy opportunities, but now I've come to the realization that all the girls on there are damaged goods anyway. I used to get on FB and it was just completely depressing. Everyone is always complaining, or being attention seeking in some way.

I have Google+ now and I hardly have any friends in my "circle", but I'm hoping it picks up soon and it won't turn to garbage (at least not as quickly as FB did.)

Using FB to pick-up chicks = a joke. Sadly, even my good male friends that I was trying to stay in touch with still thought it was a dating service and it just ruined the whole experience for me. Not to mention that when a girl posts something completely feminist or man-hating the guys actually AGREE with them. Disgusting.

Nowadays, if you don't have my phone number, then you're fvcked.
