Female Dj Slipping?


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Man, I am dealing with a female DJ who is probably somewhat C&F ( she better not be stealing my routine). I haven’t quite figured it out. Here is the story:

Met very HB last week while out clubbing. She spent the night with me for the first time this past weekend.
I haven’t called her back since. I probably would have some time in the future but I have really been busy and usually I just don’t call people much. I prefer face-to-face conversations with most people...even friends.

Anyway, she has really been exposing her game and I don’t know why. I just don't expect this from a female Dj. Why is she slipping so soon? She has told me that she usually lose interest in men before they lose interest in her and every thing.

She is a gorgeous woman who I am sure is getting a lot of fellas running after her. Matter-of-fact, on the night I picked her up, I had to wait for her to turn several slobbery mouth fellas down before I could get a chance to sneak in and do my thang.

Okay, so she spent the night this past weekend and we had lots of fun in and out of bed. Two days went by with out me calling her and I open up my email this morning and here is what she wrote:

Hmmm....this is really weird. You are starting to make me wonder.

Usually what happens when I spend time with someone is they fall madly in love with me and can't stop thinking about me, and can't stop calling me. Did my charismatic charm and wit not lure you into my web of "Weakness"...

Do I need to break out my plan of action on you.......

This is quite out of the ordinary........I can't call it.

Talk to you sooner or later..... and at the rate you have been going it will probably be later, right?

Maybe she is over-confident?

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Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm.. Sounds like she is sort of overreacting. I mean two days? A week, then fine. And also sounds like she has been hurt in the past and a little bitter. Usually, what a women says to a guy at the beginning especially, is not really what they are all about. And gorgeous women can be just as insecure if not more than ugly girls. Just my opinion. I do agree, a bit strange.. I mean I think her email was pretty AFC! I would never have sent that. I would have just waited out for you to call and when you did, might have in turn wait a couple of days before getting back to you. Or not. But sounds like she likes you dude.. I wouldn't respond to her email just yet. Wait and see what kind of arsenal she pulls out. My bet is she will end up calling you and emailing you all sorts of crap.. and want to see you again.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Whats left to say really but, congrats.


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
And also sounds like she has been hurt in the past and a little bitter

I am impressed, Tamales. I didn't think anyone would be able to pick this up from the above post.

I agree with you. I getting the same impression.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Dude, I don't see what the issue is, like trajhenkhet said, congratulation.


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
The only issue here is my curiousity, my friend. Tamales satisfied it. Thank you all for coming. Good night.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa

"And also sounds like she has been hurt in the past and a little bitter"

Really honestly..What girl hasnt been hurt in the past and a little bitter?

why is this such a groundbreaking piece of advice for you?

My take on that email is she is being ****y and trying to be funny with you..

her "plan of action"..I presume means to be distant and cold towards you..to appear as a challenge..so you would call her

The funny thing is..most women once they give up the poonanny..are no longer in control of the situation..so yes she is slipping


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
why is this such a groundbreaking piece of advice for you?

Dear starman,

This is not groundbreaking or advice. It is simply an insight that parallels my own so I know I must be on the right track as far as figuring out the mentality of this woman. At first, It was only a hunch on why she was behaving a certain way but if I can just show this email to someone out of the context of another conversation I have had with this woman and that person gets the same idea that I have then it becomes more apparent that this is someone who indeed has been hurt recently although she tries to cover it up ( recent hurt is a bit different than hurt from way in the past). For someone to get on the same track as me from just reading the above email is impressive and insightful.

I am beginning to believe that this female is still recovering from a wound she is trying to hide. Now I can implement my own plan of action and behave accordingly.

The funny thing is..most women once they give up the poonanny..are no longer in control of the situation..so yes she is slipping

Yes, but a good many of women just want the sex like men and don't give a damn about the control. They will just walk away after they have gotten what they want. ONS.

Thanks, Star.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
I'd say tamales is right, but why would you want to know what her gameplan is.. you have one of your own right? Although if you must know, its best to judge a girl by her actions not words.. because you see women are illogical.


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmmm... I guess all of this is not as elementary as I once thought.

Screw her gameplan. I will break it down simply like this:

If she has been recently hurt in the past, I will not contribute to her wound and I will avoid allowing her to get too attached to me.

If she is just being C&F or arrogant, I will continue on as I always do assuming she is okay to play with the big boys.

Why do I go operate this way? Long story with a bad experience but I am out to have fun and not screw someone up.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2003
Reaction score
Thank You M:) I thought I reposted to you. First, I am far from knowledgable. I mean I am here aren't I. But my previous post... don't know what happened. Was probably too long and got deleted:)) LOL.. Was that it shouldn't be about destroy and conquer. I mean the whole idea is to have fun isnt't is. Not to set about to hurt someone. At least I hope not. And for those DJ's on here who are about that, then I am terribly sorry. You must have really been hurt in the past. Heck we all have as someone on here said.

I say just wait and see and have fun and let her pull her game on you.. I would be curious to see what it is. I just hope you aren't suffering from oneitus. Chances are tho,, she will be calling you..

And while I am all for DJIng there is just so much gaming you can pull with a woman or man. I mean you have to genuinely like eachother and have fun.. I mean if it's ONS you want then whatevver. But if the goal is to be all you can be and capture Miss RIght then treat Miss Right nicely. Not AFC.. THere is a big difference but to explain that would be too long even for me!

You know?

Good luck:) WHen a woman sleeps with you, she's hooked for a bit if it wasn't a ONS and woman who have those frequently are either really lonely or desparate for love or been hurt so bad they are pyscho!

Again, JMO.. I have lots to learn.


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
I just hope you aren't suffering from oneitus.

I suffered from oneitis for four years and almost got married before I decided that I wasn't ready to hang up my guns. Now I am just enjoying the last few years of my youth. I will officially be old in a few years so I have to make these years count. Like you say (and me too), it is all about fun and not just being plain malicious. I guess I am a "nice guy" in the fact that I try to avoid hurting people. Matter-of-fact, my dates often call me "nice" but I tend not to have AFC problems for other reasons........
