Female co-worker keeps c0*kblocking me.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
So I work at a bar and tried to date one of the bartenders back when I was an AFC also had bad case of onitus with her. Shes a solid 9 and the reason I had to learn "the game". Anyways I got "let's just be friends" and it killed me.

Fast forward a year and a half later we did became very good friends, had to we work together. We go out drinking and clubbing (she makes good arm candy :) and hang out together out of work.

My problem is she always c0*kblocks me when I'm running game on a girl and the girl is showing IOI's. I've also been told that she gets jealous when I'm talking to other hot girls. I know for a fact she's not interested in me other then friends so I don't understand why she does it.

I also confronted her about it and told her to cut it out. She totally denies that she does it, and made the c0*ckblocking more discreet.(to the point where ten minutes later I'm like WTF just happened).

Any ideas why she does it and how to get her to stop?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
She's either afraid that if you get a girl she'll lose your friendship and time with her or she is secretly attracted to you and afraid you'll get a girl and she'll lose you.

The solution to the co*kblocking is just stop hanging out with her at places you go to meet chicks.

Hang out with her somewhere else or if you want to see if she wants something with you just gradually cut down the amount of time you spend with her.


Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like you may have to cut her loose. How old is she, by the way? I dated first and then was friends with this girl, everytime we were out and we ran into her friends, she'd pretend like I was her boyfriend... getting all playful and touchy feely. Same thing when we ran into a pretty woman, she'd all of a sudden become my girlfriend. In my case I think she was insecure about being single, and used me as a crutch when it suited her. She ended up being the biggest c**kblock ever in the process.

Tear Gas

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
STOP being friends with her and tell her to **** off...why do you hangout with her in the first place? it just kills you inside that you can't bang her and you're just boosting her ego in the process.

dont be "friends" with a girl that you wanted to ****..its a big AFC thing to do. Try gaming girls when shes not around, and if you stop being "friends" with her, you'll have more time to yourself while she's not there.

how does she ****block you in the first place?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
Some more info:

When we go out to the bars off work we hang out and chill, we both end up splitting up, she finds some guys to buy her stuff and I'll find some girls to have fun with. And we stay out of each others hair unless one of us needs saving.

The problem is when we are working together. She bar tends and I bounce. When I'm flirting with a girl and she's digging me, bartender girl will come up to me with random drama, go stock this, did you check so'n'so's id, or what ever pointless thing, all the while glaring at the girl I was talking to with a look of "he's mine back the f off or I will eat your soul(most of the time it will scare who ever off)"

A lot of people think we are dating just by the way we interact and how she reacts when I'm with another girl. In fact a few weeks ago I brought a girlfriend into the bar when she was working, and the look on bartender girl's face was "I will kill you, you dirty ho".

I tried ganja games and just cutting her from my life for my own good. But failed when i got a little drunk and a lot of stoned and apologised for being a **** to her (and i was being a major **** not being aloof, and she had no idea why), the funny thing is that as soon as I did that the look on her face was of victory.

So as it stands now I have noticed that I'm getting afcy with her. so I deleted my number from her phone and don't talk to her outside of work. My boss told me I have to get over it and be friends because we do work together. If it wasn't for that I would just next her.

All I want now is her to stop c*ckblocking me when I'm gaming on the job. My boss told me one of the reasons I'm one the front door is because of my ways with women.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
if she tries to ****block. I would playfully flirt with the girl in front of her. I would put my arm around her and be like "oh, ****blocker, cmon I've been tryin to get to know this cutie all night, and now just as things are gettin interesting (even if they ain't) your gonna pull me away lol(keep smiling and being playful....she says she might need some protectin, (take your arm off her and then jokingly grab her hand) cmon look at what she workin wit she goregous. ok ok ok, well Pretty duty calls, ya know how that goes, tell ya what Sweets, I gotta know if you are as nice as you are pretty, gimmie your # and maybe we can get to know each other a little better when I'm not on the clock. On the low wink at the ****blocker and go. This should work.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
Even though she has no interest in you she still likes the idea of having a peasant of her own. She feels that opposing female attention may have you gravitate towards them instead of her and her highness really couldn't take a blow to the ego like that. If she doesn't stop you can always walk away and ignore the sh!t out of her from now on. Maybe that'll teach her to stop c0ck blocking. If she doesn't stop then cut the freindship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
NEXT this b1tch, man. Don't put up with her sh1t, even if she's only a "friend." Friends don't f*ck up each other's lives.