Feeling dumb when approaching a girl in the club?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I want to know how you handle this:

If you see a girl standing alone in the club and you decide to go talk to her, what do you do?

Cuz I simply go there and talk to her, and when she looks at me while I'm still walking towards her, I feel too dumb and I just wanna turn arround and go back.
It also gets harder to initiate a conversation.
How do you guys do it?



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
make eye contact...smile and wave...if she returns a smile...go get her...simple


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
You should take advantage of your time sarging in the field. Like my signature says, each approach is a brick in your palace. I try to think of innovative ways of approaching every time. IE. role playing "...sorry for standing you up last night...", indirect, direct, neg, opinion opener, etc.

Last weekend at a club I had two firsts: (1) I told a girl I thought she was attractive, her response was "ya(frown), but what about my friend?" and (2) telling a cute asian HB that I don't give a sh!t what she thinks of me, and that I don't need her for validation. To which her jaw dropped and then she high-5 me. Weird.

Just be creative in your approach and don't forget to have FUN!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
You have to get used to assuming that she likes you. It will put you in the right mindset. Say it was some buddy who was a long time friend what would you do?

You'd walk right up there with a smile and say, "how are you doing?". Right?
Just assume she likes you and go from there.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
If she isn't into to you. Thats not your problem. If you appoarch her and she comes off as rude then don't let her rudeness get to you. See your problem is you put too much on a women. You should just appoarch thinking ( I'm the **** if she dosen't want me she has loss something ). Don't let women get to you. When you appoarch a girl you become a stronger person each time. Each rejected is anothe step to becoming more of a man.

Go to the club and have fun man. Don't go their worried that the cute blonde won't dig you if you appoarch her or that hb8 will give you the cold shoulder.

Make sure to smile :D

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
Chico, Ca, USA
A girl by herself at a club????? I'd say yea right but it does happen....

Here's an easy appoach thay I've used with some success...I usually funk it up because I'm drunk...but when I'm coherent it works like a charm....

here it is....

walk up to her, doesn't matter if she sees you, and say

"what are you doin sittin here all by yourself?"

If she wants to talk to you she'll let you continue with a conversation.
If not she'll just blow you off...how? I can't remember I'm usually drunk when I get blown off...

good luck



Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
That's all I wanted to know.

Thanks for the support.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA

1) Saw her from the 2nd lvl of the club as she circled the parking lot 3 times (she didn't know how to get there)
2) Identified my target: she was on the edge of the dance floor watching some hip hop/break dancers
3) I approached from the rear/side
4) Placed my hand on her shoulder
5) Firmly, but gently turned her around to face me
6) Playfully asked her if she was at the right club and parking lot (I tend to use purely funny, playful situational openers that I thought up on the spot; I'll also make fun of them)
7) She laughed and said something.
8) I pretended not to hear.
9) Motioned her to speak into my ear.
10) Turned my head with every expectation of her to get in closer to me and say something
11) She did so and we talked a little over the loud music
12) Told her I couldn't hear over the music and for her to follow me (not ask, simply told her)
13) Turned around
14) Held out my hand behind me, again with every expectation that she would follow my lead
15) She did and grabbed my hand
16) Walked outside
17) Picked up two chairs and moved them to the side
18) Sat her down
19) Sat down in front of her
20) Positioned her legs in between mine
21) Talked
22) I asked almost NO questions, simply made statements.
23) She flowed with the conversation and responded.
24) Talked some more
25) Touching: hand to hand, hand to thigh, thigh to thigh, etc.
26) Asked rhetorically, "You have a cell phone, right? Let me see it."
27) Held out my hand and she gave me her cellphone.
28) Programmed my number and name in.
29) Rang my phone
30) End approach

The ONLY moment I actually thought about WHAT and HOW to do it was at step number 2 when I saw her again on the dance floor and quickly ascertained the easiest approach logistics and where to take her. After that, everything was on automatic and I had a good time BEING in the moment and flirting with her.