Feel insucure with grad age, although women like me, advice?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Hey all,

Previously I messed up my first year in my last degree which left me depressed and I did nothing for a whole year.

I'm 24 now and currently embarking on a computer science degree and graduating at 27. Moreover, I'm also looking to set up three blogs and a business purely out of love of service, however, I am very ambitious and seeking to net around $35k from these blogs and business all together.

So at 27.5, I could be in a position where I'm earning $58k from these blogs, business and grad job, a very healthy income, healthy enough to purchase a home, which is my intention.

I do have attractive younger women interested in me purely on a physical level and I am well-read and charming, however, I'm unsure if some women may get impatient or even nervous at the sight of me graduating late. I am an attractive male.

I'm very insecure about the past, a lot of people have degree's by 23ish and embark their career at 24. Here's me graduating late and feel I'm not equal to those smartly dressed women who are in their careers or starting their careers.

Women in their early-mid 20s are seeking status, alpha-maleness (due to wanting to commit to long-term relationships).

I AM attractive enough physcially and mentally, however, I feel insecure about my past, although the future could be very bright, however, time will be taken.

What advice can you give me? I am an attractive male (ambitious, good qualities, desire to better my life, aspiration's, smart, passionate, purpose in life, keep myself in shape) however, I'm graduating late.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
What would your advice me to be?

I love well-dressed, clean, well-groomed ladies, most of them are starting their careers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
That's my advice. Come on man.
They don't give a sh!t. Alot of them date losers at that age anywa. And if they do give a sh!t just lie.

What country are you from?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks, I'm from England.

Are you sure about attractive women? A lot of these women have degree's.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Duminy said:
Thanks, I'm from England.

Are you sure about attractive women? A lot of these women have degree's.

You have no idea how attraction works if you think that they age you graduate at and degree status plays any role in getting women interested in you.

Furthermore MOST women aren't LTR material anyways, so don't concern yourself with all that. Sounds like your in a rush to have responsibility.

Lastly once you are in a serious LTR, what the woman cares about outside of how you make her feel, is that you have drive, ambition and are working towards something.



Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Duminy said:
Thanks, I'm from England.

Are you sure about attractive women? A lot of these women have degree's.
Do you live in your mom's basement? Are you grossly overweight? Are you covered in stains?

If the answer is "no", then women don't give a sh!t about your quest for a degree.

You know what going back to college makes you? A person aspiring to advance to the next level of your career.....which makes you EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE REST OF US.

I mean...why even ask about it? Are you gonna change your college plans? Are you gonna force yourself to remain celibate during your schooling?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
stop worrying about the age you get your grad you will get it that is all, i'm thinking in getting a second with 30(well start) and in most cases even if a woman will have a degree she will be a airhead who you will wonder how she could finish high school even more a college.

and your problem is not money or education, hell how many guys who never work can get woman? simple they are not isecure and don't doubt of thenselfs(or are too dumb to question it :p ) thing is stop caring and go talk with then and in worse case going to college can make you score more girls there then out


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
You are worrying about nothing.

Yes, a lot of women are all high and mighty with their degrees, and maybe some got their degrees earlier than you. So what?

You are improving yourself and moving forward. Any female who doesn't respect that is the real loser.


Don Juan
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Nothing to worry about mate.

You should also take the "status" stuff you read with a pinch of salt too. English women aren't as obsessed with status nearly as much as the US girls appear to be, based on some of the posts on here.

Girls don't really ask me what I do, they certainly don't ask about my education.


Duminy said:
Hey all,

Previously I messed up my first year in my last degree which left me depressed and I did nothing for a whole year.

I'm 24 now and currently embarking on a computer science degree and graduating at 27. Moreover, I'm also looking to set up three blogs and a business purely out of love of service, however, I am very ambitious and seeking to net around $35k from these blogs and business all together.

So at 27.5, I could be in a position where I'm earning $58k from these blogs, business and grad job, a very healthy income, healthy enough to purchase a home, which is my intention.

I do have attractive younger women interested in me purely on a physical level and I am well-read and charming, however, I'm unsure if some women may get impatient or even nervous at the sight of me graduating late. I am an attractive male.

I'm very insecure about the past, a lot of people have degree's by 23ish and embark their career at 24. Here's me graduating late and feel I'm not equal to those smartly dressed women who are in their careers or starting their careers.

Women in their early-mid 20s are seeking status, alpha-maleness (due to wanting to commit to long-term relationships).

I AM attractive enough physcially and mentally, however, I feel insecure about my past, although the future could be very bright, however, time will be taken.

What advice can you give me? I am an attractive male (ambitious, good qualities, desire to better my life, aspiration's, smart, passionate, purpose in life, keep myself in shape) however, I'm graduating late.
I notice you keep reinforcing your attractiveness - and in bold no less. From what we are reading, you are not as attractive as you think mentally. Most of what you wrote sounds like a typical male dating profile. Stop seeking attention/approval.

Your dating pool should be 18-24, when status is nearly irrelevant. If you are as attractive as you say you are, you should have no problem with girls. They just care about having fun and out partying. It seems like you want to get into a relationship with the worst age group to do so. As someone who was in an LTR 19-24, I missed out on a lot of sh!t. Don't be gay, you're okay.


Social_Leper said:
Status is never irrelevant. In fact it is almost always the most important factor in attraction. It just operates in a different context for girls in that age bracket.
Girls, 18-24, are simply all about showing their Trophy Catch to their gurlfrenz.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Um, women in their early to mid 20s are out having fun and not really judging a guy based on his status. They seem more looks driven the same way young men are. Thats been my experience.

When I was in college, and the couple years after, girls didnt seem to mind me having crappy or not so good jobs. They understood the college grind and how a young person has to work their way up.

In other words, calm down and get real OP.

Women like potential and ambition as well. In your 20s, being in grad school will be a major plus to many chicks. It shows youve already taken one step in your education and career, and that youre still pushing forward. So girls will overlook you not having a great job, because youre trying to make moves to get to that good job.

Think of it this way...you wouldnt fault a 25 yr old woman for working a crap job to get herself through law school would you? What about some girl who has the same job, but has no ambition and has never been to college? You'd be cautious about her wouldnt you? I know Id be. Im not into bummy women as they cant take care of themselves, and Im not doing it for them.

To sum it up, ambition is the gateway to status, and people respect drive and ambition.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
bro im 26 and barely starting college this year lol. i dont feel insecure about it.. well to be honest i do. ussually woman around my age already have there carreers etc. so sometimes when i meet a girl i am always aware that she might ask me wat i do. and that always throws off my game and my confidence but thats because im caring to much in waatt she would think of me etc. dont let that affect you bro.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
You're making too much of this whole 'degree' thing. The only people who really care about whether you have a degree or not are the ones who don't have it yet.

I'm in a position where I occasionally need to hire people who would have degrees in hand. I can tell you right now, that in the big, wide world, having a degree is not the be-all end-all. There are exceptions of course, like medicine, law, veterinary science, etc.

All other things being equal, intelligence and enthusiasm to do the best you can will impress the decent women. Degree and job status will impress the gold-diggers.

Which do you want?


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Cremasta said:
You're making too much of this whole 'degree' thing. The only people who really care about whether you have a degree or not are the ones who don't have it yet.

I'm in a position where I occasionally need to hire people who would have degrees in hand. I can tell you right now, that in the big, wide world, having a degree is not the be-all end-all. There are exceptions of course, like medicine, law, veterinary science, etc.

All other things being equal, intelligence and enthusiasm to do the best you can will impress the decent women. Degree and job status will impress the gold-diggers.

Which do you want?
impress just the gold diggers? nah i disagree man. they will be impress in a diferent way compared to another woman that might be interested differently in you..


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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Girls said:
Status makes a difference in college. Maybe not in elementary school but everything beyond that, it does. You think Mark Zuckerbergs wife was into his charming good looks back in college, nope. His status was what made him the trophy to show off to her friends. Girls used to talk to me in college because they knew my dad owned a club. girls used to talk to me because i drove a nice car. Status is relevant and it can be conveyed through material objects or just word of mouth. Looks are also something that can raise your status if you have many people talking about your attractiveness.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, excellent responses so far. Thank you very much.

I'm just thinking, can running (setting up) 2 blogs and a business raise my status now? By 26, I could be earning a healthy $28k which is not bad for a 26 year old in this economy. Women do think I'm nice looking too.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Duminy said:
Hey guys, excellent responses so far. Thank you very much.

I'm just thinking, can running (setting up) 3 blogs and a business raise my status now? By 26, I could be earning a healthy $28k which is not bad for a 26 year old in this economy. Women do think I'm nice looking too.

I think you're underestimating the work ahead of you. It's already hard enough maintaining 1 blog for majority of people but you want to run 3?

It's hard enough running 1 business for most people but you want to run a business and 3 blogs at the same time?

Will your blogs have new and original content daily, if not, atleast weekly? Will you respond to comments on all the blogs, post new content, run your business, and handle your customers in a timely and efficient manner? On top of all that, can you handle your school work and pay attention in class to learn the material?

Assuming every single ounce of your time will be devoted to school, blogs, and work, when do you actually think you'll have time to hang out with girls?

Blogs draw in attention because people devote alot of time and effort into the content they put in.



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
Status makes a difference in college. Maybe not in elementary school but everything beyond that, it does. You think Mark Zuckerbergs wife was into his charming good looks back in college, nope. His status was what made him the trophy to show off to her friends. Girls used to talk to me in college because they knew my dad owned a club. girls used to talk to me because i drove a nice car. Status is relevant and it can be conveyed through material objects or just word of mouth. Looks are also something that can raise your status if you have many people talking about your attractiveness.
Dude, I saw good looking hippy guys with no status, and no money pulling sexy girls back in college.

Status is overrated in our teens and 20s bro. As long as youre at least working or in school, any decent looking guy will be able to get dates. Status matters to materialistic gold diggers, but all women do not fall into that category.

Sleep with the users, then find yourself a good woman.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
I think you're underestimating the work ahead of you. It's already hard enough maintaining 1 blog for majority of people but you want to run 3?

It's hard enough running 1 business for most people but you want to run a business and 3 blogs at the same time?

Will your blogs have new and original content daily, if not, atleast weekly? Will you respond to comments on all the blogs, post new content, run your business, and handle your customers in a timely and efficient manner? On top of all that, can you handle your school work and pay attention in class to learn the material?

Assuming every single ounce of your time will be devoted to school, blogs, and work, when do you actually think you'll have time to hang out with girls?

Blogs draw in attention because people devote alot of time and effort into the content they put in.

Thanks for the response AAA.

I did underestimate the work that needed and I will focus on my degree and run 2 blogs.

However, from your knowledge and experience, assuming the blogs are a success, will those blogs help me raise my status?

In my opinion, having anything that supplies regular income like a business, blog etc is high value.

At the end of the day, I only want a good women and that is what I'm going for, hence I feel a good women will look for certain status since they too want a good man in return.