Fed up with Life

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
Has anyone else ever felt like this?
My Life has just been one bad luck story, one setback after another followed by repeated failure and tragedy, I wouldnt mind but I have played no part in my own unhappiness, at least If I did I would have some comfort from it.
Im a nice guy with a great personality, yet people stab me in the back and **** on me at every opportunity, funnily enough these same people have a much happier life and get more opportunites than I do.
Every morning I wake up and wonder why Ive been put on this planet to live such a cruel life, Ive lost all interest in my hobbies now and dont see the point in working hard, Ive been put into a job im unhappy with(and the same employers are blocking my opportunities of moving to a better department) and outside of work Im fed up and at my limit with life altogether.
Ive had counselling, tried medication but It hasnt cured the life around me, Im fed up and finally mentally exhausted with the **** thats been dumped on me.
Im just tired with it all, any tips on things to boost my mood?


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
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Maybe stop being so nice?

Dont go being an all out ******* like some people who get this kind of advice here do... youll just make a fool out of yourself.. just stand up for urself.. if your co workers are blocking you.. **** them back.. stand up for yourself man..


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
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slaog said:
You have played a part in your own unhappiness. The more you think about bad luck the more you'll attract it. You can start by being more positive and saying positive things/affirmations to yourself.
Or he could actually try to achieve positive things that he can later on be more positive about? Cause he doesnt seem to have much reasons to be positive about himself..


Feb 18, 2008
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when i am depressed i bang a fat chick. always works for me. hell, when i am not depressed i bang fat chicks. so goes the life of a dj who lives in a large college town.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Chase12 said:
Or he could actually try to achieve positive things that he can later on be more positive about? Cause he doesnt seem to have much reasons to be positive about himself..
The question is though does he see those things in a positive way? He must learn to see things in a positive way and then any achievement will have a good effect on him.

Its just a matter of listening to what your thinking/saying to yourself. Its a good habit to get into.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Im a nice guy with a great personality, yet people stab me in the back and **** on me at every opportunity, funnily enough these same people have a much happier life and get more opportunites than I do."

Think about the personalities of these people for a second.

How would you describe these people who you interact with but then they backstab you?

Are they nice people, people perceived by many as being cool, arrogant and ****y, shady and dangerous kind of people, random aquaintances you meet and establish a friendship with who later stab you in the back, what type of people are the ones you meet personality wise?

No I'm not suggesting they are personality disordered heh heh but what I am wondering is if you are attracted or drawn to a certain type of personality to make as your friend and you think such people are what society deems as nice people but in reality they aren't?

Also are there people that have been happy and cheerful or some other kind of temperament that have exhibited the desire to be your friend but something about them just made you think they weren't the right person to be a friend to you so you kind of made no effort back at friendship with them??


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Every morning I wake up and wonder why Ive been put on this planet to live such a cruel life

So you must have lost your legs from an ied in Iraq, or been horribly burned in a fire and now look like a walking monster, right? That's awful, man, I know there are a lot of guys walking around like that, and I really feel for you.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
I know what you're talking about. Crap happens so much you wonder if that's all your life is worth. The thing is that no amount of couseling or drugs can change what's happened. The thing that's wrong is your mindset. Bad things happen to everyone, but you've got to learn to do two things. The first is to let things slide that you can't control. The other thing is that you'll have to learn is that when stuff gets bad, you've got to get mean. Develop the attitude that nothing in life is going to take you under and you'll start feeling better about yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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I find that this happens to my life quite often too. shyt does happen. No one is immune to the problems of society. "It is not about how hard life hits, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward" --sylvester stallone.

You're not alone in this crazy world. There are no friends and there are no enemies. You and you alone must deal with the cruel reality of life. Live life the best possible way or you be doomed by life's sick little jokes. Nothing in this world matters man. Nothing.

From the day you are born to the day you die, you are alone and you are nothing. You came to this world with nothing and you will leave it with nothing. Don't put too much stress on yourself and just live in the moment. I'm not a hypocrite. I'm writing to you now in my own inner voice in hope of helping myself out of the same shythole... This is really helping me see things a lot clearer.

Listen, every goes through life the same way. When you think you can go on cruise control, life throws you a bump in the head and help you sidetrack for a little bit. It is what molds you into a stronger person and with the proper wisdom to move forward. And when you have gathered enough of those bumps, you have gathered enough knowledge to pass on to your kids so they don't repeat the same mistake. This is life. Everything that we have is an illusion. Deal with it today, or die tomorrow still going in circles.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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There are times when anger is a beneficial emotion...

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
aldaris said:
when i am depressed i bang a fat chick. always works for me. hell, when i am not depressed i bang fat chicks. so goes the life of a dj who lives in a large college town.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The Damned said:
Has anyone else ever felt like this?
My Life has just been one bad luck story, one setback after another followed by repeated failure and tragedy, I wouldnt mind but I have played no part in my own unhappiness, at least If I did I would have some comfort from it.
Im a nice guy with a great personality, yet people stab me in the back and **** on me at every opportunity, funnily enough these same people have a much happier life and get more opportunites than I do.
Every morning I wake up and wonder why Ive been put on this planet to live such a cruel life, Ive lost all interest in my hobbies now and dont see the point in working hard, Ive been put into a job im unhappy with(and the same employers are blocking my opportunities of moving to a better department) and outside of work Im fed up and at my limit with life altogether.
Ive had counselling, tried medication but It hasnt cured the life around me, Im fed up and finally mentally exhausted with the **** thats been dumped on me.
Im just tired with it all, any tips on things to boost my mood?

Skipped ahead but....You can't take sh*t from people. So do they really think they see you for who you are? Who has said they believe you have a good personality...I am not trying to down you or anything. Plus you may have poor conversational skills. How well do you speak?

Dude, I used to be just like you.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
aldaris said:
when i am depressed i bang a fat chick.
I watch reruns of Night Court!
I can't wait to get a major record deal! The endless babes, and no more going to my hand! When I feel bad luck coming along, I avoid women altogether. I can future sight a lot of situations with women, so I get saved from embarrassing myself by asking a girl out. Sometimes I avoid bad luck but I can't make anything good happen with women and I get teased at work all the time because I'm the only person there (at a restauraunt) who neither has kids or is in a serious relationship.

Also, I stopped being a pacifist and people who come at me wrong get laid out!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
the purpose of life is to live life with a purpose.
find one!

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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If you give off any signs of weakness or submissiveness, people will crap all over you. It's human nature. No one does it intentionally. They just take what they want, when someone allows them the opportunity, with no real sense that they did anything wrong.

You welcome this behaviour for some reason or another.

Let me ask you this.

Have you ever watched yourself on video for an extended period of time? Sat down and watched footage of you at a party, interacting with other people while you're just acting normal? If you haven't, you should. Something tells me you might be surprised to see how you behave in public. You'll also get a sense of where you stand in the social hierarchy of your so called "friends".

Thoughts become things and you have settled for the "Okie Doke", and never once in your life ever fought for your rights, on any level, I think. This is a green light for those around you to invade your space and take what they want, and treat you how they want.

Snap out of it.... find a source of inspiration and a source of strength. Find an idol, an icon, whatever it is and work to adopt his philosophies.

Find a new hobby. Something that gets you pumped to pursue.

I think it's time for a lifestyle audit on yourself and time to clean house with some old, detrimental habits that are dragging you down into despair.