fear of getting rejected
fear of getting humiliated
fear of embarrassment in front of her, her friends, your friends, and people around you/
fear of getting emotionally hurt
fear of getting physically hurt
these will stop the strongest kid from approaching the girl of his dream and having an amazing experience with her
down to business, FEAR is a state of mind where you are using your thoughts, and mental picutres projecting yourself into the future, creating a scenario which has not happened yet, a negative terryfying scenario which causes anxiety and paralysis. is a state of resistance of life, of struggle, of non acceptance of waht might possibly happen in the future. is a state of discontent with life, where you do not accept the now or the future, you fear of what will happen, what life will throw at you, you feel it would be catastrophic to experience that, you think think think think think think in a negative way which creates feelings of anxiety and depression.
so fear is a state of resistance and struggle to a possible scenario in the future which you are creatin with your thoughts, which is NOT REAL, and you are making a reality by choice.
question class:
what could you possibly have to fear if you knew you could handle anything that life trew at you, that you could accept and flow with WHATEVER LIFE trew at you at any moment??????
answer: NOTHING!!
approaching women involves risk, yes, there is risk of getting rejected, of feeling hurt, and who knows you might bump into a psycho one who might start yelling at you or slap you lol. IDK.
after practicing zen meditation for 6 months, I have gotten to the point where I have shut my mind off, and I dont give any thought to anything but what I'm doing in the present moment. I dont give thought to the idea of fear, and I don't project myself into the future to what might "go wrong". I just flow with life and I go out there and flow with whatever happens.
I have come to a realization that I will just ACCEPT totally whatever situation comes to me, and I will surrender completely in acceptance of that situation with 0 resistance.
so I flow with life, I dance with life, I enjoy whatever happens to me. I live on the now as much as I can, If I start thinking about "possible rejection" then I'm not centered in the now and my mind is taking control and I'm not flowing with life, I am resisting life at that moment, and what you resist gets worse!!!!
so I dont resist anything, I accept everything, and I surrender to life.
so if I approach a girl I like, as I walk to her, my mind is blank, I am in the moment, not thinking at all, just living, just flowing with the moment, and ready to take whatever life trows at me, and use it to my personal growth.
I have made a decision that life is too short, 50 years from now we are all probably gonna be gone (nuclear war, natural disaster, disease, who knows) nobody survives life in the long run, eventually we are all going to die. you know this right?
well, i have made the decision that if taking control of my personal life in a positive direction (which is getting life with women handled) involves getting emotionally or physically hurt, well so be it. I take responsibility for it if it happens. I am not affraid of it anymore, I came to the realization with myself to the consensus that I will no more resist anything that life trows at me. if a girl rejects me in the meanest rudest possible way, I will flow with it, I WILL NOT GIVE IT ANY THOUGHT, i will just live it, presence it and learn from it and keep moving into the direction of my dreams.
hope this makes sense.
so as I approach the girl I like, I am not thinking at all, I move, I feel alive, present, just walking I see her, I approach, no thought in my mind, I say whatever I want and just stay there looking at her, waiting for her to react and say something so that I can flow with it in either direction, and I keep flowing with whatever she trows at me... negative or positive
totally detached, totaly in control, this is a state of mind where you can use techniques and game and have it work more efficiently because you are in control of your own inner state of mind.
at this state of mind, you have zero fear or anxiety, AND IF you feel it, you give it no thought!!!, you are present and centered, you accept life, you dance with life, you do not resist the possibility of getting rejected or hurt, you welcome it if it happens, you dont struggle with life, you dance with life!!!!..
you become like air, nothing can get to you, no insult, no negative remark, if goes right through you as you pay no mind or thought to it, you just presence it and keep going.... this has been the ONLY way how to get rid of fear forever, and I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING
from affirmations, to vizualizations, to writing down goals, to praying lol, to acting as if I was fearless. none of this really worked as much as comming to terms with myself that I am one with life, that i will accept and surrender to life, meaning I will not resist rejection of anytype.
I still feel anxiety at times, but I give no thought to it, i dont analyze my fear my anxiety, I dont, I just presence it like the silent watcher and guardian of my own inner self, I just presence my anxiety without analyzing it so it doesnt get to me at all, I maintain a psychological space between my inner peace , and my thoughts and emotions, and the environment, so I dont let my thoughts, emotions or anything outside in the environment to get to the core of who I am.
I am the silent observer and guardian of my inner mental state, the observer, just present as it happens, and ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN WITH 0 RESISTANCE!!!!!!, i welcome my emotions, it's who I am, I do not resist my anxiety, I welcome it, if you resist it, it grows, if you welcome it, and flow with it, it turns into power and excitment.
these are hard concepts to grasp, if anyone has difficulty with it I can further explain, but they will change your lives forever if you understand it at a deep level of being, it cannot be understood intellectually
hell you learn that you will not resist the idea of death, disease, or physical hurt if it were to happen, if it ever happens to you, well nothing you can do about it, it happened, so you might as well have a state of non resistance of surrender and flow with life... true peace of mind!!!!
fear of getting humiliated
fear of embarrassment in front of her, her friends, your friends, and people around you/
fear of getting emotionally hurt
fear of getting physically hurt
these will stop the strongest kid from approaching the girl of his dream and having an amazing experience with her
down to business, FEAR is a state of mind where you are using your thoughts, and mental picutres projecting yourself into the future, creating a scenario which has not happened yet, a negative terryfying scenario which causes anxiety and paralysis. is a state of resistance of life, of struggle, of non acceptance of waht might possibly happen in the future. is a state of discontent with life, where you do not accept the now or the future, you fear of what will happen, what life will throw at you, you feel it would be catastrophic to experience that, you think think think think think think in a negative way which creates feelings of anxiety and depression.
so fear is a state of resistance and struggle to a possible scenario in the future which you are creatin with your thoughts, which is NOT REAL, and you are making a reality by choice.
question class:
what could you possibly have to fear if you knew you could handle anything that life trew at you, that you could accept and flow with WHATEVER LIFE trew at you at any moment??????
answer: NOTHING!!
approaching women involves risk, yes, there is risk of getting rejected, of feeling hurt, and who knows you might bump into a psycho one who might start yelling at you or slap you lol. IDK.
after practicing zen meditation for 6 months, I have gotten to the point where I have shut my mind off, and I dont give any thought to anything but what I'm doing in the present moment. I dont give thought to the idea of fear, and I don't project myself into the future to what might "go wrong". I just flow with life and I go out there and flow with whatever happens.
I have come to a realization that I will just ACCEPT totally whatever situation comes to me, and I will surrender completely in acceptance of that situation with 0 resistance.
so I flow with life, I dance with life, I enjoy whatever happens to me. I live on the now as much as I can, If I start thinking about "possible rejection" then I'm not centered in the now and my mind is taking control and I'm not flowing with life, I am resisting life at that moment, and what you resist gets worse!!!!
so I dont resist anything, I accept everything, and I surrender to life.
so if I approach a girl I like, as I walk to her, my mind is blank, I am in the moment, not thinking at all, just living, just flowing with the moment, and ready to take whatever life trows at me, and use it to my personal growth.
I have made a decision that life is too short, 50 years from now we are all probably gonna be gone (nuclear war, natural disaster, disease, who knows) nobody survives life in the long run, eventually we are all going to die. you know this right?
well, i have made the decision that if taking control of my personal life in a positive direction (which is getting life with women handled) involves getting emotionally or physically hurt, well so be it. I take responsibility for it if it happens. I am not affraid of it anymore, I came to the realization with myself to the consensus that I will no more resist anything that life trows at me. if a girl rejects me in the meanest rudest possible way, I will flow with it, I WILL NOT GIVE IT ANY THOUGHT, i will just live it, presence it and learn from it and keep moving into the direction of my dreams.
hope this makes sense.
so as I approach the girl I like, I am not thinking at all, I move, I feel alive, present, just walking I see her, I approach, no thought in my mind, I say whatever I want and just stay there looking at her, waiting for her to react and say something so that I can flow with it in either direction, and I keep flowing with whatever she trows at me... negative or positive
totally detached, totaly in control, this is a state of mind where you can use techniques and game and have it work more efficiently because you are in control of your own inner state of mind.
at this state of mind, you have zero fear or anxiety, AND IF you feel it, you give it no thought!!!, you are present and centered, you accept life, you dance with life, you do not resist the possibility of getting rejected or hurt, you welcome it if it happens, you dont struggle with life, you dance with life!!!!..
you become like air, nothing can get to you, no insult, no negative remark, if goes right through you as you pay no mind or thought to it, you just presence it and keep going.... this has been the ONLY way how to get rid of fear forever, and I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING
from affirmations, to vizualizations, to writing down goals, to praying lol, to acting as if I was fearless. none of this really worked as much as comming to terms with myself that I am one with life, that i will accept and surrender to life, meaning I will not resist rejection of anytype.
I still feel anxiety at times, but I give no thought to it, i dont analyze my fear my anxiety, I dont, I just presence it like the silent watcher and guardian of my own inner self, I just presence my anxiety without analyzing it so it doesnt get to me at all, I maintain a psychological space between my inner peace , and my thoughts and emotions, and the environment, so I dont let my thoughts, emotions or anything outside in the environment to get to the core of who I am.
I am the silent observer and guardian of my inner mental state, the observer, just present as it happens, and ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN WITH 0 RESISTANCE!!!!!!, i welcome my emotions, it's who I am, I do not resist my anxiety, I welcome it, if you resist it, it grows, if you welcome it, and flow with it, it turns into power and excitment.
these are hard concepts to grasp, if anyone has difficulty with it I can further explain, but they will change your lives forever if you understand it at a deep level of being, it cannot be understood intellectually
hell you learn that you will not resist the idea of death, disease, or physical hurt if it were to happen, if it ever happens to you, well nothing you can do about it, it happened, so you might as well have a state of non resistance of surrender and flow with life... true peace of mind!!!!