Fear >>>>> Courage >>>>> Confidence
Fear >>>>> Courage >>>>> Confidence----------------------
There are those who seek to eliminate fear. The elimination of fear is purely an AFC mental mistake. That's precisely WHY their situation developed. It was their desire to neatly and cleanly eradicate ALL fear from their life that created their lack of life. Think of it like the whiney, puny dork who shys away from bullies in the school halls, or the dork who shys away from "the cool kids" because he's afraid. There's alot of things going on here...
*This kid is manifesting his fears to an even GREATER degree because he feeds them by avoiding them. His focus is 100% on those fears, rather than on the courage to overcome them.
*He empowers those people and lets them know they have power by avoiding them, rather than facing them heads up. Violence and criminals exist on the premise that people will inevitably back down under extreme pressure. The same tactic is used in poker, when someone moves "ALL IN" to test the mettle of your hand.
*He loses out on not gaining confidence or courage because he shys away from the tests of life that would harden him against even his greatest of fears.
What builds courage and then confidence and a solid self-image are failures and successes. It's not the AVOIDANCE of it. And you can't become perfect WITHOUT knowing where your flaws are. Most kids these days will make great corporate warriors because they never failed, never found themselves in money trouble younger, never lost, always got trophies, and never had to fight on the streets. I'm not suggesting violence, but I am suggesting "character building activities." All the self help books in the world will give you the ATTITUDE to conquer whatever it is you want, but they won't give you the experience NECESSARY to make this attitude a PERMANENT part of you and your new self-image.
Find anything you're afraid of. Maybe you have alot of preconceived notions, or you're just "uncomfortable" with certain things, like going the gym because it disrupts your schedule. Whatever it is, this discomfort or fear holds you back, and in most cases, also holds the key to what it is you desire. However, being slaves to our emotions, rather than the other way around, we identify the negative feeling NOW, as the reality LATER.
Fear precedes courage, and courage WOULD NOT EXIST in the absence of fear. If not for FEAR, would we need courage? If we all took pills to not be afraid, what would we need courage for? Things would be normal, natural, day-to-day events. We'd be a race of mythological characters that did great things because we were programmed to. Yet, they wouldn't be great, BECAUSE EVERYONE does them. Courage exists because fear exists, and heroes exist because villains exist. You can't have one without the other.
And once you've done enough 'courageous' activities, you begin to develop confidence and self-esteem. NOW you're self image is solid. You feel effective at all you do. You can conquer anything, not because you've done it before, but you know once you've set your mind to it, you'll figure it out and succeed. Alot of times we try to slap on all these great things that are the EXTERNAL results of courage and confidence, rather than realize the only things of value are the INTERNAL mechanisms we put in place.
Sure you can lather up a nice body at the beach, but that really won't inspire you. And maybe you walk into loads of money, or someone gives it to you, but are you effective at managing that money or making it all on your own? Probably not.
We say the simplest things are the foundations of greater achievements, and this is one those concepts that's simple in theory, but difficult to put in practice. And also why some advocate approaching 100 women, regardless of their individual outcomes, because overtime, you're immune. You realize IT ISN"T A BIG DEAL. You've passed through the gauntlet, survived and tested your mettle. But each of these attributes is forged through the fires of life, not read in books, or learned from someone, but built through personal, emotional experiences.
1. Identify what you want.
2. Be open and positive about getting it in its due time.
3. Strive to work toward it each day, mentally and physically, whatever it is.
Today, the big idea you might desire, be it a hot woman, riches, fame, a new body, athletics might seem small, but a year IS a long time. MUCH can be accomplished in that time frame. And much time can be lost and wasted.
Fear might be great, but you can balance it with equally great courage, that will yield dramatic gains in self confidence and self esteem. All the wonderful self help ideas and affirmations are wonderful, but they don't get you closer to what it is you want. Moreover, you can say you're a wonderful being, and still be completely horrible as a person. Just because you delude yourself into thinking it, doesn't make it reality. DOING is BEING. A thing of existence has purpose when it is used/acts. Many are humans beings, few are humans doing.