Faking confidence doesn't work


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Do you recall the time you were in your room and said to yourself "Ok, sh!t, I am going to fake it till make it" and you walk out, see some girls, and act confident, try to feel that confidence, but then one moment you realize that you're acting just the way that you always did; nervous, insecurish, un-confident.

I am tired of trying to figure this out honestly. I've been trying to find out whats and hows to become truly confident (although I only know the superficial meaning of confidence), but I find myself regressed back into the same old me again... It's like the phrase "if you get it, you get it. If you don't you don't."

Can someone preach here how to become self-confident and achieve high self-esteem? I feel a little funny in the head around hot girls and it is dam frustrating not being able to have the "being" of some natural players. But forget girls now, it's about us. I only wish that I will achieve this utter confidence and know what it tastes like before I die.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
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Confidence is gained through experience. Put a guy in an unfamiliar situation, and his confidence shutters.

A Don Juan and an AFC Surgeon walk into a room full of beautiful women. Don Juan is confident talking to them, AFC Surgeon is not. AFC Surgeon keeps messing up both of their chances. Then Don Juan spots a gorgeously stunning girl. Not wanting his chances ruined, he splits up from the AFC Surgeon. Now they are at different parts of the room. Don Juan approaches the drop-dead gorgeous girl, but suddenly while he starts to talk to her, this gorgeous stunning girl collapses, having a heart stroke. Don Juan loses all his confidence not knowing what to do. He cries out for help. The AFC Surgeon arrives, confidently determines what's going on, and provides first aid help to the beautiful woman. She is overwhelmed by how confident and decisive the AFC Surgeon acted, she offers him a ride to her place. The AFC Surgeon is at a loss for words, he's been thanked before, but never offered a ride to a girl's place. And such a gorgeous, stunning girl at that! He blubbers something, his confidence totally shuttered, not knowing how to respond or act.
Subject yourself to new experiences. Gain confidence by putting yourself constantly in these situations. When you've done something enough times, when you've learned to handle the goods and the bads, then it will become second nature to you, and you'll have a natural confident aura around you.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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The problem you have is you seem to think that you can figure it out by thinking about it, by getting some amazing insight or some realization from someone else or through sheer willpower and then viola you get it. You now have the all important confidence you lacked and you can get girls left and right. If it was something you could get by thinking about it a lot of nerds would be getting laid cause they spend a disproportionate amount of mental effort thinking of getting girls compared to actually attempting to get girls. i don't know how much effort you've put in but you probably need alot more effort than others and when a guy gives you advice it will take X amount of time, he's giving you based on his ability to reach a reasonable proficiency level.

I could tell you it took me a few weeks of struggling while doing a certain system like David De Angelo's and its true to get it, but I was a social person with other attributes which made it easier for me to get it faster. The only way to become confident is through going out and making friends (male and female) and becoming a social being, become a C&F person, become whatever it is you think will bring you success by continually thinking and acting in line with whatever you choose. If your confident you'll still feel nervous sadly, but you'll still make the approach and whether it goes well or not you realize there's another girl in close proximity whose attractive and could like you, and if none of the girls in an entire mall like you there's still millions more. Hey, your friends like you and love hanging out with you, you have girls who fall for you and people think highly of you or whatever. You have a wealth of positive references that act as a foundation so that even when you fail and there's no one on your side you know you have the ability to make more friends, meet more girls, build a new life easily cause you've done it before. You might not have those things now but if you think a certain way (negatively) and feed yourself positive affirmations it'll never work.

If you make an effort everyday to think positively and back it up with positive action, start with small things and move up to bigger tasks not necessarily starting with your weakness girls. That mentality will affect the way you view things over time if you persist. The little things add up to the bigger picture, I don't know why you think you can feed yourself some bull affirmations and suddenly they work when you've been thinking a different way your whole life. That kind of programming can't be defeated overnight. Women ain't going anywhere if you take the time to work on your mentality, posture, building friendships, breaking bad habits, working out, better clothes, just aiming to be someone who enjoys life and has a solid foundation it'll help in more ways than you can imagine.

Start speaking in front of a mirror and watching how you speak, if you have a presentation try and defeat your fear of speaking in front of others, speak up when your in a crowd. I've personally done most of these and I'm glad I never ask questions about how to become confident or faking confidence. It's like asking how to fake being a doctor when you don't have the qualifications, you don't have the foundation of experience. It's not an accurate example but you get the idea cause some people naturally get it RIGHT? Not really! Those naturals practice through exposure to women in some form and gained an understanding of them and even if they fail, they get success and success is a great stimuli to keep doing the things that work while someone who never tried or who expects a couple months work to help when they were never social. They get discouraged when they see others who started way before them getting success and the negative cycle doesn't add to their success, it keeps them desperate and bitter at their lack of success, a recipe for... well, failure.

You get my point. Don't just attempt to get women, work on yourself mentally, spiritually and explore EVERY avenue. If you get discouraged a positive mentality will work wonders compared to a defeatist attitude. Whining you'll never get it. When I get rejected I'm damn glad I made the approach than sit there wondering what if. You ever tried playing a game like pool while being scared your gonna lose, you know what happens? You lose! When you think you can't lose, you usually win and even if you lose you'll win the next one.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
You have to take women off of a pedestal. Instead when you see a hot girl, think, no... know that she already wants you. Then when you talk to her, make her qualify herself to you instead of the other way around. That "funny" feeling you get in the head when you talk to a girl is just you being nervous because you don't know how to impress her, or you feel like you always have to keep her in a good mood to be on her good side.

Girls pick up on that neurolinguistic shyt like pro's so, say if you kino a girl, and she gives you that, "What the hell are you doing, are you out of your mind?" Look, just simply don't react to it. Girls are waiting for you to react to them so they can know what kind of man you are. If you get nervous, she'll see it in your body language, facial twitches, and your eye contact percentage, etc. So if you start thinking, "Oh sheeit, she doesn't like this" she'll pick up on that and you'll be less attractive. On the other hand, if you keep your cool, calm demeanor, then she'll think "He's really comfortable doing this, why am i uncomfortable?" then she'll start overanalyzing the situation and most likely decide that, "I'm nervous around this guy" and what does that correlate to? "I'm nervous around hot guys/guys that i'm interested in or desperate to impress." Then, ultimately, what does that make you..? See where i'm going with this?
Learning all the shyt they teach on here is pretty much what people who are comfortable with themselves do naturally. So instead of faking it, just become more comfortable being yourself and you'll naturally do all the "cool" things like better posture, richer voice, smiling, eye contact, etc.

I suggest you watch the blueprint decoded by tyler durden, he preaches some stuff about inner game and i think that's exactly what you're lacking.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Honestly, the only thing you can do is fake it.

And the only mindset you can have is that faking it and failing is better than being quiet and failing. That's the ONLY mindset to have. You have to start HATING not trying. Get on yourself when you fail to try not when you try and fail. I could quote another hundred cliches but you know there's no quick fix. It takes work and ALOT of failure before you find a groove that you can work in.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Fake it till you make it maybe doesnt work in the literal sense like you describe. Yes, you will still probably regress back to 'oh **** im faking, im so nervous'.

However to make it, you need to subject yourself to humiliation. You need to be bold and go for it completely. Not just a half hearted rejection, but like a bold confident kid trying to fight a much bigger kid in the playground. He is still nervous and scared, but he has heart and he gets respect. He will grow up and learn how to fight after he loses a few times.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
You guys have very good points, but for example, I have tried Deangelo and I would do the C&F (which is great stuff) but it doesn't work very well since I am not doing it naturally. I have to think consciously that I must act CF and as you can expect, doesn't work quite well. I am tremendously interested in the way a mind of a regular happy cool confident guy works. He doesn't need to think about anything, but right things usually pop out, and he doesn't really even think about "oh dam, right thing just came out. That was good line." No. He just says and laughs and everyone has good time. How does that happen? Ok, I guess I am tying the happiness issue over here too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Confidence is one of the most confusing concepts.
Confidence means that you think that whatever happens, you can handle it.
If that was so, how would you really act? Wouldn't you be as relaxed as if you were sitting on your couch watching TV and munching popcorn?

You wouldn't be walking around with exaggerated body language and intensity. That might be called swagger, which is related but different.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
its the difference between thinking you can and knowing you can.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
You guys have very good points, but for example, I have tried Deangelo and I would do the C&F (which is great stuff) but it doesn't work very well since I am not doing it naturally. I have to think consciously that I must act CF and as you can expect, doesn't work quite well. I am tremendously interested in the way a mind of a regular happy cool confident guy works. He doesn't need to think about anything, but right things usually pop out, and he doesn't really even think about "oh dam, right thing just came out. That was good line." No. He just says and laughs and everyone has good time. How does that happen? Ok, I guess I am tying the happiness issue over here too.
As I said before that sh*t don't happen overnight. I personally had an easy time learning C&F because I've never been the type of person who is analytical and well I read that i have to practice tons before I get it. I read the DYD mailbag only and i used to think of situations I'd been in and something I could have said. I made a habit of always thinking of C&F things to say and even actions that could be considered funny and practiced on my family and friends. I also read that if you want to be successful you can't switch the C&F on and off, make it a part of you, do it everywhere. I didn't sit there thinking should I attempt it or analyse the advice given. I followed what I was told and put my prejudices aside. I practiced and got called an *******, got laughs sometimes, some comments fell flat and it was annoying but I kept getting some great responses so I kept doing it.

I especially did it with new people I met and since I had always been C&F from the start with them, it was easy to keep acting that way. I did it for so many years that I stopped thinking about it and I started going on autopilot. I read the mailbag for a months, refreshing some of it before dates and hang outs with friends cause it got me in state. Stopped reading and kept practicing and from what I've heard from friends who know about it but haven't seen in awhile, I still use it though I don't realize it anymore. People are always laughing at comments and stories I tell but it took some time before it was like this. I also practiced storytelling and having friends who are great at it also helped. There's no easy road just have or develop a healthy mindset and work on things one at a time and you'll get there and soon it'll stop being something your doing it'll be a part of you


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
You get confident by overcoming/facing your FEARS.

It is that simple. Go out and face your fears.
One thing can hold you down though...your fear of looking stupid. You have to face that too ;-)

It is probably the biggest fear. But don't worry, that fear is only artificial created by your childish ego. In reality you are nobody anyway, so don't worry, you can't make it any worse. Nothing but a dust, my friend...stupid walking, talking dust who thinks that he is important in order to give himself some meaning. Paradox is the more meaning you put in yourself the less difference you make in this world.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
my first approaches were done from desperation [haven't had a girl in 3 years] one year ago, i wasn't confident then at all and the girls were scared when i approach them...
one month after that i started to go out and ask for places and what is the time [and similar sh!t]...after few days i found about "demonic confidence from lucas west" and managed to so it until the day 5 mission=that is 120 [ask time,direction,fluff] approaches...it kind of make me more relaxed but i still wasn't satisfied with the results
i retired from this whole thing for 3 months
found out about the mastery program and badboy [direct approach] and started it to do that with some pauses in between, and from one month ago i also started to use self hypnosis and affirmations
now i am far more good from then i was when i began this journey i can [and love to] make direct approaches[in night/club] and to try to stop girls on the street [not so successful until now/but i enjoy it nonetheless] on day...i am far more relaxed and dont feel any constraint to talk dirty[they do when i start] in front of girls but i still get nervous in some occasions by now i approached around 350[sets] girls during[this year] my road to making myself more relaxed i am far more better than i was when i started

i have come to a realization that this feeling may follow me for the rest of my life so why do i even give it a focus when i can focus and spend energy on taking myself in front of some girl opening my mouth and going with the situation the best i can

in short

:rockon: dude :D