Failure: I want you guys to learn from my mistakes


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hey guys, I'm writing so you can learn from my mistakes. I recently failed with an HB7, 21 years old, at UCLA, half Japanese half White. But, to first clarify, I failed because I had a traumatic experience (lost a good friend) the day before and was emotionally compromised. So here it is:

I pick this girl up. I take her miniature golfing, then to dinner. We talk at dinner for hours on end, so I say let's get some coffee. Coffeebean is closed, so I get the idea to visit a friend at a bar in the same parking lot. We walk in and are offered drinks. I get us two. She wants another, so I buy her another. Then, my friend gets off work and wants to do something. We all decide to go to a hookah bar. After the hookah bar I drop her off.

Whoa!! Can you spot the mistakes already?

One, gave her waaaaayy too much time and money. She sees that as me being a pussbag.

Two, I bought her a second drink. Sh1t test fail.

What I should have done was limit the date to mini golfing and dinner, or just drinks and hookah.

But, to be perfectly correct, I should have rescheduled with her because I was emotionally compromised, and give her some excuse.

But wait, there's more:

When I drop her off we're hooking up in the car. She tells me she had a good time. I tell her the same. Definitely was not a good thing to repeat. Guys don't say that. Smiling back at her would have sufficed.

As we're hooking up, it gets intense. She made the moves. Shoves her tongue in my mouth. We start groping. She grabs my powerdrill through my pants and rubs it. I start rubbing her slit through her pants. She takes my hand off and I comply. Facepalm. Should have laughed at her and then put my hand there again. Kino was strong enough during the date to have ****ed her. She was also very open about talking about sex. She also rocked when we were hooking up, and would have been a great f*ck. Tells me in the car that she's a "spinner." Lost out on a good f&ck.

Probably failed some verbal sh1t tests during the date as well.

Moral of the story: If I had been the man, ran the date right, not failed the tests, and ****ed her in the car, everything would be jolly and she would be riding me right now.

I also lost an opportunity to date a fun girl. She would have been fun to date and ****. Oh well... Another number bites the dust. 10,000,000 more to come.

By the way, this is coming from someone who has maintained alpha composure for awhile now. It is pretty much incorporated in my personality and being. With this said, the best lesson that can be seen here is that even an alpha can fail when he is emotionally compromised. So, don't go on dates when sh1t goes down.

Off to text another soon to be plate. Several more to come as well. I'll keep everyone updated. Those will be success stories.

Reply on here if you think I missed anything, or see anything differently.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
PackDaddy said:
Hey guys, I'm writing so you can learn from my mistakes. I recently failed with an HB7, 21 years old, at UCLA, half Japanese half White. But, to first clarify, I failed because I had a traumatic experience (lost a good friend) the day before and was emotionally compromised. So here it is:

I pick this girl up. I take her miniature golfing, then to dinner. We talk at dinner for hours on end, so I say let's get some coffee. Coffeebean is closed, so I get the idea to visit a friend at a bar in the same parking lot. We walk in and are offered drinks. I get us two. She wants another, so I buy her another. Then, my friend gets off work and wants to do something. We all decide to go to a hookah bar. After the hookah bar I drop her off.

Whoa!! Can you spot the mistakes already?

One, gave her waaaaayy too much time and money. She sees that as me being a pussbag.
I wouldn't say so, being a pussbag is more about being all lame and "I like you". Paying for a girls drink isn't massively beta in my book, I think it doesn't make too much difference really and is sort of the way dates are done. Buying gifts etc is pussbag
Two, I bought her a second drink. Sh1t test fail.

What I should have done was limit the date to mini golfing and dinner, or just drinks and hookah.
Why? You are trying to get in her pants, right? What's the issue with trying to prolong a date so you get pvssy. The other thing is, it's a well known PUA technique to take women to lots of different places quickly so they psychologically feel as if they have known you longer. Keep them moving and they think they have had more experiences with you and will put out easier. chill out dude.
But, to be perfectly correct, I should have rescheduled with her because I was emotionally compromised, and give her some excuse.

But wait, there's more:

When I drop her off we're hooking up in the car. She tells me she had a good time. I tell her the same. Definitely was not a good thing to repeat. Guys don't say that. Smiling back at her would have sufficed.
No, nothing wrong with saying you had a good time either. If you just smiled at her after her saying she had a good time would have have just come off a bit weird, jerky, but not in a good way. Texting after the date how much you like her and enjoyed it unprovoked would have been beta, or saying it first. Just agreeing you had a good time isn't that bad
As we're hooking up, it gets intense. She made the moves. Shoves her tongue in my mouth. We start groping. She grabs my powerdrill through my pants and rubs it. I start rubbing her slit through her pants. She takes my hand off and I comply. Facepalm. Should have laughed at her and then put my hand there again. Kino was strong enough during the date to have ****ed her. She was also very open about talking about sex. She also rocked when we were hooking up, and would have been a great f*ck. Tells me in the car that she's a "spinner." Lost out on a good f&ck.
Agreed, you should have gone for it until she slapped you. If she initiates it, and then pulls away, that IS a sh1t test and needed to keep going
Probably failed some verbal sh1t tests during the date as well.

Moral of the story: If I had been the man, ran the date right, not failed the tests, and ****ed her in the car, everything would be jolly and she would be riding me right now.

I also lost an opportunity to date a fun girl. She would have been fun to date and ****. Oh well... Another number bites the dust. 10,000,000 more to come.

By the way, this is coming from someone who has maintained alpha composure for awhile now. It is pretty much incorporated in my personality and being. With this said, the best lesson that can be seen here is that even an alpha can fail when he is emotionally compromised. So, don't go on dates when sh1t goes down.

Off to text another soon to be plate. Several more to come as well. I'll keep everyone updated. Those will be success stories.

Reply on here if you think I missed anything, or see anything differently.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
You're being pretty hard on yourself. Buying a chick a drink when you invite her out is not beta. If you didn't buy the drinks, that'd be weird. Buying her a second drink is not a fail either. Since when is getting MORE drinks with a hot girl a fail? You invited her out, she agreed. Have as many drinks with her as you want. You're the man, nothing wrong with paying for a date.

Dates go as long as they go while it's still fun. As long as it's fun and not awkward, who gives a crap? And yes, agree that multiple locations is the best way. Everyone knows that. You were having a good time with girl you invited out...nothing wrong with that. And letting her know you had a good time after she already said it is totally fact, it's normal. You started hooking up and she shoved her tongue down your throat and grabbed your junk...yes...obviously agreeing you had a good time was a terrible move.

I'm not really sure how you missed an opportunity to date a fun girl just because you didn't bang her in the car. Did I miss where you can't take her out again and bang her then?

Haywood Jablome

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
jeffreylebowski said:
I'm not really sure how you missed an opportunity to date a fun girl just because you didn't bang her in the car. Did I miss where you can't take her out again and bang her then?
Yes, it didn't seem like it ended bad, and she seemed into you at the end. Wait a few days and hit her up again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I see nothing to indicate from this date, as you described it, that means FAIL to me. Certainly not enough wrong to where she would not want to go out with you again.

IF she stated after the date that she never wants to see you again, then there has to be more to this story. IF she never said that, and you are making this all up in your head? Then my advice would be to stop thinking so much and just ask her out again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
And you can't go on a second date because.....???

Stop over thinking it and assuming failure. Go out with her again.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Nvm lol. I thought her jets cooled. I get a snapchat then a couple texts last night. She asked me to grab coffee with her today. I called her and told her I'll be in Texas till Saturday afternoon. So we agreed to get together Sunday afternoon. I told her I had something in mind; a pleasant surprise. She sounded happy on the phone last night and told me she thought I was cool and am the type of person she would want to hang out with again. Time to me my A Male self . I am gonna eat that asian Pu$$Y with chopsticks.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
You didn't "FAIL" bro because women are not "accomplishments". Don't pedestalize the female.

With women, there is no "failure".. just outcomes. Two people either hit it off or they don't.

I believe you still did better than 98% of men would in the same situation and your only "mistake" is giving a sh!t. Buying that extra drink was only a mistake if you didn't really want to do it. NEVER do anything you don't want to do.

I see no reason why you can't call this chick up and still f*ck her. Women will see you how you see yourself. If you think you're a sexy beast she will too. If you think you "f*cked up" --> SHE WILL TOO.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
its all in your head man, in reality you did fine, taking her around the city on the first night, if played right is a plus, buying drinks can be a bad habit but she only wanted 2. anymore than that and she easy, and no lady. failing a sh!ttest/passing a sh!ttest, should be out of your mind, your a man, you dont play games/walk on eggshells, save all that bs for a lesser man.