Went for my licence today and failed the test. I did everything perfect until the reverse park which was the last manouvre of the exam and I thought I made 4 movements(max being 6) and she's like thats it 6 movements and I was 2metres from the kerb. Stupid fat bbitych. She was im serious a UG3 no kididng very fat and ugly... And out of anger I screamed out fvck me. She then at the end accused me off swearing at her. Stupid whoore.
Rant over. Just mad because I made $42 and failed this son of a biytch test...
Gotta wwait another week.. Fat hoe lol.
Rant over. Just mad because I made $42 and failed this son of a biytch test...
Gotta wwait another week.. Fat hoe lol.