Okay I have a really crazy question. at work today my buddy jarret and I were talking. and he was telling me some story on the news how some 15 yr old kid was looking at porn at home. supposibly(sp) legal stuff. and the next day cops came to his house and said he was looking at child pornography. so the kid was all in trouble and s*it. The kid balmes it on well he thinks someone hacked on his computer and did it. The thing is for the past 3 yrs I have been looking at porn off and on. and the story scared the living s*it out of me cause I dont want to get blamed with any s*it like that. The only kind of porn I look at is with chicks 18 and up. I preffer the 25 year old chicks and up though. so I was wondering have you guys ever heard of anything like this before? and should I be worried or am I just being dumb? help please I would appreciate it. BTW in 20.