F*ck. I think some honesty is in order...need a bit of help, please :(


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
Some of you know my stories, some not, but here's the short of it: I was a serious idiot AFC about 7-8 months ago. I couldn't let go of my ex who dumped me, finally cut her ass off after some time here, had so much p*ssy I couldn't handle all of it, then I just stopped.

I stopped. I dropped all the chicks I was 'dating', because:

I bumped into my ex about two months ago. She looked nice. We got drunk at the bar and f*cked. Started hanging out, talking, etc. She said she missed me very much, said she hadn't dated or slept with anybody else (I know this to be fact), and we talked about why we split up, which was in essence largely on me.

I wasn't working, f*cking off responsibilities, not paying bills, and being a jackass in general. My bad.


Weve been hanging out alot lately. Things have been good. Yes, I know it's a bad idea, I know all that. Weird thing is, we've had a better 'relationship', in AND out of bed than we ever did before. It's puzzling as hell to me.

Flame on, it gets worse!

We (her idea, btw) agreed to 'not do anything with other people' until we figure out what were going to do with this situation :rolleyes:

I have been 100% faithful on this, and I know she has.

Here's my dilemma. She took off to Denver with her mom and a friend of hers for a few days. They're back tomorrow. Thing is, every time she's out of town like that, she's super short on the phone, doesn't make a habit of calling me, and always wants off the phone if I call.

I know this girl won't f*ck around, if not just for the reason that she's extremely protective of her 'number' status. I'm the fourth and she has an almost emotional complex about how many people she sleeps with.

I know I'm rambling, but the thing I'm trying to figure out is this: If I know for a fact that she won't 'f' around, why does the thought even cross my mind? I know there's some guys who like her down there in that group of people, and I know how things can get when people are drunk as hell, which is likely what they're doing tonight.

It shouldn't be an issue, but I trip out anyway. WTF.

I should be able to trust her completely, but for some reason, I don't. I don't understand why everytime she's out of town, she hates talking on the phone. Hell, she even does it when she's at her grandparent's house. :confused:

This is stupid, but it's what I've got on my plate right now :D

I hope this isn't just more of the same BS games from before...
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Considering that you are a self-acclaimed "screw-up" - you deserve what you get!! On the other hand never trust a woman that you are sexing unless she is your wife!!! She had sex with 4+ guys and I guarantee you that there will be more!!!! You are no one special - neither is she!! Don't hope!!! You are in an exclusive relationship with a woman who is not yours!!! HUH???:rolleyes:
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Trust your gut. If you feel that something is amiss, then it probably is. Plus, if this chick was really into you, she would not mind talking to you on the phone. It appears that she wants to have her cake and eat it too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
No matter how well you try to describe it here, your gut is what you listen to. Perhaps there was some little incident you forgot to mention, but still remember? What I mean is you know her better than any of us, so the final decision is up to you, and if you have a feeling she's cheating, then it may very well be true.

Why are you exclusive with her, anyways? Go fvck around! She dumped your ass. You're still the same old chump in her eyes. Perceptions don't change like that.