This is a good question
the first time i really got into a solid plate spin mode one of my plates, who i honestly liked the most out of all of them, had an Ex boyfriend of 6 years who just would.not.****ing..go.away.
other than that she was a perfect plate. if i said jump she said how high. after we atually starting seeing each other she was there whenever i wanted her. she really liked me but she liked him too. she even admitted it which i respected she didn't' try to insult my intelligence.
she was honest with me about her cancelling dates at first because of him but once we started going out and **** i didn't think about it until one night i was supposed to met her at a night club and found her tounge fighting with him in the corner of the club. that **** kinda hurt honestly i liked her
i gathered myself, had a few drinks and said hey i'm good looking, i have plates and ****, i'm at a night club lol dammit im gonna have fun. **** her lol. so i just ignored her the rest of the night and danced with other girls. got a number too .
the more i thought about it, the more i realized it was pretty ****ing silly of me to be pissy that she had a guy hanging around when i was giving the **** to 2 other girls at the time lol. **** i ****ed another girl the night before i went to the club and i'm mad becuase she's kissing an ex lol. that's pretty childish.
so i said okay, well okay it is what it is. i'm just going to pretend he's not there and do my thing. and that's what i did. but at the same time, i'm not going to feel any remorse whatsoever about plate spinning. a few weeks past and we got into this routine, she'd call me as soon as i got off work, she'd ask can we go out i'd say no, she'd say why becuase you are going out with someone else, i'd say yes lol, then i'd get cursed out the rest of the way home lol. then i'd say well **** you still fuking with your ex what you want me to do sit at home until you call **** that lol. she couldn't say anything.
one saturday i was at her house watching 24 the TV show with her and he called and i was like dude i don't care pick up the phone lol. that's rude to not answer the phone. she was so stunned she didn't know what to do. she talked to him about 30 mins i really at this point didn't care.
then one day about a month or 2 later she came to me and was like backbreaker i really want to date you and i like you can you please stop seeing other woman? What do i have to do for you to date me? she had tried every trick in the book, bragging, ignoring me, cursing me out, none of it worked. i told her i liked her too but i have to be convinced 1. she doesn't' like me because i make a lot of money (i was making BANK at this time) and 2. i have to be convinced he's 100% gone.
not only did she stop seeing him, there was about a 2 month period where i was still spinning plates lol and i knew 100% she was only seeing me but everytime she'd say something i'd bring up her ex and say "i'm just not convinced yet" lol. you dated the guy for 6 years you think i'm going to just date you becuase you didn't talk to him for 2 weeks lol.
one day i just felt like i was ready to be in a relationship with her and i cut everyone else off and told her she was my GF. you could not wipe the grin off her facce for a good 2 months.
anyway that's how I handled it. my wife when i met her was seeing someone else too, i did pretty much the exact same thing and it worked exactly the same with her basically asking me what does she have to do for me to settle down with her.
i think by being overly aggressive it's counter productive. if you were really a catch you'd have other options you wouldn't be so obsessive of one girl. in my mind she hasn't done anything for me to be obsessed with her about yet, so who cares if she's seeing someone else she hasn't yet built that type of vaule in my eyes yet. Doesnt' mean I don't want to see it, but for the dramatics and stuff i don't have time for that. if you want to **** around and **** him too i can do that and be 100% okay with it. If you want to be serious i can do that too.
That's how I see it.