Excuse = not interested


Dec 27, 2020
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It's all in the context and how you do things. Here is a video related to texting, but you should watch it and apply it to in real life as well. tldr; it's not just asking her out and in single statement. It is a four step process.
1) qualifier question (are you an adventurous person?)
2) vague suggestion (what's your view on drinks and witty banter?)
3) find out her schudle.
4) make plans.

Watch this video, you will know where she's at with you prior to asking her out. This way, you won't be asking her out if her interest is low. Like when she's ***t testing you or talking platonic or giving you silence. This is where you get excuses. Girl has to be interested in you if you to ask her out.

Because --- I read your post like this --- I'm asking her out she making excuses, I do not know her interest in me prior to asking her out.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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If she making some exuse it means the excuse is more important than you. If the execuse is small like "I can't because I wan't to watch TV show" it means you are less important than TV show so it means that she is saying no to you. If excuse is big and valid e.g. "my granpa is ill. She is in hospital and soon she will meet our lord and saviour." then it is really important matter and should not be considered as no.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Reminds me of that Jack Johnson song from 2002 (around the time i joined sosuave)
“Seems to me that maybe, pretty much always means no”


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
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Ofcourse especially last minute excuses, women like that are trash and belong to the streets


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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If she making some exuse it means the excuse is more important than you. If the execuse is small like "I can't because I wan't to watch TV show" it means you are less important than TV show so it means that she is saying no to you. If excuse is big and valid e.g. "my granpa is ill. She is in hospital and soon she will meet our lord and saviour." then it is really important matter and should not be considered as no.
TV show is a very bad excuse too because in 2021 you dont even have to watch a program at the scheduled time and with streaming you can watch anytime and anywhere.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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If she making some exuse it means the excuse is more important than you. If the execuse is small like "I can't because I wan't to watch TV show" it means you are less important than TV show so it means that she is saying no to you. If excuse is big and valid e.g. "my granpa is ill. She is in hospital and soon she will meet our lord and saviour." then it is really important matter and should not be considered as no.
I think that women's excuses are mostly bs anyway. I remember one girl told me "I'm sick" (bs) and "it's snowing and the roads are closed" (which was true). The next day I saw that she had been tagged that night on Facebook at a coochsurfing party.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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TV show is a very bad excuse too because in 2021 you dont even have to watch a program at the scheduled time and with streaming you can watch anytime and anywhere.
The quality of the excuse doesn't matter. In most cases it's a lie anyway.

If anything, a good excuse just means that she's more determined to mislead you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The quality of the excuse doesn't matter. In most cases it's a lie anyway.

If anything, a good excuse just means that she's more determined to mislead you.
It may not matter but a bad excuse like that adds insult to injury because she thinks you are stupid. If she is going to give a song and dance then at least she respects you enough to not get you offended.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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It may not matter but a bad excuse like that adds insult to injury because she thinks you are stupid. If she is going to give a song and dance then at least she respects you enough to not get you offended.
It could also mean that she's just not very smart.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
If she making some exuse it means the excuse is more important than you. If the execuse is small like "I can't because I wan't to watch TV show" it means you are less important than TV show so it means that she is saying no to you. If excuse is big and valid e.g. "my granpa is ill. She is in hospital and soon she will meet our lord and saviour." then it is really important matter and should not be considered as no.
Family emergencies aren't always valid either. Even then, I learned to delete them. And we never talk again unless that 1/256 chance happens that she calls back.

Anything other than a yes, complete with the proper actions to back it up, is a no. Treat it as such.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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People will do everything to find a way for things they really want.

And people will do everything to find an excuse for things they really don't want.

There's nothing in between.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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This should be obvious, but some guys seem to believe women's lies.

If a woman is giving you excuses, assume she's bulshiiittting you and move on.
It is a super simple equation, isn't it?

Not sure why guys let things slide all the time, this is exactly the reason women play games with men nowadays. They think they can get away with disrespecting you and your time. Guys that put women on pedestals and lack abundance so it is okay for them to flake out or give you random excuses and not even offer an alternative or slight effort so they will give these women 2 or 3 or even 4 chances. And as we all know, women love attention so the more guys they can get to orbit, the better it suits their stragedy.

Women know EXACTLY what they are doing. Move on gentlemen.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
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Superb post, and I agree totally. I learned all this the hard way, and I now only give women ONE chance with me. ONE opportunity to prove they're someone who's worthy of my time, and if they prove otherwise (which most do, sadly) by being dishonest, rude, disrepectful or untrustworthy then I cut them off immediately and with no remorse. I do this by deleting their number, and NOT looking them up on social media (as that just fuels potential jealousy and anxiety). I move on to focusing on my own goals and pursuing more girls.

This will protect your heart, help you maintain your dignity and self-respect, and prevent you getting caught up with a girl who's just wasting your time or bringing stress, drama or negativity into your life.

It's surprising how many girls do eventually try and get back in touch with you when you cut things off like this. If they do, you will have the upper hand. I recommend being cold and indifferent if they do. Often you won't even recognise her number, since you deleted it, so you can hit them with 'who's this?', which makes them get mad as hell, which is funny.

Do not get all excited if they get back in touch. Do not ask them to get together. Instead, let her chase you and watch her squirm. If she's keen to rekindle things, hit her with 'So how are you going to make it up to me then?, and make it clear to her that she'll have to treat you like a king from that day forward - both in and out of the bedroom.

But ideally, you should not take her back.

Remember guys: always be willing to walk away.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Family emergencies aren't always valid either. Even then, I learned to delete them. And we never talk again unless that 1/256 chance happens that she calls back.

Anything other than a yes, complete with the proper actions to back it up, is a no. Treat it as such.

Case closed.
The thing is, women always want to present themselves as virtuous and keep men interested for as long as possible, even if they have no intention of ever getting together.

Regardless of whatever the emergency is and whether or not it is real, it is not necessarily the case that it is the reason why they won't meet up. Normally if they don't meet up it's because they just don't want to see you and they're just using whatever is at hand. She may have a lot of work, have a friend that is ill etc but that's not really why she won't meet and she probably IS meeting at least one other guy despite all of this.

The only real indicator of a woman's interest is ACTION - did she come through or not?

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Superb post, and I agree totally. I learned all this the hard way, and I now only give women ONE chance with me. ONE opportunity to prove they're someone who's worthy of my time, and if they prove otherwise (which most do, sadly) by being dishonest, rude, disrepectful or untrustworthy then I cut them off immediately and with no remorse. I do this by deleting their number, and NOT looking them up on social media (as that just fuels potential jealousy and anxiety). I move on to focusing on my own goals and pursuing more girls.

This will protect your heart, help you maintain your dignity and self-respect, and prevent you getting caught up with a girl who's just wasting your time or bringing stress, drama or negativity into your life.

It's surprising how many girls do eventually try and get back in touch with you when you cut things off like this. If they do, you will have the upper hand. I recommend being cold and indifferent if they do. Often you won't even recognise her number, since you deleted it, so you can hit them with 'who's this?', which makes them get mad as hell, which is funny.

Do not get all excited if they get back in touch. Do not ask them to get together. Instead, let her chase you and watch her squirm. If she's keen to rekindle things, hit her with 'So how are you going to make it up to me then?, and make it clear to her that she'll have to treat you like a king from that day forward - both in and out of the bedroom.

But ideally, you should not take her back.

Remember guys: always be willing to walk away.
You're right. No second chances.