exclusivity and "mates"


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Currently I am meeting up with a girl and we are getting on great. She is definitely interested in me. I've kept my cards close to my chest and not told her how I feel (I like her abit) We have been sleeping together e.t.c. and meeting up quite abit. Her friend says that the girl really likes me but she dosent know how I feel and is embarrassed to tell me incase I dont feel the same!

The thing is, before I said to her its early days and if we were to see other people I dont see a problem with it as we are just getting to know each other, but now I dont think I would be happy with her doing anything else with someone. I've read its always the girl who suggests and decides exclusivity, but I think I would like to start "seeing each other" properly as in exclusive. So how do I go about it if its the girl that decides!

Also, how do you deal with "distant friends/acquaintances" trying it on with said girl, such as trying to text her and adding her on facebook (not sure if he is aware Im meeting this girl"

Do you mention it to her "I knew he would add you on facebook and try to get in there with you" (in a light hearted way during conversation)
tell him to back off,
or just completely ignore it and show no signs of jealousy e.t.c. and treat it as if it were just another man I didnt know.



Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
happyman2012 said:
Currently I am meeting up with a girl and we are getting on great. She is definitely interested in me. I've kept my cards close to my chest and not told her how I feel (I like her abit) We have been sleeping together e.t.c. and meeting up quite abit. Her friend says that the girl really likes me but she dosent know how I feel and is embarrassed to tell me incase I dont feel the same!

this is good. though don't get too attached man

The thing is, before I said to her its early days and if we were to see other people I dont see a problem with it as we are just getting to know each other, but now I dont think I would be happy with her doing anything else with someone. I've read its always the girl who suggests and decides exclusivity, but I think I would like to start "seeing each other" properly as in exclusive. So how do I go about it if its the girl that decides!

you don't, it just happens when the time is right. your trying to rush things dude. go out more and get more girls while you are with this one. it will help you in the long run. work on yourself BE BUSY! do other things. get hobbies and master them, don't just sit around waiting for her.

Also, how do you deal with "distant friends/acquaintances" trying it on with said girl, such as trying to text her and adding her on facebook (not sure if he is aware Im meeting this girl"

don't add her on Facebook, Facebook kills! the only reason i have a Facebook now it to talk to family and PROMOTIONS for clubs. i get more promo **** in my news feed then i do friends posts now. the friends thing should be a non issue. just forget about it

Do you mention it to her "I knew he would add you on facebook and try to get in there with you" (in a light hearted way during conversation)
tell him to back off,
or just completely ignore it and show no signs of jealousy e.t.c. and treat it as if it were just another man I didnt know.

your putting all your girl eggs in one basket. you should have OPTIONS. have more girls. just go out and go get some. don't play any card at all. just be happy she is hanging out with you and just be chill man. YOU should have more options. don't let the girl dictate **** to you. you are the one who is in charge.

to me this hole post SCREAMS that you are too attached to you. like it's your only shot at love or something. like the it's the end of the your world if you don't get her. many guys go threw this at least once in there life.

you got to realise that girls are interchangeable. girls live on EMOTIONS. not logic. there for. if a guy can get those EMOTIONS in the right place. they sleep together.

you control her EMOTIONS you control the girl. this needy **** your on now. is YOU on YOUR emotions. what i mean by this is. HER state IS affecting YOUR EMOTIONS. it shouldn't just let it go bro.

i know, i was on this **** 2 weeks ago. after having the girl i was after love me. so just chill cos you WILL lose her if you don't

answers are in bold

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
There's no point in you saying anything at all about relationships. There's no "win" anywhere for a man to engage in silly gossippy girl talk. Let her bring up whatever blather she wants to bring up, and just say "uh huh" and sip your drink. She has to be the one to prove to you that she's your girl, and yours alone, and to be constantly trying to prove it to you. You're not some kind of faggotized "boy-friend" in the sense of a "boy-cut" or "boy-friend shirt" that women wear for kicks. You're a man. She either submits body and soul, or she's nothing to you.

If you bring up the subject, and give your blessing to her fvcking other guys, you might as well go into the bus station men's room and svck twenty d1cks then and there, instead of waiting to eat cvm out of her running diseased slit later. If she brings up the subject, she's likely screwing other guys already. It's just better to run it through the test of time. The more time passes that she doesn't allude to, or threaten to have, relations with other men, the more likely she's exclusive. Especially if you didn't say word one about it.

Fvckbook? What kind of man needs 250 strangers to "like" the fact that he clips coupons for Target? A d1ckless wonder, such as the self-castrator who tells his girl to go fvck other guys. Most women get Fvckme accounts and are endlessly hunting for Fakebaked guys there. It's a giant red flag. It reeks of low quality slvttery.