Ex sticking around

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
My LTR and I have recently broken up. The ex had begun to flake on me, so I began to spin other plates. I moved her into the fb category as the relationship dwindled into noting but a physical one as neither of us was putting any emotional effort into it.

She finally pulled the plug citing "I still love you but, were not compatible people" and "Were not soul mates, it just too this long to realize it" and other conclusions that she had make. So I accepted the fact that she doesn't want to see me anymore and cut all contact as I have no need for her. This was about a month ago.

Now all of a sudden she's trying to make stupid excuses to see me, saying she forgot "x" of mine, when that didn't work she flat out told me she wanted to see me, and she didn't want me to "be mad at her anymore," and has even offered to do some favors for me as a token of that.

Now I have moved on and don't care about keeping in contact. I'm just curious what reasons have you guys found that would have a woman do this?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
She might want to reel you back in and see if she still has you hooked. She probably doesn't want you to move on faster than she does.

As with any situation where an ex comes back, you have to be very careful because you don't know what their true intentions are.

Scar Tissue

Don Juan
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
city of angels
People change their mind all the time. They dont know what they want. Shes just having second thoughts about you and her.

Make her feel bad for leaving you. Then take advantage of her vulnerablility and make her feel used. pump and dump

Hopefully it will teach her to have some respect for the next guy.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
starplayer said:
As with any situation where an ex comes back, you have to be very careful because you don't know what their true intentions are.

I'm keeping this in mind every step of the way. One of the reasons why I posted this. The other is that she is not showing more interest in me now than she has for months and it's a little concerning. I would love to have her to the little sh*t shes offering to do for me but the question is what is it really going to cost me down the road?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Scar Tissue said:
People change their mind all the time. They dont know what they want. Shes just having second thoughts about you and her.

Make her feel bad for leaving you. Then take advantage of her vulnerablility and make her feel used. pump and dump

Hopefully it will teach her to have some respect for the next guy.
That's a terrible idea.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
You already stated the reason why she's coming back.

"Now I have moved on and don't care about keeping in contact."

Why do you think we tell everyone on here to move on and spin other plates when their LTR doesn't work out?

Does this mean she likes you again? Maybe for the time being. But women are all about emotions.. they sway their decisions based on emotions. Unfortunately emotions sway often in women.. especially the one you're talking about.

The fact that you're not interested anymore is making her feel bad enough. No need to go any farther.

And definitely don't hop back on the wagon just because she's had a sudden change of heart.. remember it could go back the other way just as fast.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
young pat said:
My LTR and I have recently broken up. The ex had begun to flake on me, so I began to spin other plates. I moved her into the fb category as the relationship dwindled into noting but a physical one as neither of us was putting any emotional effort into it.

She finally pulled the plug citing "I still love you but, were not compatible people" and "Were not soul mates, it just too this long to realize it" and other conclusions that she had make. So I accepted the fact that she doesn't want to see me anymore and cut all contact as I have no need for her. This was about a month ago.

Now all of a sudden she's trying to make stupid excuses to see me, saying she forgot "x" of mine, when that didn't work she flat out told me she wanted to see me, and she didn't want me to "be mad at her anymore," and has even offered to do some favors for me as a token of that.

Now I have moved on and don't care about keeping in contact. I'm just curious what reasons have you guys found that would have a woman do this?

#1: Validation: She wants to know if she still has you LIKE THAT.
#2: Her branch fell apart: The branch she was swinging too, is no longer there and she wants to swing back.

If you don't care about keeping in contact, then no more picking up the phone, don't answer her text messages, and delete anything or get rid of anything that links you to her.

You're better off without her, no matter how hard she tries.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
When you cut contact with ex's and really mean it, it's extremely easy to get back with them. Seriously I cheated on one of my ex's several times she found out, we had a horrible break up and she STILL wanted to get back with me afterward. Girls are gluttons for punishment. They have it in their heads that some how they can "fix" things in terms of relationships. Even if they say the exact opposite, it's typical for them to go back on their words.

This is especially true if you gave them good sex. Although you won't get them to say it openly, girls get more and more addicted to a partner who gives them orgasms. The guy could literally be the Antichrist and she'd say to her friends "well I know he's not PERFECT but I love him!", defending the guy so long as she got to grip sheets in ecstasy later that night.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
WC2 there was no hope in hell of me jumping on the bandwagon again, at most it would ever be again is a NSA roll in the hay at some point down the road. I have witnessed too much of her **** to want a relationship, that's why I basically demoted her to FB in the first place.

Kailex I think you on point with the branch swinging I had a feeling of this during the last little bit of our "relationship." The validation I'm not sure what you mean by "like that" as I for one have shown no real interest in her for a long time and I'm sure she knew it.

PRM I think that this is the case as she did crave sex more then I could handle during the entire relationship, until the downward slide of course. She did tell me stories about how her friends hated me and saw nothing in me but she still ditched them to spend multiple night with me. I'm sure this had some impact on the situation but oh well her loss.