EX pours her heart out


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
First post here, and I need advice.

I was with her for 5 years, she's 24, I'm 27. We talked marriage, kids, everything. Honestly we had a very strong relationship for a long time, but for the first few years I was the ******* boyfriend, totally neglected her and it tore her apart at times but she stuck it out and loved me to death. Eventually though she got tired of my **** and backed off, at which point, you guessed it, I clung on for dear life realizing what I'd lost. It took a few months but I got her back and shook the AFCness and at that point we had a pretty awesome balanced healthy relationship for a couple years.

Things slowly turned to **** though, I lost myself, stopped seeing friends and having much of a life, was pretty miserable with a ****ty job and living at my moms, had a lot of pressure to find apartment with gf, we had been talking about moving in together for a while but honesty I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to fully commit to her and take that big of a step. A large part of me wanted to go be on my own and do whatever I wanted, reconnect with people and build a new life. She could feel this, and right after christmas we started drifting apart. So start of january, feeling her drift away, and being ready to jump ship myself, I started looking for work in the city ( we both live in a suburb an hour outside of a major us city, the burbs were sucking the life out of me). I actually got a job and when I told I was talking the job and moving to the city it basically broke us up, it was kind of ugly, basically we said never to call each other again, she said she hated me, etc.

So I moved, got my life on track, started going out and having fun, focusing on what I want to do with my life, working out, and doing everything possible to self improve which feels great. Its been hard at times, I do love her and I have missed her, but I've really been trying to move on because I needed to work on myself.

After 5 weeks of NC, this morning, completely unexpected (because when we broke up it really sounded like she was done, I've known her for 5 years and I could tell) she sends the longest text about how she can't stop thinking about me, feels so lonely, misses everything from my face to the sex to the way we cuddled. She said she wanted me to be her husband and have her children but she wasn't feeling the same level of commitment from me. Says she will love me forever and prey that fate brings us together.

So what the **** do I do? I'd take her back now, but I m still not happy with myself, I feel like I need more time to really be the best I can be, and maybe then we can give this a chance. I just don't want to screw this up and say the wrong thing, I want to leave the door open.

Sorry if that was long guys, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
She may just want closure. Sometimes it is an Ego driven thing women do after breakup to see if she still had power over you and rejects you soon after you fall for her false devotion (and she gets her closure).

Also be careful and understand why we men get weak and want to contact our EXs??

Most weak and vulnerable time is when we get dumped or rejected by a hottie and our Ego is bruised, we go crawling back to our EX for validation temporarily but it is not genuine.

Women are absolutely no different. Perhaps she got rejected by some alpha male.

Proceed with caution.



Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
No you dont not go back to her now.

My personal advice is become happy with yourself first and do things that will make you the best you that you can possibly be. For how can you be with someone else if your not even content with yourself?

Go out, workout like a beast, eat healthy, make money, do well in your job, maybe go back and get a better education (unless you already have a good one) work on all aspects of yourself emotionally, socially, physically, mentally and when you feel like you are your best person, then and only then would i say get back with her if you REALLY want to, if she is ride or die.

If she actually loves you like she says (which time will tell if she means it) then she will wait. But i dont think she will, i think she will move on eventually. And I don't think you will follow my advice, no offence, but the fear of loneliness and isolation will drive you back to her. I hope you prove me wrong.

Take my advice, and become the best you, you only have one life to live. So go out there and become shredded, rich, and extremely intelligent and be respected by all. Create a legacy.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
GotED? said:
She may just want closure. Sometimes it is an Ego driven thing women do after breakup to see if she still had power over you and rejects you soon after you fall for her false devotion (and she gets her closure).

Also be careful and understand why we men get weak and want to contact our EXs??

Most weak and vulnerable time is when we get dumped or rejected by a hottie and our Ego is bruised, we go crawling back to our EX for validation temporarily but it is not genuine.

Women are absolutely no different. Perhaps she got rejected by some alpha male.

Proceed with caution.

This. Some times it hurts your ego even more if she wasn't that hot. Don't trust her at all, cut all ties, and move on. This is all about boosting her ego.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not trying to get involved with her now, I'm just wondering how I can respond, but leave the door open and continue NC. Who knows, maybe in a month I'm totally over it, honestly, before this text, I was on my way, I was doing great, but of coarse this stirs my emotions.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
qwayqway said:
I'm not trying to get involved with her now, I'm just wondering how I can respond, but leave the door open and continue NC. Who knows, maybe in a month I'm totally over it, honestly, before this text, I was on my way, I was doing great, but of coarse this stirs my emotions.
go do somthing that will occupy your mind. Ignore her.