Let me guess...
1) She picked a wrong guy: current BF. Why he is "wrong" is completely immaterial and of no interest here.
2) She wants out....for whatever reason. You're hearing the justification or the public PR that she's using to justify it to herself and everyone she talks too. Probably ASD stuff...
3) She needs to have a BF for appearances or her own "I'm not a loser" needs.
4) If she dumps current BF, she faces "I'm a loser" status (that's her unconscious perception, no point arguing it, she can't give it up...)
5) Dilemma: she needs to get rid of current-BF but needs a new BF. Anyone recognize monkey-girl pattern here? Dumbass question, of course everyone does!
6) No current prospects on the horizon and she needs to unload current BF pretty soon.
7) Ex-BF (you, dude) were an AFC (I'm guessing here--probably a safe guess) that she could manipulate to a certain extent in the past. You are now an option since no other options appear on the horizon-----OR--there are other options, but she's developing all options to see which ones pan out. You remain an alternate option, a "failsafe" exit.
8) She starts calling and feeling out the situation. You--like an emotional tampon--at the very least sit and listen. Maybe you say nothing--but you listen. You pick up the phone when she calls. She leaves a
message and--following common curtesy, which you rigorously follow--return the call. She knows she can proceed.
9) If she gets a green light, she will dump current BF for you--a temporary solution!---while buying time and finding something better.
How's my guess?