Ex Girl Getting Married


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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I actually used to visit this site a few years ago, but lately things have not been going well so I am back under a new username.

Anyway struck out last weekend with a girl that seemed to be showing high interest - i.e kino, showing up to dates with no flakyness etc. but then when I kissed her she crumbled and I got the LJBF line.

To make matters worse my ex girl (the reason for coming to this site in the first place)who I never quite got over got married on the weekend and for some reason even sent me wedding pictures??????

So right at the moment feel as though fate is giving me a nasty beating.

To be honest while I can say the DJ principals did do a good job - it never felt quite natural and seemed to attract insecure party girls who could be easily manipulated. I kind of gave up as I wanted something more.

One of the problems with the oneitis issue is that by eliminating it - I was never really into the girl I was dating so didnt really enjoy myself when with them. I guess it would be good to have that feeling of oneitis and actually win so you can enjoy being with the girl you are with?

anyway just have a lot of issues and looking for a motivational boost or advice


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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One of my exs recently got married. The guy is a complete AFC. It comforts me to know that the marriage probably won't last. They got married because she was pregnant.

Frankly, she can have the whiny AFC crying every day because he "just doesn't know why he is the way he is".


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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to all my ex's that get married I say good luck to them. No hard feelings. To the good ones I hope it works out. To the bad ones I could care less. I have no time to hold grudges. The world is a large place with lots of people. I have a 80/20 friendship/enemy ration with my past ex's. It doesnt mean I hang out with them, it just means if I see them we can say whats up, be cool and act like adults and move on. The other 20 percent can kiss my rear end for being idiots. LOL!!! But anyway if your ex was a good girl then wish her the best. Dont hold marriage against her and dont beat yourself up over it. If she was a bad girl then its her husbands headache not yours.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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I did wish her the best and she was a good girl. Well as good as girls can get I suppose!

However as you guys will be well aware - she did the dumping (dont they always in an LTR?) and pretty much ripped my heart out.

Got LJBF the day before I received the wedding photos and had no backup - was a bit pissed abou the LJBF as I liked the girl and then got photos from THE ex.

A bad weekend


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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Learn why she LJBF. Your actions leading to the kiss did not elicit enough feelings in her for her to kiss you.

There are no "good girls" all a guy has to do is create strong emotions for someone and she will cheat on you. The only thing you can do is create emotions in her so she does not go out and find it herself.

You have to read a bristollair.com article "The truth about women" and you will see things in a different light.

Good luck with everything though. We all have our rough days, week, months.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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Originally posted by trd323
Learn why she LJBF. Your actions leading to the kiss did not elicit enough feelings in her for her to kiss you.

There are no "good girls" all a guy has to do is create strong emotions for someone and she will cheat on you. The only thing you can do is create emotions in her so she does not go out and find it herself.

You have to read a bristollair.com article "The truth about women" and you will see things in a different light.

Good luck with everything though. We all have our rough days, week, months.

There are no "good girls...really? So then there are no good guys either right? And while we're at it there are no good asian people, black people, fat people, dogs, cats, insects. LOL, sorry man I just had to laugh when you wrote that as I remember my friends wife sticking by him when he lost his job, lost his house and nice car and she stuck with him through thick and thin and as soon as he got back on his feet he left her and cheated on her with another younger woman.
So I dont want to hear that simple minded BS about no good girls. And Ive read the truth about women and maybe some of you should read the truth about men because Ive been out on the town plenty of times with my married friends and every single one of them has strayed at one point. Case closed.


Oct 4, 2005
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Originally posted by Desdinova
One of my exs recently got married. The guy is a complete AFC. It comforts me to know that the marriage probably won't last. They got married because she was pregnant.

Dude "taking comfort" in the chance that a marriage won't last is just wrong! Be a MAN (not a jealous , - you guessed it "AFC"!) and wish them well in your heart, if you even have one! :rolleyes: :down:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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Re: RE:

Originally posted by SeldomSeen
There are no "good girls...really? So then there are no good guys either right? And while we're at it there are no good asian people, black people, fat people, dogs, cats, insects. LOL, sorry man I just had to laugh when you wrote that as I remember my friends wife sticking by him when he lost his job, lost his house and nice car and she stuck with him through thick and thin and as soon as he got back on his feet he left her and cheated on her with another younger woman.
So I dont want to hear that simple minded BS about no good girls. And Ive read the truth about women and maybe some of you should read the truth about men because Ive been out on the town plenty of times with my married friends and every single one of them has strayed at one point. Case closed.

Really, So you know exactly what each these girls are doing 24/7. So what that they stuck by them. Can you be sure that she did not F**k another guy? Again, women reason through emotions not through logic. Remember that.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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You dont get it do you? I dont care what anyone does 24/7. But my point was if there are no good girls out of the 6.X billion people on the planet earth then that must hold true for guys too. Tell you what, I have a roommate who's female. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give her a 8.5 She's engaged to this guy she's been dating for 3 years. I know her schedule, live with her, everything. I know she hasnt fu**ed another guy. If she has I will evict her from my apartment since by your standard she's not a good girl.

2nd Who made you God and gave you a right to judge anyone?
Seriously? Are you perfect? Are you close to perfect? Is anyone close to perfect? The problem doesnt lie in women but your own fear of women. You're calling the kettle black. Been cheated on havent you? I cheated on a girl that was good and loyal to me and I was cheated on by my next GF. Karma is a *****. Im in my late 30's now I know. Im not taking up for women Im taking up for humanity. Im not trying to dog you but dont show your ignorance. Forget about what one anonymous guy posted go do your own research. Research the percentage of men compared with the percentage of women who have extramarital affairs (usually you'll find men outnumber women by anywhere from 10 to 25 percent) Also search why women and men stray and you'll find men stray more for physical or sexual reason and women stray more for emotional connections etc. Meaning they are bored and arent getting something out of their marriage unlike most men who just want to fu** some hot babe.

Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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People define "good girls" different. TO ME, it means a girl that is faithful, caring, and understanding, and good at sex. Now based on the fact that women make decisions based on EMOTION, they can easily be manipulated out of these characteristics that I feel makes a good girl.

No I have never been cheated on.

Here is the article that will explain the reason for my argument about "good girls" have fun.

Let me point out right now that my Modus Operandi doesn't change in the slightest if she single or if she has a boyfriend or husband. I just do my normal routine and I **** her. Sometimes she brings up the boyfriend so she won't feel guilty when I **** her because now it's "my fault." Sometimes she hides it from me until after I've ****ed her, then she admits it. I can't tell you how many times I've been laying next to some chick, all sweaty cause I just finished busting a nut all over her face or in her mouth or on her back, and suddenly her phone rings and she's on the phone with her man, giving him some bull**** story. This is with NO GUILT WHATSOEVER!!! The sweetest most innocent girls you ever laid eyes on, will cheat at the drop of a HAT. The one thing that most men value most - loyalty - is just not there with women. Women don't think in terms of honor, women don't say "word is bond;" women are basically emotionally driven. If they feel it, they do it, period. Then they rationalize it to themselves later. Nothing is more meaningful, or compelling, to a woman than (1) the way she feels and (2) learning more about her own inner self and having emotional realizations. That's why women love astrology, chick flicks, soap operas, stupid Cosmo quizes that supposedly reveal info about yourself, etc.

I must be really good looking, right? NOPE. My looks are marginal; I'm maybe a 7. I don't work out (though I'm not fat or anything.) In fact I didn't have any success with women until I was in my early 20's. That's when I decided to go out a lot and start trying to get laid... I was willing to face rejection a thousand times a night, and do it over and over, trying everything, until I got it right. I had to completely set my ego aside. I didn't get laid at all for the first few months. Then every now and then. Then pretty often. Then downright consistently! I'm in my early 30's now and I am basically a sexual god. I wouldn't have even believed this were possible when I was in high school. The ONLY factor that determined whether a woman would cheat was my own skill level. When my skills were poor, women **** all over me. (Everyone knows how women think they have license to be rude *****es in social situations... in fact I understand and appreciate that behavior now.) But once my skills got good, I could **** just about anyone's wife or girlfriend. And many times I didn't know they had a man until after I ****ed them.

Look, I'm not saying that men are perfect, or whatever. Far from it. I'm just saying, I've spent a lot of my time studying women and interacting with them, and I know how they are. In fact, sometimes I hate knowing it. Sometimes I wish I had taken the blue pill, and never went down the rabbit hole, because now there's really no going back. I didn't want to believe these things... but how could I ever get married now? How could I ever be the chump who pays for everything and blissfully goes through life not worrying about his woman because he trusts her? Look, would you leave your dog alone with a steak? You can't hate the dog for doing what's in its nature. You can't trust a dog, BUT you can trust a dog to BE a dog. Some men are disloyal... but I could *never* trust a woman to be loyal. Some men are bad presidents...but I could *never* vote for a woman to be president. I can rarely expect a woman to regard her own promises as more important and compelling to her than the emotions she feels in the moment. She will rationalize it to herself later.

Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that the median 22 year old woman has TWICE as much sex as the median 22 year old man? You might ask, how is that possible? If a woman's having sex, doesn't that mean a man is having sex at the same time? And thus, shouldn't men be having just as much sex as women? NO...because most men hardly get laid, or if they do, it's because they "got lucky." But a small group of men get laid ALL THE TIME, and **** LOTS AND LOTS of women! It's evolution at work. Women follow their emotions, and that leads them to sleep with men like me (who know how to control female emotions.) Women want the top man...so the top man ****s lots of women. That's right - the sexual revolution, feminism, etc has resulted in a return to harems. Women, at the mercy of their own emotions, are volunteering for the modern-day equivalent of harems. Lucky for me!! Heh.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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Originally posted by trd323
People define "good girls" different. TO ME, it means a girl that is faithful, caring, and understanding, and good at sex.

Okay Im done with this thread as soon as you said 'Good at Sex' that tells me you're between 17-22 and you have alot of learning to do. No big deal though bruh man because I thought like that when I was younger. Anyone can be manipulated if they allow themselves. Hell my uncle was hypnotized to stop smoking for a year, but then he went back to smoking.

Faithful, Caring and Understanding? Wow are you saying there are none? I mean lets call a spade a spade. If there are none this violates the laws of probability and we as men might as well give up right?

Now quit quoting what some guy wrote.
I can quote the Holy Bible but can I prove it? Can you prove to me that this guy has slept with 400 million married women or women with boyfriends? Do you have statistics on the ones who said "get lost loser Im married?" Please do tell. Ive had married women on me and Ive had married women say "Im happily married" to me also. I may think 90 percent of his story is full of sh** but I cant prove it. Hell Ive blown up stats myself to look good. Ive lied and manipulated the truth too. Just like the media, the government, the press etc etc. Dont believe everything you read man. Its bad for your intelligence. Good day.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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Oh yeah let me add something man, Ive flirted with and have caught the attention of plenty of girls with boyfriends and couldve fu**ed them. But one thing I failed to do was capture their heart. So what if I wouldve slept with them. In the morning they wouldve woke and went back to the one that captures their heart the most. When you understand that then you're on your way. Pu**y feels good but its overrated. Ask Bill Clinton

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Controlfreak
...To make matters worse my ex girl (the reason for coming to this site in the first place)who I never quite got over got married on the weekend and for some reason even sent me wedding pictures??????

So right at the moment feel as though fate is giving me a nasty beating.
So stop allowing these feelings to effect you, you have a choice to not allow it to effect you negatively. What's worse is that you ex is still effected by your past even after she's supposedly moved on. You shouldn't care about her current state nor she should of yours. But yet she does and you do. STOP IT!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Dude "taking comfort" in the chance that a marriage won't last is just wrong! Be a MAN (not a jealous , - you guessed it "AFC"!) and wish them well in your heart, if you even have one!
I will wish them well if they treated me decent. I have a few ex's that treated me decently and I wish them all the best. This particular chick didn't treat me all that well. I'm happy that she found a guy who cried after recieving spiderman socks from her for his birthday.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
wish her luck, and move on.
if you were currently happy with your own life, you would honestly wish her good luck and you wouldnt think about it twice.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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The ex getting married did affect me but not a disaster. 3 days later I am over it and good luck to her.

However the day before the news of the ex, I got LJBF'd by another girl. One who actually had potential.

What is really bothering me is that my ex moved on, but after coming to this site and using all the advice (a lot of it conflicting I might add) reading the bible - going out and actually putting it into practice I have to say my game is still weak!

In other words I still have inner game issues!

I once asked about David D's stuff but people said you could get all the same info on this site. I am not so sure about !

Does anybody know if when by his stuff does he email it or does it download to the computer? I am at a cafe so am cautious about "downloading" his stuff