Ex/FwB hanging in the same social circle advice needed

Father Joseph

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2014
Reaction score
So I was in a relationship with this girl for 8 months we broke up last October we have had "friends with benefits" deal from the same night we broke up haha (what a genious idea) It has gone quite well despite a few incidents ( for example I made out with her friend:up: ) I have gotten over her pretty much but I think she still has feelings for me.

Now it has gotten to the point where I want to try out different girls and try spin some plates. I need advice how to pull this of because as the title says she is in the same social circle. I have a lot of friends but the group where I hang out the most she hangs in too. Her two friends are in relationship with my two best friends so when I go to the local nightclub with my friends she is there. And almost everytime I am on a nightout solo or with my other friends she is there. This is a small city so there is only few clubs.

I know that if I take a girl home in front of her she will snap. Just to point out my game also includes daygame. Clubs are not the only places I'll try to approach girls

She is a really nice girl, submissive, respectful and reliable and the sex is just great. She is down for it anytime I want.

So how I should proceed with this? Has anyone had similiar experiences? If you need details feel free to ask. May God bless you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
It shouldn't matter how she feels bro.

It ended last october so you have no commitments to pay off.

Spin plates, even if its infront of her and let her hamster run wild (which it will). When she gets mad, LGBF her.

Father Joseph

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2014
Reaction score
beatjunkie said:
It shouldn't matter how she feels bro.

It ended last october so you have no commitments to pay off.

Spin plates, even if its infront of her and let her hamster run wild (which it will). When she gets mad, LGBF her.
I am not familiar with the term LGBF.. could you tell me what it means?

Father Joseph

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2014
Reaction score

And thanks for the input @beatjunkie. I would to like some other point of views about this topic. Thanks


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
Careful man, been there. Took a sweet natured girl that I had split from, but would still hook up with, and pushed her by picking up girls in front of her. Randomly one night she snaps, walks up throws a drink on the girl I was making out with. Then proceeds to smash me in the face with it.

Ended with getting stitches and still have the scars lol. Luckily aren't noticeable anymore.

Best thing is tell her what you want. She may not hook up anymore, but why play the game of trying to pick up girls without pissing her off. It lowers your chances with other girls and her at the same time.