Ever feel like a boy-toy?


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
I dunno call me nuts but I got a bad vibe from this one chick. I know I might get flamed as a homo but I feel like I am her boy-toy or something and I don't like it.
She seems to very openly and quite often point out the fact that she like my looks. Kinda like us guys can drool over a hot chick as she walks by or something, you know what I mean. I dunno it starting to freak me out :down: I think I am starting to feel what girls feel when we oogle over them and dirty thoughts cross our minds :D My interest in her droped like a rock after I kinda felt that I have her in my hands and the war is won. She is seeing me as a hunk of meat not as a person, it's no fun to be with her :( I fear my time with her might be very short lived.

BTW I don't consider myself a male model, attractive yes, but not so much. I need to loose a few pounds and hit the gym more often.

darth yoda

Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
a galaxy far, far away
Pay attention my young padawans, valuable truths we learn here...

So blinded by her physical attraction to a man she is..an AFC she has become. Turned the tables have been.

Good looking you are? Time we should all invest in looking good, we never know when we can be seen as a piece of meat.

Your best bet is to give her what she wants, enjoy the fruits of your labor.


....Forgove me my young padawans...forgotten the most important truth have I.

Challenge and interest level crucial they are, for men as well as women.
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Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Eh, learn to deal with it. It should only matter if you have major feeling for her. If you do, hopefully she feels the same way then everything is cool. If not, I'd suggest seeing additional women to ward off one-itis.

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Yes--JPR you've given me no choice.
you are a big whining, sobby, simpering wuss.
In fact, i'm not even totally convinced
that you're a guy [please, don't respond to
this by telling me how 'masculine' you think you
are. that would be worse.]
As for the feelings of being "ogled" and a "boy-toy", exactly whose problem is that? I think it's yours.
If your self-image is in the right place--i.e. independent of how others act towards you--then why would you care if she only wants you for your body? Are you that insecure about yourself as an intelligent, capable person? If so, then maybe you *shouldn't hang out with her. But since you clearly are with her even despite your unhappiness, maybe your self-esteem is questionable.
Man you need to grab your balls and do something about this. Either take the pvssy for what it is or leave it. Just PLEASE stop whining about it!


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
she could use me all she wants, i wont mind.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Don't let her use you all she wants... that's giving her the power.
Eventually she'll get used to your looks and look for something more.
If you combine good looks + challenge you'll have her hooked till you find a hotter chick. Then you can say buh-bye to miss shallow.
Make her pay for every minute she spends with you and see what happens. She won't be able to let go of you, and then you can get her to do whatever you want.
Don't get trapped into that sappy idea that only guys want sex. She wants it just as bad, so make sure to make her pay for it.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
Don't let her use you all she wants... that's giving her the power.
Eventually she'll get used to your looks and look for something more.
If you combine good looks + challenge you'll have her hooked till you find a hotter chick. Then you can say buh-bye to miss shallow.
Make her pay for every minute she spends with you and see what happens. She won't be able to let go of you, and then you can get her to do whatever you want.
Don't get trapped into that sappy idea that only guys want sex. She wants it just as bad, so make sure to make her pay for it.

The DomMega

Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Originally posted by darth yoda
Pay attention my young padawans, valuable truths we learn here...

So blinded by her physical attraction to a man she is..an AFC she has become. Turned the tables have been.

Good looking you are? Time we should all invest in looking good, we never know when we can be seen as a piece of meat.

Your best bet is to give her what she wants, enjoy the fruits of your labor.


....Forgove me my young padawans...forgotten the most important truth have I.

Challenge and interest level crucial they are, for men as well as women.
HAHA YES! I loved reading that **** right there.

I don't know, I guess I'm just really not seeing the problem here. I've been passed around a crew of chick friends willingly and neither of us had a problem with it. I'd just bang this chick to shut her up if it seriously bothers you that much, which it shouldn't but everyone's different.

If you want to feel like a real piece of meat go to Tijuana mexico one night. As you're walking down the street the women will grab you right in the junk while saying "AI PAPPI!" If that don't make you feel like a piece of meat, then nothing will. Even I felt violated which has never happened before, too bad the chicks were ****ing ugly who were doing it, but whatev.