errection problems


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
hey all.
so i wrote a while ago about not being able to get boners. it ****in sucks.
so i never used to get ass now i get ass all the time.
i started hookin up w/ this really hot girl, first time we hooked up i couldnt get it up at all. pretty sure it was cause i was nervous.
but now ive hooked up w/ her like plenty of times and im plenty comfortable iwth her. i always get it up now, but its hard to get it up.
i havent ****ed her yet cause ive been afraid i wont be ablet ot get it up and it will be humiliating.
basically weve been hookin up, ill go down on her, i will be flacid. shell start giving me head, ill get it up, then it goes away after like 10 mins. at first it feels really good but hten maybe it goes numb or something so it stops feeling good, it goes down, and she stops.
the last girl i ****ed i had trouble too. she would touch play with it with her hands and it wouldnt do anything. i could get it up with head but it wouldnt stay up. the only way i could get it up enough was if my **** was rubbing against her *****, but then it would go down by the time i put my condom on.
by myself i can get hard ons fine.
im pretty desperate. it ****ing sucks. last time someone told me to try this self hypnosis. sadly i even tried that. people joking tell me to take viagra, i dont know if this would really help. do you think i should seriously try it?
what should i do?
last night we hooked up and i said want me to grab a condom next time and she said sure. so im trying ot think of a strategy, maybe ill wait til she first starts giving me head then real quick slip on a condom, maybe rub herp ussy with my **** if it starts going down. i need a way to beat this problem. when its in a ***** it stays hard the whole time.
what the **** is wrong with me?
any advice/comments would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
G'day mate,

I've had similar problems in the past and what helped me the most was QUITTING porn and not masturbating as frequently. If I know I'm going to be doing anything sexual with a girl, I'll try not to have a toss for 5-7 days before - and this usually builds up my testosterone to the point that if we're cuddling I'll get hard. :rockon:

Do you look at porn regularly and masturbate? You need to quit that and give your brain a chance to associate real life girls with getting an erection instead of a fantasy on a computer screen.

Also if you don't already, go to the gym and do heavy squats, bench and deadlifts.

Let us know how it goes. :)


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Eggchen said:
G'day mate,

I've had similar problems in the past and what helped me the most was QUITTING porn and not masturbating as frequently. If I know I'm going to be doing anything sexual with a girl, I'll try not to have a toss for 5-7 days before - and this usually builds up my testosterone to the point that if we're cuddling I'll get hard. :rockon:

Do you look at porn regularly and masturbate? You need to quit that and give your brain a chance to associate real life girls with getting an erection instead of a fantasy on a computer screen.

Also if you don't already, go to the gym and do heavy squats, bench and deadlifts.

Let us know how it goes. :)
Did godjwood mention anywhere in his post that he gets a hard on from porn. Why are you soliciting your "remedy" if porn wasn't in on the factor?

godjwood, you said you didn't have erectile problems before with this girl, is there something that has been recently going on in your life such as a job issues, you find her unattractive, or ripoff parking ticket? Erectile problems are either caused psychologically or physiologically (Mind or Body.) Apparently you didn't have a problem and this only started happening recently. It does indeed suck when you can't hold it up, cause an erected penis defines sexually a part of what makes us a man. Try to look deep in yourself to see what's up before prescribing to any methods or medication.

I can't get it up from:

1. When I'm depressed
2. When I'm not attracted to the girl
3. When I'm really stressed out from external sources
4. When I'm fatigued from stress or exercise
5. When I watch a chick flick

There's always a reason to why your de-erection is happening to you, and I think you know what's going on.


New Member
Jun 2, 2006
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Hitman10000 said:
5. When I watch a chick flick
lol. that almost sounds like you could be kidding, but now that im thinking of it, i probably wouldnt be able to either.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
should i really go to a doctor?
i ordered some pills online.. im excited to see what happens with those.


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
goto a doctor! dont take any pills you get from the internet. they are not going to help you. So goto the doctor!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
It's all in your head! Seriously. You are way too fvcking nervous.

Try this next time:

Be in your own house, own bed, with nobody home. Make sure you're comfortable. Try being on the bottom first, it's more comforting and relaxing to start off when you're lying down.

And dude take your time, the girl will just get more anxious. It's not a race.

After a few successful times, you'll soon be a champ.

Stop masturbating and watching porn. That seriously helps.


Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
First of all, don't take those pills you ordered online. Viagra is a prescription drug, not something you can go out and buy like asprin. Not only are those online pills not the real deal, but they have the potential to be very dangerous because many of them don't go through FDA approval, hence the reason why they are being sold online, more than likely from Mexico or something. Stay the hell away from that stuff.

As far as Viagra, I have a friend who has tried it with good results. This sh-t turned him into a machine. But you should really try other things first before you go that route, because it can turn into a bad habit.

My suggestion is to first learn how to be a king in the sack, specifically with cunninglings. This helped with me when I started to need much more motivation to get an errection, because I just could not get hard when a woman just lays there or does the same lame sh-t. Basically, once you learn how to make a womans legs literally shake, get her squirming and moaning, etc. it becomes more of a turn on for you. Or at least it does for me, anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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check the health and fitness forum. This has been brought up a number of times and received good advice.

It sounds like a very common case of performance anxiety to me. First of all you need to break the cycle of worrying about it and just learn to focus on the intimacy, the feel of her body and so on.

Last time it happened to me, my girlfriend just said "don't worry, we've got all night" and those were like magic words! When I realised there was no urgency, we just carried on fooling around and the problem solved itself.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
godjwood said:
hey all.
so i wrote a while ago about not being able to get boners. it ****in sucks.
so i never used to get ass now i get ass all the time.
i started hookin up w/ this really hot girl, first time we hooked up i couldnt get it up at all. pretty sure it was cause i was nervous.
but now ive hooked up w/ her like plenty of times and im plenty comfortable iwth her. i always get it up now, but its hard to get it up.
i havent ****ed her yet cause ive been afraid i wont be ablet ot get it up and it will be humiliating.
basically weve been hookin up, ill go down on her, i will be flacid. shell start giving me head, ill get it up, then it goes away after like 10 mins. at first it feels really good but hten maybe it goes numb or something so it stops feeling good, it goes down, and she stops.
the last girl i ****ed i had trouble too. she would touch play with it with her hands and it wouldnt do anything. i could get it up with head but it wouldnt stay up. the only way i could get it up enough was if my **** was rubbing against her *****, but then it would go down by the time i put my condom on.
by myself i can get hard ons fine.
im pretty desperate. it ****ing sucks. last time someone told me to try this self hypnosis. sadly i even tried that. people joking tell me to take viagra, i dont know if this would really help. do you think i should seriously try it?
what should i do?
last night we hooked up and i said want me to grab a condom next time and she said sure. so im trying ot think of a strategy, maybe ill wait til she first starts giving me head then real quick slip on a condom, maybe rub herp ussy with my **** if it starts going down. i need a way to beat this problem. when its in a ***** it stays hard the whole time.
what the **** is wrong with me?
any advice/comments would be appreciated.
Were you really drunk and/or coked up?

I can never get it up without extreme effort whenever I'm coked up. Sex is impossible with a condom because getting it on takes too long.

If neither of the above, I don't know. Performance anxiety sounds about right to me though.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
i've decided that to prevent this situation from happening, i will keep a bottle of VigRX Oil on hand.


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2001
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New Jersey
I generally agree with everyone on this one. I would use Viagra as the last resort.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
and anyways, its mental... i know it is. so im not very convinced a doctor would be able to help me at all besides giving me th esame advice you gusy are.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
If its mental than go to a shrink. I would still go and get a professional opinion on the problem. Doctors hear this kind of stuff daily, especially urologists who specialize in erection problems, why would that be embarassing. Even if they dont give you medicine and it is mental then they can refer you to the right people to properly get over whatever it is.

Its your call, personally I would exhaust every option if I had hard on issues.