Enviroment dependence :(


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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If you can't be arsed then read the conclusion at the buttom!

yO! fellows!

I have a problem which I hope you can help me with, it is about:

Enviroment dependence!

First I need to descripe what kind of person I am.
I am what you could call a 'playful child' as i work in a theme park which has a large focus on children, so I like to play, entertain and make people laugh with or at me (like equipping wierd hats and things which you doubt could be a hat is so funny!)
This has to my suprise given me a lot of attraction of female visators, as I can make them laugh and have a good time, and I often obtain phone numbers rather quickly. Over the phone, when communicating by SMS or Messager I manage still to 'act' as this playful child, making the girl having a good time, then she often wants to meet me outside my job in the theme park and face to face. Now my problem arises:

I lose interest when I am trapped on the streets of borringness!!

To be more exact, everytime I meet up with a girl, we setup plans for what we could do, I often suggest we go to the local theme park and have fun, or somewhere else were it is possible to play, the girl agrees, yet, everytime I end up walking up and down the empty streets of a small city somewhere on the country side.
So I must conclude that I my way of being depends alot on where I am, and I find it hard to be the playful child when I am just slowy walking up and down the streets of nothingness.

The conclusion, if you couldn't bother reading this wall of text:

Q1:How do I get away from the streets of borringness?
Q2:How do I adapt the streets of borringness to be my playground?
Q3: and why is it that girls (most to considering my own experience) rather walk the streets of borringness then go have fun in the theme park? :(

I'll also apologize for my bad English grammar, English isn't my mother language, if you have any questions or what me to deeply explain something, just ask, and I'll do another attempt :p

Thank you in advantage!
The Foregin


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Australia, ?
I see.

Let's say I go meet a girl at a club in that crazy environment of loud music and grinding.
My state would probably be pretty high as a result of that.
I'm in this state of talking loud and having fun.

Then I call her on the phone. After the clubbing she went to bed. Went back to her life, heck I probably could have caught her mid-ironing the clothes and on the phone I can't be the crazy guy from the club because there is no club.

Instead, I'm something else entirely than from who she met at the club.
She reads it as me being extremely incongruent and just something isn't right here.

Q3: Answered.
Because the girl can't consistently be in a fun frame.

You are also trying to actually play the role of the performing monkey.
Being fun and entertaining is a spice of an interaction not the meal.
Stop constantly worrying about performing and being able to perform, you are in the wrong state.

Get her laughing and be amusing sure but to the point of basing your whole interaction around an act for her amusement, BAD.

Q1 & Q2: Answered.
Life isn't and shouldn't be treated as one giant theme park.
It might be fun and amusing but you shouldn't become her personal amusement but her personal man.

She pays to see a comedian but she goes home with a man.


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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So what you say is that I shall 'feel' the situtation and that the playful child/entertainer won't stand many chances to get a girl of his own? So I actually need to change my personality?


Nov 23, 2008
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You have to be the boss and initiator. Its up to you to start the fun and get her to come along.