ended LTR, should I even bother to date yet?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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I ended a 6 year LTR about 2 months ago and moved to another state. I am staying with a friend and ended up car-less and job-less. I now have a job and am saving for another car. I will be back on my feet fairly soon but should I even bother trying to date at this point or just concentrate on working on myself? I am going through my tony robbins tapes and reading what I can to make myself more of what I need to be.

I also know that I am not totally over my ex yet. Sometimes I get upset thinking about all the great things she was, I guess everyone does that in this situation to one degree or another.

On the one hand I do still care very much about her and frankly she is everything I want in a woman except she is a bit crazy and has some issues to work out by herself which means we cannot be together unless those issues are worked out and the chances of that are well, slim. On the other hand, I have already met lots of new girls, in fact I just got back from Ultra Fest in Miami and let me tell you, it was NOT hard at all to meet incredibly hot girls down there. I dont remember thinking about my ex a single time down there so that tells me I am moving on mentally at least.

I do fear I may never find another girl that was quite like my ex but all I can do is be positive and enjoy the new experiences I am having and look at this as an opportunity for new happiness and not a loss. I don't want to think of the 6 years as a waste, we had great times as well as bad times. They both count for something.

I am just wondering if maybe I should not even bother chasing girls right now, maybe I should just basically ignore them until I have my crap together and more to offer a woman. My confidence is fine, I have no problem approaching and getting girls, I just don't know for sure if I should jump right back into the game after a 6 year LTR. What do you guys think about this??

It seems you always find the girl your looking for when you stop looking.....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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In my life I have found it easier to get over an ex when I am dating other women. Notice how you didn't think about her when you were in Miami? Other women will take your mind off the ex.

Who doesn't sound like that good of a package to begin with as you were explaining away her issues. Women with issues are not worth your time, when you can find the same type without the issues. Why settle for less?

Dating beats sitting around thinking about her. Dating also allows you to get control of your dating life and to find out what your truly looking for in female companionship.

And doing without sex for long periods of time is dumb to me when you could be getting your needs met.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by BootsOfEscaping
I ended a 6 year LTR about 2 months ago and moved to another state.

I do fear I may never find another girl that was quite like my ex but all I can do is be positive and enjoy the new experiences I am having and look at this as an opportunity for new happiness and not a loss.

It seems you always find the girl your looking for when you stop looking.....
I got out of a 7 year LTR about 8 months ago, so I know how you feel. I went out and had fun, but wasn't really looking for a new girlfriend. Then one day, I met this girl by pure coincidence and we've now been seeing each other for over 2 months. She's amazing and I already feel more comfortable with her than I did with my ex.

I know all about the "I'll never love another girl the same" feeling, since I was there a few months ago. I guarantee it will happen though. Get out there and meet new people, male and female, and you'll just know when you find a girl you'd like to get involved with.