
Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys ive been a long time lurker on this forum and i just wanted to give some personal advice. Before reading what i have to say i just wanted to say that what i am about to post is what ive learned in my life either through my own experiences or by the experiences of others around me.

Here is the NUMBER 1 thing ive learned; the most important feature that a man must give a women in order to get her is .............. (drumroll please)................. EMOTIONS. Emotions is one of the most powerful feelings we as males can give to women. Now when girls dont get with a guy or if they flake on him its always because the man didnt give her enough emotional feelings. Now some might think that attraction and emotions is the same thing however im here to tell you that they are a bit similar but can be vastly different. Attraction is when a women is draw to you either because of your physical features or because of certain things you may possess, i.e wealth, social status etc. It is true that if you attract the girl half of your job is already done and that she is already feeling emotion feelings towards you. In my liftime out of the 50-100 girls that have been healivy attracted to me i have only slept with about 10 or so of them. Now in essence a great deal of these girls were heavily attracted to me but i only had sex with about 10-20% of them. I often pondered why my results were pretty low and it lead me to my "emotions" theory.

Now some of you may be wondering exactly how do i make a girl experience a great deal of emotional attachment towards me. Let me give you an example of one of my friends. One of my buddies is a natural. He picks uo girls almost all the time and generally he has above average girls wrapped around his finger. The funny part is he's not a very good looking guy, doesnt have a great deal of money and generally most girls wouldnt't find him to appealing. However one great trait he possesses is the ability to give girls a rush when their around him. He will act in a manner that he's known the girl his whole life and overall he litterally sweeps her off her feet. He acts as if he has a secret and that the girl should be aching to figure out what it is. He will call a girl whenever he feels like it, nothing with girls is consistant. One of the most dull and boring things for a girl is when a guy is consistant. He tells her hes gonna call at 7:30 and he calls at 7:30. He tells her their going to a resturant and they go to a resturant. Girls want excitement and a sense of rush and in order to possess this then you must always be indifferent and do things to the beat of your own drum. Whenever a girl says I want a guy that "looks like bradd pitt", or "drives a BMW" the girl generally means that she thinks this type of male will give her the greatest emotional fufillment.

It is not necessairly about looks, fame or the amount of money you make, but rather its understanding the way the hb operates and basically giving her the emotional fufillment that draws the gilr onto you. I believe this is why bad boys and jerks do so well, because they make the girls emotions go up and down at a consistant rate. Now i am not saying that all girls operate this way, there are a lot of girls who are very settled down and just want a "proper" guy in their lives. However i've witnessed that generally the hotter the girl is the more you have to work with her emotions. Game, personality, looks, money these are all tools that we use on girls in order for them to let us in their pants. Fellow Don juans use your weapon of choice(s) properly but remeber that at the end of the day if the girls not feeling an emotional attachment towards you, then your pretty much going no where with her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
I think you're on to something big here. But we need to explore this concept in greater depth. I think it really boils down to being a challenge to rile up her emotional circuits. At least in the first stages in the relationship (2-3 months). In all stages you kind of have to be like a comet, come around rarely but when you do come around, you're spectacular with your awe inducing personalities.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Yep, it's all about emotions. A good interaction for a woman is one in which she emotionally invests a lot.