Emotional Availability


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2016
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Hi folks, currently i am reading The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi and one thing he criticizes is that society teaches men to express themselves in a more emotional way to access womens intimacy. Stating that being emotional reserved towards women is one key for more attraction towards them, I am confused about the meaning and the definition of "being emotional available / reserved" and the meaning of "emotion" in this context.
[For those guys who read this awesome book, i am referring to chapter 4, "Kill the Beta", page 92f "Aestetics vs. social robots". ]

Naturally i am a very happy person, always wearing a smile and i am easily impress by my surroundings. Instead of hiding those "positive" emotions, I show them, i.e making big eyes, shouting woooahh and laughing a lot because i am enjoying myself. As far as i remember, the DJ - Bible suggests to show those positive emotions towards women (applying kino and so on) to create a state of intimacy with the woman - the contradiction to what Tomassi states - and showing only "happy, i dont care and angry" to them. However, for my understanding it would make perfectly sense if by being emotional he means that i shouldn't vomit my .... neutral / negativ feelings? (sadness, whining, ONEitis-loving-her-so-much, ....) to her.

I am not a native speaker - could anyone of the wiser gentlemen here explain what is meant with emotional expression? Is my described behavior one part of emotional availability? And in conclusion should i change this behavior to be overall more attractiv to women?

Greetings - RoKKo