Originally posted by Duke
This is a bit off-topic, but...
PRL, you give good advice, but you're often accused of being a keyboard jockey. Don't you wanna dispel that rumor? I'm VERY interested in hearing some field reports from you to get a feel for your style AND to know that you are actually putting all this stuff to use.
Haha, good observation Duke – It is not a rumor – it is a correct assessment!
I am THE master of all master 'keyboard jockeys' on SoSuave - did you read my profile?
I am here mainly because I am tired and loathe the condition of which our youth of the world have fallen in regards to following the dictates of women and in the process losing their 'manliness'! My responses are just a small contribution to correct the wrong.
I am not a ‘Player’ or ‘Pimp’, although if I so desire I would have no problem attaining such status! I am quite conservative and reserved when it comes to women/hors yet I had my fair share - but my goal in life is not to ‘get’ women – this will be too easy.
My main problem is finding ‘quality’ women who meet my minimum standards and I have extremely low tolerance for hor attitudes and disrespect so this obviously excludes many women. - let alone ‘weight’ qualifications! I have very high standards!
I seek quality and not quantity. I am trying to become more of a spiritual person and less physical and focusing on more important matters. I have never been the type to share with others my sexual exploits – never will. I fear getting a hor pregnant and having to deal with her for the rest of my life – again I have low tolerance. And I fear disease from a hor which is abundant in today’s world.
So to answer your question - I do not hesitate to pursue a woman who fancies me and I take delight in it and pursue her with all vigor. I just wish for more opportunities – and I only pursue women who are much younger than me thus limiting my options.
I rather be alone than with bad company!!