I remember see'ing a thread about this kind of thing awhile back, but can't remember what it said.
Basically my story is this:
I worked with this girl the year before last, and she fell very, very hard for me. As they said it in "Shallow Hal", she has ugly duckling syndrome. She isn't the type to approach. She has very little self esteem, but we get along very well. I'm very infatuated with her, and I know she is infatuated with me. About two months ago, I see her at the gym. With are both home from college. I eavesdrop on her conservation with her friend and the friend is saying "Just go over there and talk to him". THis girl is as intimidated by me as much as I am now. If anything she would be a good "first" girlfriend. My dumb ass could of had her at any point.
Based on what I just told you. All the answers will be a no, but there is a catch. Last summer she worked as secretary for this real estate developer in my town. I want to interin this christmas break/summer break for him. Think I could just email her out of the blue asking about it, and stear it toward a relationship?
We both just started school, and we are both shy. She'll want some familiar company. I think if I acted on it now, it would be good.
How would I write a message that could convey my interest in the interinship and her?
Basically my story is this:
I worked with this girl the year before last, and she fell very, very hard for me. As they said it in "Shallow Hal", she has ugly duckling syndrome. She isn't the type to approach. She has very little self esteem, but we get along very well. I'm very infatuated with her, and I know she is infatuated with me. About two months ago, I see her at the gym. With are both home from college. I eavesdrop on her conservation with her friend and the friend is saying "Just go over there and talk to him". THis girl is as intimidated by me as much as I am now. If anything she would be a good "first" girlfriend. My dumb ass could of had her at any point.
Based on what I just told you. All the answers will be a no, but there is a catch. Last summer she worked as secretary for this real estate developer in my town. I want to interin this christmas break/summer break for him. Think I could just email her out of the blue asking about it, and stear it toward a relationship?
We both just started school, and we are both shy. She'll want some familiar company. I think if I acted on it now, it would be good.
How would I write a message that could convey my interest in the interinship and her?