Eliminating the BF


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Fellas, I posted earlier about the bipolar chick that just wanted to be friends. I changed her mind and made out with her 3 times at my house 2 nights ago.
Last night I went to another prom(nothing happened) and she spent that time with another guy she's known about 2 weeks. She told me when she left she wanted more.

I demonstrate good looks-humor-and all. She's into me. I just need to end her relationship with her bf before it gets too much hotter. Seems like if I ignore her and don't talk to her she just goes to him. Will an F close at her house get rid of him for good? I've demonstrated good values, but looks like I'm gonna need that to end it.

How do I do this? I need to eliminate him ASAP. He lives near me too, and she lives 30 minutes away. Techniques? :)


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
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haha dont even bother man. Im sorry but it is kinda ******* for u to make them break up. How would u like it if u were going out with her and some guy tried to end ur relationship.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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Destiny17 said:
I want to do it, it is good experience.
You sound pretty immature. Just go kick the guy's ass and be done with it. It'll be a good learning experience! (especially jail)


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
TylerDurden said:
The tactic:
What you're looking to do here is tear the guy down to a NICE GUY, while making
it look like you're actually STICKING UP FOR HIM! Your goal is to make him one
of those guys that a girl would go out on a date with, like as a person, and
feel bad for having to LJBF at the end of the night when he tries to kiss her
at the door.

So how do you do that? Almost invariably, LTRs have certain problems (which
any of you who've had LTRs are morbidly familiar with):

-jealousy related spats (KEY)


-failure to commit or being too distant

-abusive behaviour (be it physical or mental)

-psychological withdrawal, to gain certainty in the relationship (ie: in LTRs
each party will withdraw to see if the other will pursue periodically, to
assure themselves that the LTR is solid.. this is dimestore psychology, and
easily observable in any relationship)

-being irresponsible (not holding up share of chores, etc.)

-not being assertive in bed (KEY)

-being into S&M and other stuff in bed, that the girl thinks is too far out

-getting angry/frustrated when he initiates sex, and girl is not in the mood

-being too predictable, not passionate

OK, there are some basic ones. I will now break these down to show you how I
would roughly respond to any of these complaints, in a way that I appear to be
sticking up for the BF, but am inadvertantly BFdestroying him. This is not the
sum total of the routine, but simply the raw fuel that you are employing, while
using standard *** kino/bodylanguage/tonality etc. Remember, that you may not
necessarily want to start escalating your sexual state, until she is convinced
that her BF is lame-ass, otherwise she may potentially realize that you are
trying to pull one over on her. This is not the rule, but simply something to
be considered based on your evaluation of the circumstance.


"You have to understand that this guy really appreciates you, because you're
probably the best girl that he ever got, or ever will get. I know that... you
care about this guy (maybe sp)... but there's just a certain equilibrium where
if you've done this guy a favour by being with him and he's not equipped to
handle it, since he knows that he'll never get a girl like you again if he
walks out, that he's just constantly frustrated and panicked that you'll leave.
It's not his fault.


"You've got to understand that for this guy you are his entire world. He cares
about you so much, that everything else in the world is meaningless to him.
You are his only source of pleasure, and without you he knows that...he's
nothing. You can't blame him, he just doesn't have anything else going for
him, so he needs you."

Failure to commit:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you. He does. Its just that deep down he
has a fear that... you're too good for him... and that you'll realize it and be
like, you know....you just have to dump this guy.... and then he'll be left
emotionally destroyed because he made himself vulnerable. Yes yes I know that
you wouldn't do that to him, but its just that with (x,y,z into consideration -
bring up imbalance struck earlier in the convo) he knows that you could get
other guys (SP)...like me...I just think that he's not an emotionally secure
person, and you've gotta cut him some slack."

Abusive behaviour:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you. Its that he loves you too much, and
just can't handle it. He's not emotionally available, and because he knows
that you're the best he's ever had, he can't handle all of these things that
he's going through emotionally. All his life he probably wasn't very good with
women, and women weren't interested in him.. So now that he's got this girl, he
doesn't know how to handle it. (plus use the he doesn't want to be emotionally
vulnerable, because he's such a loser ass that he can't handle it as per above

Periodic Psychological Withdrawal:

"(use combinations from material I've written.. Rather than downplaying it for
the perfectly normal behaviour that it is, magnify it by making it appear to be
a sign of insecurity, that is typically displayed when nice guys who can't get
girls get stuck into a relationship with a girl that is too good for them)"

Being Irresponsible:

"Its not that this guy doesn't -want- to do these things. Its just that he's
so overwhelmed by all of the things that are going on, that he just can't keep
up these responsibilities. Yes yes, I know that x,y,z aren't that much, but
he's not in an emotionally healthy place right now, and he just can't handle it
(you mirror this against yourself, the image of a REAL/STRONG/COMPETENT man,
basically trying to make him seem like a little boy)"

Not being assertive in bed (THIS IS KEY, AND IS VERY OFTEN THE BEST ONE TO USE


"It's not that he doesn't want to excite you. It's just that he's so
overwhelmed being with a girl like you, that he's not equipped to handle your
sexual needs. It's like the typical case of the rich daughter who marries the
labourer. At first the labourer is so exstatic to have this gorgeous girl
(point to her) wanting him.. But in the end, he cheats on her with some white
trash mullet haired girl, because he knows that that's who he really belongs
with, and that's who makes him feel good about himself. You shouldn't hold his
lack of assertiveness in bed against him, because its just a reflection of his
insecurity. With the right girl, any guy can be a stud in the sack .. its not
hard, you just have to take CONTROL (perhaps show some controlling kino here,
to get her turned on)." then transition to some HOT sex talk, where you
inadvertantly spill how much you need to take control in bed.

Guy into weird stuff in bed (S&M etc) when she hates it:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you.. Its just that he uses these things
to objectify you, because he knows that he's never had a girl like you, and
probably never will once you're gone.. so he doesn't want to "make love",
because he doesn't want to make himself emotionally vulnerable to you.. but he
still wants sex,
so he has to turn it into a perverse game, to keep his insecurities from
overwhelming him"

Guy gets angry when he initiates sex and she's not interested (ANOTHER KEY ONE

"The thing is, that this guy loves you, and he's just exasperated that.... he's
completely impotent to turn you on.. he just can't turn you on, and he knows
that, so he gets frustrated.. Its like when you want to have
sex...withme.....its like, I know that its your job to get the girl turned on.
Girls need a man who knows that they want, and how to get it. When a girl says
'no', but at the same time she loves this guy (sp), it often means please turn
me on more.. please, I want you to be more attentive to me.. (this totally
mind****s the girl, as it is an EXTREMELY COMMON part of the LTR cycle, that
once sex becomes stagnant -> foreplay nearly ceases. Because chemically women
are addicted to OXITOCINS which are released by touch, and it is more
testosterone that they get from sex, most women will hate sex once it degrades
to a lack of foreplay. However, most LTRs have this problem, so you must
exploit it.. I'm ceasely amazed by how much girls in LTRs PERK RIGHT UP the
second that you imply that you're attentive even in LTRs)

Being too predictable, not passionate:

"Its not that this guy doesn't love you. He does. Its just that he's so
comfortable with you now.. and feels so close to you, that you're more like a
sister to him.. Like a special sister, but someone who he doesn't feel that he
has to do all these things for anymore, because your relationship is so secure
and so predictable.. there's no need for all that excitement, because he knows
that nothing will change.. Some guys deal with true love that way.. I dunno,
for me, I think that if you really love someone, you have to do x,y,z
(established earlier in convo) to keep it fresh. Like if you are really a real
man who loves his woman, you have to do x,y,z to keep it fresh. But really,
its not that he doesn't love you, its just that he loves you so much that he
doesn't see the need."

***So, remember that you are focusing on destroying the guy's sexual appeal, by
making him seem too familiar, and easy to understand. People generally get
'one-itis' for those who are challenging and hard to understand. By making the
BF seem both easy to understand, and very insecure/nice/beta in the meantime,
the relationship will likely not last the week.

Just remember not to be the LJBF who counsels her on her problems. Instead,
you are constantly getting her worked up by doing the EVing that MrSEX4uNYC
discusses in his archive. Ideally, she must be getting both turned off the guy
by what you're doing, and getting turned on by YOU, and the conversation
natural flow of conversation must indirectly lead to exposing your highly
desirable qualities.

She is getting turned on by the DIRECT CONTRAST between you and her boyfriend.

You do not offer your qualities directly, but highlight them by pointing out
that you understand where her BFs negative qualities are insecure. Getting her
to beg you to tell her how you treat women is all the better, and if it is
going well can likely be expected. Act reluctant to tell her if necessary,
though not to the extent that you are sending an SOI that her getting with you
is not a program that you're down with.

Once you have her worked up, use standard *** material to move in, and its a
done deal.
Tested many times and WORKS!


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Every where in the United Kingdom
godsgifttowomen said:
Flows101 THANK YOU.

That's an awesome repost. Where did you find that? I'm curious.

But what I've always done with HB's that have BFs:

The BF doesn't exist. Think of him as the tooth fairy. A figment of your imagination. IF she brings up the bf say "awesome when's the wedding?" ha. And then change the subject.

Found it when i was on mASF going through TD's archive.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Such behaviour makes you a turn off to the chick. Being a **** block is not a good thing, it shows you're desparate, average, and frustrated. Which you are, I know you realize that you are.

You have poor game. Your way to improving yourself is improving your game. You should also improve your physique, become a body builder, or if you fat, become skinny and body builder.

What you doing right now is total bs, and you should stop, think, and work on yourself instead.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
i dated a bipolar chick back about 7 years ago. Man let me tell you, thats a serious nono. We were together for about 3 months, and what a waste of time. It was constant up and downs. I guess if you like drama, you found your match. Because the life of a bipolar chick, is drama X 10 compared to a normal chick. Keep looking bro, plus any girl that will leave her boyfriend for you, will leave you for a new guy. Keep that in mind.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
let me caps thsi and bold it.


bf destroyer works, but I personally like to act like they don't exist. It usually works like a charm. I don't like to do it though.

Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
There is no such thing as "Bi-polar"!! It is a title to explain a bad selfish attitude!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Last Man Standing said:
There is no such thing as "Bi-polar"!! It is a title to explain a bad selfish attitude!!!
eh, fine stay the fvck away from those types of b!tches. they will kill you just like they did my cousin and like my ex, almost did to me.



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Destiny17 said:
I want to do it, it is good experience.
I can only agree. You gotta sleep with a bi-polar chick at least once in your life. Bi-polar chicks are awesome in bed during their manic episodes. Unfortuntely, during the depressive episodes, they are hellbeasts. I dumped the hottest chick of my life who would do ANYTHING in bed because I couldn't deal with any more tearful phone calls at 4 in the morning.

As for dealing with the boyfriend - don't even bother trying to "eliminate" him. It sounds like she's ready to cheat on him with you right now. Just bring her over and escalate. Then dump her when you're done with her for being a hor and cheating on her boyfriend!


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
wtf is a bipolar chick?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
The technique that Flows101 posted is great.

Tyler Durden is the most b*stardish copying son of a b!tch PUA around, but he is awesome at what he does, making him seem better than everyone else.

Try that technique by Tyler that Flows101 posted.


New Member
Jun 17, 2007
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flows U BELONG ON MT. OLYMPUS WITH THE OTHER GRECIAN DEITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
this is BS. you men behave like little girls. forget her and her bf and go find a single chick. oneits at its finess fokes.