****ed her once and now a friend! with a twist


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
This girl i've known for a while hooked up, i knew her threw friends and school and finally asked her out. Went out 3 times over 2 week period and ending up ****ing her on the last night. She freaks out the night we ****ed, and thinks i might of cummed in her.... no problem she took the morning after pill. We'll call this girl Kate

Kate calls the next night and tell me she really likes me and is attracted to me sexually but wants to finish school before she gets into a serious relationship. I kept in contact with her until she had her period and both of us were relieved. We had a few conversations about her wanting a relationship but she wants to "wait till summer". I said fine whatever she's probably freaked over the baby thing.

So i cut off contact for a weekend and she calls me wanting to know if im mad at her about the "friends" thing. I said Im fine with whatever but im not gonna call you and chase you around. She calls every week to hang out and have lunch or something but nothing more than a hug and friendly conversation, no dinner or anything "relationship" related.

She always initiates contact and im always friendly, but i dont think she wants to come over my house or have "dinner" dates anymore but i've never asked her.

Here's the really ****ed up part. Kate hangs around a married guy and im REALLY good friends with this guys wife and i hear all kinds of **** from the Amber. Apparently Kate practically lives at there house and spends a lotta time with the husband and i mean shopping, dinner, going out doing **** whatever. This has been on going for months and the wife is PISSED about it because its driving a wedge between the marriage.

I think kate and the husband may be ****ing on the side and kate may be using me as an alibi.... Kate spends time at there house even when Amber is not there...and thats weird as **** to me and all my friends that know them.

What should i do with kate? Continue friendly convo, cut conversation short with her, or dump the ***** and move on? Whats your advise. I tried to make the story short but there is a lot more to it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
She's a hor! I'd stay in the friendzone or cut her loose... And if your really good friends with this guy. Bros before ho's.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
She's ****ing the husband. There is no doubt. Your best bet is to get away from all of this mess. I'm including Amber because she may turn to you for comfort and we all know where that will go....


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
The_411 said:
She's ****ing the husband. There is no doubt. Your best bet is to get away from all of this mess. I'm including Amber because she may turn to you for comfort and we all know where that will go....

Thats what everyone else says but why the **** would she keep texting me and staying in contact. I still have a sense that Kate hasnt ****ed the husband, but damn it would be soooooo messed up if they did.

I started ignoring her texts....last one was on friday. I havent heard from her yet. Lets see what happens...i'll keep you guys updated.

Being friends sucks!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
slowstang101 said:
Thats what everyone else says but why the **** would she keep texting me and staying in contact. I still have a sense that Kate hasnt ****ed the husband, but damn it would be soooooo messed up if they did.

I started ignoring her texts....last one was on friday. I havent heard from her yet. Lets see what happens...i'll keep you guys updated.

Being friends sucks!

Yah. This is when you next.

focus on improving all aspects of your game, your look, your money, your inner game, your sex game and leave this one alone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
slowstang101 said:
This girl i've known for a while hooked up, i knew her threw friends and school and finally asked her out. Went out 3 times over 2 week period and ending up ****ing her on the last night. She freaks out the night we ****ed, and thinks i might of cummed in her.... no problem she took the morning after pill. We'll call this girl Kate

Kate calls the next night and tell me she really likes me and is attracted to me sexually but wants to finish school before she gets into a serious relationship. I kept in contact with her until she had her period and both of us were relieved. We had a few conversations about her wanting a relationship but she wants to "wait till summer". I said fine whatever she's probably freaked over the baby thing.

So i cut off contact for a weekend and she calls me wanting to know if im mad at her about the "friends" thing. I said Im fine with whatever but im not gonna call you and chase you around. She calls every week to hang out and have lunch or something but nothing more than a hug and friendly conversation, no dinner or anything "relationship" related.

She always initiates contact and im always friendly, but i dont think she wants to come over my house or have "dinner" dates anymore but i've never asked her.

Here's the really ****ed up part. Kate hangs around a married guy and im REALLY good friends with this guys wife and i hear all kinds of **** from the Amber. Apparently Kate practically lives at there house and spends a lotta time with the husband and i mean shopping, dinner, going out doing **** whatever. This has been on going for months and the wife is PISSED about it because its driving a wedge between the marriage.

I think kate and the husband may be ****ing on the side and kate may be using me as an alibi.... Kate spends time at there house even when Amber is not there...and thats weird as **** to me and all my friends that know them.

What should i do with kate? Continue friendly convo, cut conversation short with her, or dump the ***** and move on? Whats your advise. I tried to make the story short but there is a lot more to it.
It sounds like you want to continue to hang out with her and rat out the guy who she is having sex with her, otherwise you wouldn't have posted. I wouldn't get involved with her just because you had sex with her a few times.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
It sounds like you want to continue to hang out with her and rat out the guy who she is having sex with her, otherwise you wouldn't have posted. I wouldn't get involved with her just because you had sex with her a few times.
Rat out? Well the Amber already knows they hang out and is ready to get rid of Kate, but the husband enjoys kates company WAY too much.

As far as wanting the relationship to continue...

The second week we were seeing each other she said the word "boyfriend" referring to me...i thought that was kind of quick for the boyfriend word. Right after the second week is when she wanted to "slow down" the relationship because she thought i came in her and didnt want a baby.

I havent gave her much attention at all the past 3 weeks...barely calling once a week. What happens if i continue this treatment? She may come around more and eventually we ****. What do you think?