Just a good word of advice to avoid dates from OLD with women using old pics and fatter than their pics which will save you a lot of time and money.
Go for their number! When you get their cell number simply to one of the reverse phone number searches like USPhonebook or spydailer and plug the number in! From there you can get their full name and then go on facebook and see their more up to date pics!
I'd say in the last 12 months this has saved me from about 20 dates with women who're not as hot as their profile pics or are fatter. One example was I got a reply on match from a pediatrician. Face looked about HB7 but has some odd camera angles. So I looked her up and low and behold she was fat. Sucked because she had her own practice and even a guest on the morning local news sometimes it turns out. I thought I hit jackpot at first until I saw the pics!
Free Reverse Phone Lookup & Search - USPhoneBook
Yes, this will drastically lower the amount of dates you get, BUT quality is always better than quantity.
Go for their number! When you get their cell number simply to one of the reverse phone number searches like USPhonebook or spydailer and plug the number in! From there you can get their full name and then go on facebook and see their more up to date pics!
I'd say in the last 12 months this has saved me from about 20 dates with women who're not as hot as their profile pics or are fatter. One example was I got a reply on match from a pediatrician. Face looked about HB7 but has some odd camera angles. So I looked her up and low and behold she was fat. Sucked because she had her own practice and even a guest on the morning local news sometimes it turns out. I thought I hit jackpot at first until I saw the pics!
Free Reverse Phone Lookup & Search - USPhoneBook
Yes, this will drastically lower the amount of dates you get, BUT quality is always better than quantity.