Easy Close - solid f-close on a previously aroused HB


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Dirty South

"You strike me as a lady that knows exactly what she wants"

Under certain circumstances you may catch signs from a HB that she is warmed and ready to hook-up without having to progress through the normal seduction methods. Note, this is not for the slutty girls that go right into talking about sex, but rather for otherwise normal HBs that give an aroused vibe.

Some situations that could cause this are:
1) AFC has worked her up but is unable to properly close or isolate
2) She made up her mind earlier in the evening she was getting laid and no one has hooked her.
3) She's a chick and sometimes they do **** that only they comprehend.

Once you get a feeling this is the case, go straight into this:

You: You strike me as a lady that knows _exactly_ what she wants.
(Subcommunicate undertones to the word but don't overemphasis)

Her: Yes I do.

You: I admire that quality in a lady. I like that about you.

Move on to isolation.

You can dumb it down if it fits your HB:

You: You seem like a girl that knows _exactly_ what she wants.

Just don't put "the kind of" in front. This is about her, not about her "kind".

Relative FR:

Setting: A nicer dance club
Time: Just before last call

I ran two good sets with number close earlier and had an otherwise enjoyable evening of dancing and socializing. I was at the bar when I spotted HB7GhettoBooty nearby talking to an AFC who was totally into her. She gives me EC, looks away and then another EC. I start my approach before she even looks away.

IDLH: (Nice smile, holding EC) Hi there.

HB7GhettoBooty: Hey. (Smiling back now)

IDLH: What's your name?

HB7GhettoBooty: HB7GhettoBooty, don't you love it? (Over-qualifying herself, signal 1)

IDLH: Maybe. (I move beside her and wrap my arm around her waist, she mirrors my movement)

AFC: [ . . . ] are very pretty. (I didn't catch everything he said, but it ended with some weak compliment)

IDLH: Huh. (A grunt, not a question)

HB7GhettoBooty: (Still looking at me) You have very pretty eyes. (Diverting the compliment to me, Signal 2)

IDLH: That's the second most frequent compliment I get. (Still C&F gaming)

HB7GhettoBooty moves her hand down to my as s. (Shows me she's warmed-up, signal 3)

(up until this point I didn't realize that I was working an Easy Close, it just came out)

IDLH: HB7GhettoBooty, you strike me as a lady that knows exactly what she wants. (Unblinking EC, Perfect subcommunication on "exactly")

HB7GhettoBooty: Yes I do.

IDLH: I admire that quality. I like that about you. (Screen, Accept, mirror my hand to her as s to enforce with kino)

After that, it was all textbook. Isolate to my truck, off to a motel and get the f-close.



Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
good stuff. be sure your personality fits in the with line. don't can it


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Im not impressed; only becuase of the fact that this is what I expect everyone on the board to be trying to accomplish. Okay I am becuase I haven't seen too many posts like this. You can roll anyday. If your coming this way you know what to say.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Nice work with the sexual innuendo and kino combo...... knockout.
I think the kino is what separates the boys from the men. Most can hint at sex, but a lot of guys are scared to touch, and that is bad. Not exactly the kind of girl I would go after, even though you say she was not a slu-t, but, good job. :)