Early signs of BPD?


Don Juan
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Started seeing girl 'T' for about a month when she asked to become exclusive. Sex is great and regular, hasn't tried any BS (yet), and ridiculous body. She treats me good and just as an example she came over the other day and I made myself dinner. She cleans my dishes immediately and then offers to do my laundry. Who am I to argue with a woman knowing her place? I know she was "looking" for a relationship, we met online and found to have a few common friends. She has mentioned a few times how she made mistakes with guys in the past, had lots of fun in college, how guys don't call her back after 3rd date usually, and Dad is very critical of her weight. She mentioned she's 'perfect' and I cut her down immediately saying nothing is perfect. She texts me constantly and when I don't see her for a few days she acts like it's been a month. I noticed she doesn't seem to have many friends of her own. I know I'm very good looking, great smile, in ridiculous shape 5'10 190lbs 7% body fat, and a firefighter. Chicks chase me like crazy and wondering if.she's one.of the crazies.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
You definitely need to be on your guard here!

I have one important question for ya: How's the emotional bonding going? You got the feeling that you're falling hard for this girl? And please answer that question truthfully, not for me or anyone else here, but for YOURSELF. If you feel you are falling for her pretty hard and fast, then don't try to trivialize that fact. Don't play games with yourself, saying "Nah, I'm not really falling that hard" while deep down, you know you are... BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. The biggest mistake all victims of BPD's make, is that they overestimate themselves and how much they are 'in control'.

EDIT: I just read some of your oher posts. Is this the same girl hat was trying to withhold sex from you because you wouldn't declare yourself exlusive to her?


Don Juan
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Yes it is. She didn't hold it like that, denied a couple times using tired excuse. Since then we've had multiple sessions on different occasions. Thinking it's a BPD?


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
You definitely need to be on your guard here!

I have one important question for ya: How's the emotional bonding going? You got the feeling that you're falling hard for this girl? And please answer that question truthfully, not for me or anyone else here, but for YOURSELF. If you feel you are falling for her pretty hard and fast, then don't try to trivialize that fact. Don't play games with yourself, saying "Nah, I'm not really falling that hard" while deep down, you know you are... BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. The biggest mistake all victims of BPD's make, is that they overestimate themselves and how much they are 'in control'.

EDIT: I just read some of your oher posts. Is this the same girl hat was trying to withhold sex from you because you wouldn't declare yourself exlusive to her?

I would also add that if she is praising him like he is the greatest guy alive or using sex to get him in a relationship then he shoiuld be aware.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
alwysfishin85 said:
Thinking it's a BPD?
I think you already know the answer to that, given the fact that you ignored the earlier question I asked you...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry but you bros are ridiculous

Some girls exist that like to save sex for a relationship. Doesnt make them have BPD or necessarily a bad person. Shes just not compatible with you.

The girls that make the best girlfriends tend to make you wait for sex and dont let you use them- just my .02

Now, the other stuff you said about her- flipping out if you go a few days without texting...thats a sign that shes either a little crazy or just very into you. Doesnt sound like you are too into her so Id move on