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Dynamic Tension


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
I dont know if anyone have heard about the old "Charles Atlas" body building method lessons. Does that stuff works? I was wondering if it could be used as a subsitute for traditional weights or maybe as an add on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
I use it for def. I started off with Ten reps. Than moved up by ten. It helps to keep semitry.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
atlas' "method" (such as it is) is often called isometrics. do your own research, but I doubt you'll find any big guys on this board endorsing isometrics. They are not a substitute, and I can think of many better add-ons if you think you need them. You'll be best served by putting in time on major compound lifts that move weight through space.

my own take is that isometrics are a way to achieve a "pump" (if you're into that sort of thing) but will build essentially zero lean muscle mass. to gain muscle mass, move weight through space with compound lifts (squats, deads, bench), warm up carefully, eat clean, and rest. put the time you might use for isometrics into proper warmups, cooking, and resting. or stretching. or cardio. or meditation. anything else you enjoy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius said:
I use it for def. I started off with Ten reps. Than moved up by ten. It helps to keep semitry.
you mean symmetry? how? try lifting weight with both sides of your body at the same time, that will help keep you symmetrical. it's not rocket science.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
Freddy1 said:
I dont know if anyone have heard about the old "Charles Atlas" body building method lessons. Does that stuff works? I was wondering if it could be used as a subsitute for traditional weights or maybe as an add on.
hmmm... I found a post of yours from a year or so ago indicating just how skinny you are. You don't need isometrics. You need to eat. A lot. And lift heavy weights. See WBA's Idiot's Guide, and don't ask about worthless training methods again until you've put his advice into practice for 6 months or so.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Throttle said:
hmmm... I found a post of yours from a year or so ago indicating just how skinny you are. You don't need isometrics. You need to eat. A lot. And lift heavy weights. See WBA's Idiot's Guide, and don't ask about worthless training methods again until you've put his advice into practice for 6 months or so.
Thanks dude. Yeah I gotta eat like a horse.
I'm going to check for WBA's Idiot's Guide for sure.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Throttle said:
you mean symmetry? how? try lifting weight with both sides of your body at the same time, that will help keep you symmetrical. it's not rocket science.

Don't talk to me like I don't know how to Lift F*&*&^ Weights!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius said:
Don't talk to me like I don't know how to Lift F*&*&^ Weights!!
I didn't. For all I know you have more experience lifting weights than I do. However I did talk to you as though you do not know how to spell, and as though you don't know anything about how to maintain symmetry. 2-handed lifts maintain as much symmetry as your genetics will allow. Isometrics give you (at best) a "pump" which has nothing to do with muscle mass.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Throttle said:
I didn't. For all I know you have more experience lifting weights than I do. However I did talk to you as though you do not know how to spell, and as though you don't know anything about how to maintain symmetry. 2-handed lifts maintain as much symmetry as your genetics will allow. Isometrics give you (at best) a "pump" which has nothing to do with muscle mass.
Yea I spelt SYMMETRY wrong, $hit happens. Look at my pic and tell me I don't know $hit about Symmetry.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
zerocelcius said:
Yea I spelt SYMMETRY wrong, $hit happens. Look at my pic and tell me I don't know $hit about Symmetry.
according to your pic you know naff all about weight lifting but a thing or two about starving yourself. ;)

you've got a good lean base to start with - listen to Throttle instead of being hostile and you'll learn how to put on some nice mass without losing too much of your 'def'.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
according to your pic you know naff all about weight lifting but a thing or two about starving yourself. ;)

you've got a good lean base to start with - listen to Throttle instead of being hostile and you'll learn how to put on some nice mass without losing too much of your 'def'.
Not really sure what you are saying " naff all " If that is nothing at all, than you are wrong!
I have been working out since I was 8. My brother started me off with a his home gym. I did Weight Class all 4 years in High School and out lifted most guys twice my size. Since then I went to the Gym with my friends in the Army and Followed a very strict diet for all my workout plans. Right now I have a 3 week work out plan, one plan for each week with substitutes for every exercise.

All I did was post a response to a question I knew something about from trying it. Throttle gave general advice about it and has never even done it. Plus talked down to everyone. Disrespect earns disrespect.

If you guys here think you know more than me for whatever reason put your pic up so I can at least make a judgment from fact. I have got comments like "You should be a stripper" "can I run my fingers down your abs" "do you model" etc.

I got a 9.7 on hot or not. Yet I never once talked down to a single person on here or was disrespectful until Mr. Throttle came at me like I don't know $hit. And if that is what you are saying Warboss than I guess I lost respect for you as well.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score

My comment was tongue-in-cheek, but since you got nasty, so will I.

Who gives a f-ck about your abs. The guy is asking how to gain muscle. You came on here asking how to 'bulk', now you're dishing out advice?

I've also been told I should strip. Who cares? I've also been told to go into competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting. Some people have asked me if I push trucks for a living. Others have asked me to be their personal trainer, offered me money for it. I didn't take it because it's not my career.

I do not like people who mouth off about having abs, so this applies to everyone: ANY FOOL CAN GET RIPPED. IT IS THE EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD. Get over your rippedness. ANYONE (and I mean anyone unless they're severely obese) can take 6-12 months and get down to the stripper level bodyfat.

You want to do something hard? Take that body you've got now, maintain the same level of conditioning (roughly) and add 40lbs of muscle to that frame. Then you'll be something I'll be impressed by - and you'll also realise how DIFFICULT it is to actually do that. You worked out from high school, you were in the army. Show me a guy who was obese and got down to 10% bodyfat and I'll be impressed. Show me a guy who went from 120 to 220 and kept his abs along the way, and I'll be impressed. Show me a guy who doubled his squat in a year and I'll be impressed.

I don't care that you've lost respect for me, quite frankly. You're another internet identity who can take my advice or leave it. But DON'T come on here being so full of yourself just because you got 9.7 on hot-or-not.. lol. I've seen the guys girls rate as 9's.. meh.

Am I calling you ugly? No. But you've not done anything DIFFICULT. You have a LOT to learn about muscle growth.. dieting? No, you know how to get conditioned. But putting some serious size on, is something you don't have a clue about.

We're all here to learn.. including myself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:

My comment was tongue-in-cheek, but since you got nasty, so will I.

Who gives a f-ck about your abs. The guy is asking how to gain muscle. You came on here asking how to 'bulk', now you're dishing out advice?

I've also been told I should strip. Who cares? I've also been told to go into competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting. Some people have asked me if I push trucks for a living. Others have asked me to be their personal trainer, offered me money for it. I didn't take it because it's not my career.

I do not like people who mouth off about having abs, so this applies to everyone: ANY FOOL CAN GET RIPPED. IT IS THE EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD. Get over your rippedness. ANYONE (and I mean anyone unless they're severely obese) can take 6-12 months and get down to the stripper level bodyfat.

You want to do something hard? Take that body you've got now, maintain the same level of conditioning (roughly) and add 40lbs of muscle to that frame. Then you'll be something I'll be impressed by - and you'll also realise how DIFFICULT it is to actually do that. You worked out from high school, you were in the army. Show me a guy who was obese and got down to 10% bodyfat and I'll be impressed. Show me a guy who went from 120 to 220 and kept his abs along the way, and I'll be impressed. Show me a guy who doubled his squat in a year and I'll be impressed.

I don't care that you've lost respect for me, quite frankly. You're another internet identity who can take my advice or leave it. But DON'T come on here being so full of yourself just because you got 9.7 on hot-or-not.. lol. I've seen the guys girls rate as 9's.. meh.

Am I calling you ugly? No. But you've not done anything DIFFICULT. You have a LOT to learn about muscle growth.. dieting? No, you know how to get conditioned. But putting some serious size on, is something you don't have a clue about.

We're all here to learn.. including myself.
I never said you didn't know what you were talking about, but Throttle came at me like that. Why you defended him I will never know he is the one talking like an a$$hole. I have done things that are difficult that you will never know about 'cause I don't brag or wine. Yea I never put on 40lbs of muscle but I did put on 20 over 4 years. I went from not being to walk from an accident to being able to full on sprint for 200Meters. You don't know what I have done.

I still have no idea why you came at me for sticking up for my self against throttle, but you have no right to say what I have or haven’t done. I don't know you I have no clue what you have or haven’t done. SO I WON"T say those things. Nor am I going to tell Throttle to lift both weights in the air ...

Yes I did ask for advice on How to "bulk with out loosing def." Not how to bulk. Hell I know how to freaking bulk.... You know how to bulk you wrote a $hit load on how to do that... My question was the best way to add size with out loosing def.

I have had great results with my current program and I am on the way to adding great lean and solid mass. I am even using your info that you posted on here. I also have a lot of things I can share. Throttles advice was chastising and pathetic, and wouldn't help anybody do more than "move air with weights"


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius said:
I never said you didn't know what you were talking about, but Throttle came at me like that.
Take a big, deep breath bro. I didn't come after anyone. Freddy asked for advice; I gave mine. You told me how I should / should not talk to you. I don't appreciate that, but you seem to need to vent, so go for it. You have some serious anger management issues to get this pissed off over an anonymous Internet message board.

If you think WBA is "defending me" you haven't read this exchange very carefully. My words here need no defense; rather, WBA is pointing out that your aggressive self-promotion is out of line with your accomplishments. Fish through my posts over the last 2 months and you will notice that while I offer advice based on personal experience, but I don't brag about my accomplishments. That's not what I'm here for.

Now I've chastised you. I never chastised Freddy, and if I was perhaps a bit harsh, he thanked me for the advice. I think that speaks for itself.

Lastly, I never said anything about "moving air with weights" -- I told Freddy he should "move weight through space." If the distinction eludes you, I can't be bothered to explain it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
How about both of yas just build a bridge and get over it (my gal told me that was her fav line to peeve people off with lol).

Both of yas seem to have a tonne of knowledge about how to get big and ripped, your wasting space getting all worked up over simple things.

Right now there seems to be a lifetimes worth of knowlegde amongst the people on the forum here and different things people have done to get the same results, one way may not work for everyone else.

Like me for example I love doing a tonne of different exercises it makes me feel like I've actually done something, just the way I am.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Throttle said:
Take a big, deep breath bro. I didn't come after anyone. Freddy asked for advice; I gave mine. You told me how I should / should not talk to you. I don't appreciate that, but you seem to need to vent, so go for it. You have some serious anger management issues to get this pissed off over an anonymous Internet message board.

If you think WBA is "defending me" you haven't read this exchange very carefully. My words here need no defense; rather, WBA is pointing out that your aggressive self-promotion is out of line with your accomplishments. Fish through my posts over the last 2 months and you will notice that while I offer advice based on personal experience, but I don't brag about my accomplishments. That's not what I'm here for.

Now I've chastised you. I never chastised Freddy, and if I was perhaps a bit harsh, he thanked me for the advice. I think that speaks for itself.

Lastly, I never said anything about "moving air with weights" -- I told Freddy he should "move weight through space." If the distinction eludes you, I can't be bothered to explain it.
If that is how you meant it I read you wrong! Little guy complex I guess, spelling is a sore point.

Well I guess you guys learned how to twist my tampon! :eek:

That is one element of my ego I need to put in check.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Zero, we're all here to learn from each other and from experience.. I apologise for my outburst.

You want to bulk without losing definition? It's what I keep telling people to do. Massive food intake but also carb timing, cardio, high protein to keep metabolism high etc.. so your excesses are burned off while still getting in the right amount of nutrients to grow. Read the Idiot's Guide..


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
Zero, we're all here to learn from each other and from experience.. I apologise for my outburst.

You want to bulk without losing definition? It's what I keep telling people to do. Massive food intake but also carb timing, cardio, high protein to keep metabolism high etc.. so your excesses are burned off while still getting in the right amount of nutrients to grow. Read the Idiot's Guide..

Will do, many times over again.