Dumpee or dumper?


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hi fellas,

here is the story in short. It was about 5 month relationship. Everything was great. At the end she started demanding more from me, more than what she was giving(lets keep it short here, skipping details). I told her i am not happy with how things are going. I called her out, if you want us to be together you do this particular thing, which was really big compromise for her, but she wanted big things from me so in my opinion it was fair. Otherwise i told her i would leave her. She thought a few days and replied she could not do it. It was a long response how this did not mean she does not care about me, how probably she would be regretting what she did, how sorry she was she was doing it, how she would not forget herself she was doing it, how great this between us was and that she ruined it and that she deserved to leave her. such stuff, probably she feels guilt or i dont know. then said something along the line - i do not expect to forgive me, i dont know if i deserve to be forgiven, i hope you are happy. this sound more like, please forgive me :). so basically i went no contact after this. i asked her to do something, she did not do it. i guess if i tell her i want her she comes back, but on the other hand she had a chance to show me something and she didnt. so after all who dumped who in your opinion? thanks

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mauser96 again.