Here's some more info on me in case you can pick anything out that im doing wrong:
125 lbs, 5'7''
during highschool gained 5 lbs a year
during college, gained about 10 lbs per year (not sure about this year though)
ger around 6 hours a sleep a day (i already know this is pretty bad)
work out schedule: shoulders one day, legs next day, take one day rest, chest one day, back next day, take one day rest, repeat.
Diet: Vary's cuz I eat at the dinning commons in my dorms, here's a general day:
2 egg whites, one whole egg
cup of cream of wheat or oatmeal
couple spoon fulls of cottage cheese and yogurt
glass of milk
3 slices of whole what bread( uptoasted )
usually some asian chicked and rice bowl
half a burrito
a few cubes of tofu
1 glass of milk
one sandwhich one whole wheat bread with cheese, cucumbers, 2 slices of some meat
one serving of protien shake ( i use cytogainer 54 grams of protien, 71 g cards,)
chicken breat
tofu cubes
red potato or some pasta
2 glasses of milk
after dinner:
another sandwhich
before bed
one serving a meal replacement shake (14 g protien, 6g fat, 21 g carbs)
2 bread rolls or slices of whole wheat bread
its hard to guage how much im eating since i eat the dinning commons, i can't look up like the servings or anything. But, when I eat till im hella full, its about the same amount as a average guy (i get full easily), so I try to eat often instead to get more food in me.