I saw this tip on bristollair.com. Get some toilet paper and run it under lukewarm water. Not cold, and not burning hot, but just warm. Put the toilet paper in between your lips and pucker your lips like you're smacking to moisten all the surface area. Like make sure it comes in full contact with your lips. Then IMMEDIATELY after you take the toilet paper off your lips, apply a waxy lip balm with SPF in it.
A lot of lip balms don't do sh!t for me. Blistex Clear Advance is good because it's made for men and doesn't make you look like you're wearing lip-gloss. However, I couldn't find that in town, so I bought plain old ChapStick Lip Balm With an SPF of 4. It comes in a black tube with a white cap, and the actual stick of stuff has a peach color and a VERY medicinal smell. Not like "berry" or w/e flavored sticks there are now. In combo with that warm water toilet paper trick that seals in moisture, I've found this to be the best stick to use. Doesn't leave your lips overly glossy, but hydrates them GREAT.
Also, some stuff I'm experimenting with is Mary Kay Exfoliating Lip Mask. You put it on your lips and let it sit for 2 mins then rub it off with water. It helps to get rid of the dead skin on your lips. It's gotten good reviews online and Mary Kay generally puts out good products, but I don't think it's terribly effective, but maybe I'm not using it right.
My lips are like yours dude, they can get extremely dry and crackly. It get get to the point where half of my bottom lip looks "normal" and the top half of my bottom lip looks like a crusted up layer of white-ish dead skin. Nasty. So the Mary Kay stuff did help get some of that off, which is a lot less painful than chewing it off.
Just curious, do BOTH your lips get chapped or just your bottom one? For some reason, only my bottom lip ever gets chapped.
But I hoped this helped. Try that exfoliating stuff and the toilet paper trick with plain, medicinal SPF4 ChapStick.