Drumming through bootcamp


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Ok guys, starting today I'm going to start the bootcamp and post my experiences on here that happened through each day. Feel free to join me if you want b/c the more support the better. Alright well i'll be back later to write my experiences.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 1

Well, today started out awesome. Went to drumline practice and that rocked like it normally does. Although I felt like I could have been more into the group, joking around and all. Then I tried to keep eye contact with people at school but everyone is always looking down at the floor in between class periods. So it didn't go quite as expected.

And during 2nd I read the Bootcamp for the week so that I could get started. After this I had history. Used some C & F when I could. Just tried to relax but I always seem to get tired in this period and in 4th period.

Anyway, After that I had lunch where there's this HB8 that keeps wantin to hook up with me but I still haven't gotten her number! GAH!!!:mad: sometimes I get angry at myself for not approaching. It used to be so easy for me. Oh well I stopped practicing for awhile so I guess that's what happens.

After that experience, had 5th where we did our mousetrap cars nothing to exciting. And I still need to improve on getting into the conversation.

After school, went home did homework. Took a loooooooooong time. Then read some posts on here that talked about fixing your personality first. It was pretty good and gave me the motivation I needed. So I cleaned my room for once, and am trying to start from the inward out. After that didn't really have time to go do the exercise for the week but I've got saturday for that.

Do you guys ever find it hard to remain confident through the whole day? I'm doin alright but I've still got a lot of work to do until I get to that point.

GOALS For week:
-Finish exercises
-Work out this weekend
-Get HB8's number tomorrow
-start taking protein and multi vitamins


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
yeah, it's hard to keep confidence throughout the day cause lots of times sh!t just happens... not with just girls. but, if you can get yourself to push through all the bad stuff and keep a confident attitude throughout the entire day you won't regret it!


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1 , day 2

Hey thanks for the advice Darkzero. That is true, crap does happen during the day that u just got to push through. Makes sense, well anyway time for the journal

Well today was pretty awesome.

Still didn't get to practice the exercises during the day, but hey i'm gonna try to get through the hi's this weekend.

Woke up, practiced the laughing thing in the morning ( I extremely suggest this it helped me out a lot today). After that went to school.

Had drumline practice as usual, I love it so much. I went to 2nd period, had a fun time. I used a lot of ****y and funny in that class just because it's so easy to relax.

3rd period finished our DBQ so this wasn't really as fun and pretty much sucked alot of the energy I had for the day. 4th period we had a sub and the work was easy so it was no big deal.

Went to lunch, so HB8 again. STILL wasn't able to get her number at this time (I got it later after the football game :D ), but i'm still kind of mad at myself. I understand that I did the best that I could but that wasn't good enough. That's why I'm going through the bootcamp.

Anyway, went to 5th period where my ex is. It's not as weird as it used to be but it's still a little uncomfortable (something else I need to get over).

School was out after this and this chick that went out with my friend Eliu is starting to get all up on me. Eliu said that she is just looking for attention from anyone. I wouldn't mind bein the one to give it to her, BUT I think that would just start more crap. Meh, 19,530 other chicks ( whoever came up with that, thanks) Anyway, went home and I took a nap (nothin more harcore then taking a nap) then went and played at the game.

We won and I HB8's number from one of her friends who HB8 told to give it to me. And now it's 11:55 and I do believe that I am gonna go to sleep.

Give me advice on anything, i'm just trying to become better socially and pretty much overall.

None right now

Goals for week:
-Take multi vitamins
-Set up date with HB8
-Exercise this weekend
-Finish homework as soon as I get home
-Go through bootcamp exercises
-Do voice exercises
-Do laughing every morning after I wake up


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 3

Today is gonna be more brief just because I'm about to go to sleep.

Woke up, went out to eat, and then went back to sleep around 1.

After I woke up I went and got my hair cut, while I was waiting I talked to one of the girls about her tattoos. It was an interesting conversation. I called HB8 to see if she wanted to go out tomorrow but she wasn't there. Meh, anyway, after that I left to go to drop my nephew at my sisters.

Then I felt like goin out to do some of the exercises.

I went to the mall and I said Hi to at least 16 people and made eye contact with a bunch of other ones. It was really fun. I also tried that approach that was suggested in the bootcamp. The one where you go up to the girl(s) and say "Hi my name is x. And I am conducting a social experoment in which I go up to girls which I find attractive, thank you for participating. And then walking off. It was so funny and it got easier as I did it.

After that I left to see my sister at her work. When I got there I said hi to a few more people but I lost count so I'm just leavin it at 16.

After that I went to my friend Eliu's house and he was talkin to his chick and I didn't feel like hangin around so I left and came home.

When I was walking around the mall talking to people, it suddenly struck me how great people can be. Just a lot of stuff about us is so beautiful and awesome. I don't really know how to explain it, people can just be great. Yet also bad. Yin and Yang, I guess it's just a balance thing.

What do you guys find is the best way to get in that confident frame of mind? Or for some is it just constant? I tried doin that thing in the shuma gora where it talked about imagining confidence around you like air, and all you have to do is breath it in for it to be apart of you. And that worked pretty well, but I wanted to see what the rest of you guys do.

Goals for rest of week:
-Finish exercises
-work out tomorrow
-get in contact with HB8 eventually (my home phone isn't working)
-Finish mousetrap car for physics:rolleyes:
-take multi-vitamins


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Finish mousetrap car for physics
Look on the internet for great tips. I recently had to do this :).

One thing i do to help my confidence, is remember that I am the best, this is mostly do to Pooks - To be a man. I am the best, and i know it. Knowing it will help your actions reflect it. Thus i become much more confident. :p


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 4?

OOOOOOOK today was really awesome too but i'm really tired so this is gonna be relatively short and to the point. By the way, thanks for the advice vincent I looked up the mousetrap car tips and that really helped.

Also, Vincent wouldn't thinkning that you're the best just end up in you being disappointed in yourself. I mean the was I look at it is that I'm good and can still get better. That's just my viewpoint, but thanks for the tip, I like pook's be a man post a lot too.

Anyway, I woke up did the laughing thing again and I got ready for church. I went to my friend's church and it was really good. I even went back later today for the youth. While I was there I got through a lot of the hi's so i'm pretty sure I must be down to 30 now. Or at least 27, I'm goin with 27 so that I can get more done.

I came back home and ate. Then looked up stuff for my mousetrap car (thanks again vincent) and finished that. While I was workin on that this girl rachel came over and me her and my friend andrew hung out all day. It was overall fun.

Then after youth ( we all went after testing out our mousetrap cars) we went to my friend Josh's house. And lo and behold HB-8 calls. So I talked with her on the phone for a little bit and set up a date for tomorrow. Don't really know where I'm gonna take her so any ideas here would be great. We'll probably just go to the park. Cheap and action (sorta). It beats goin to the movies in my opinion.

After hangin with Josh we left to go to Rachel's where she pretty much professed how much she likes me. Buuuuut it really seems like she leads people on and she even said that she couldn't trust people and I really like people, as you've read if you've read my last post.

So we left and I had a really good conversation with my friend Andrew. So overall it was a great day. Hope you guys have a great day tomoroow. I'm out.



Goals for tomorrow:
-Write goals
-Go out with HB 8
-do homework as soon as I get home.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 5

I'm feelin a little disappointed in myself. It'll pass, but meh I'll do better next time.

OOOK, so I went to school. Same routine drumline, then school.
Oh yeah mousetrap car worked. Thanks vincent.

After school, this girl with some huge :D starts to try to put the moves on me. But I can tell she's pretty much just using me, and I don't really like being used. Besides I really don't want any more crap in my life. And I've got the bootcamp to keep me preoccupied anyway.

After that I slept at my friends house. Then I left to go work out which I did. I called up HB-8 and she wasn't doin anything so we went out. I picked her up and we went to the park. We joked and talked around a lot. It was really fun. I was going to kiss her. But I dissed out. Next time, I'm gonna grab my balls and just go for it. No excuses. There are no excuses for stuff like this. Just another thing I've got to push through.

Took her back to her house and I had some time to reflect. And now I'm where I'm at now. No Hi's for today. I'm going to start doing them during school to get them out of the way by thursday.

I really felt like I was just using a bunch of lines and smooth manuevers instead of just being the true DJ that I am. I was a nervous for some reason. But it was a good nervous. I think some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyway, it felt like I was just following some kind of set out pattern. I didn't like it. And I'm going to change it. Do any of you guys get this way? Or were you ever this way at one time?

Confidence is about the only thing I can think of at this time. And you've already helped me with that. So I've got nothing as of right now.

- Grab balls and go for kiss next time
-Maybe go out with HB-8 again (not too soon)
- Work out
-Pass History Test tomorrow (do I smell exemption?:D )
- Laugh every morning
- Finish the exercises for this week
- Maybe get rejected once if time allows


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 6

tired again:eek: , so it's gonna be a tad short.

Went to school. Said hi to three people so now I'm up to 30 but I'm going to get at least 20 more by tomorrow. So anyway, it was a good day. Joy (HB-8) called me and we talked for a little bit after school but I had to go so we got off. Yeah, things have been goin great. I've just got to work on my sense of humour. I've got awhile more to go and it's gonna be a hell of a time gettin there. Anyway, it was my friends birthday so I went to their party after school. Dropped off my bro brent who's gonna be playing a show at dreamworld in arlington which I think I'm gonna try to go to and then came home and talked to my Dad. And now I'm where I'm at now.

-Read more of comedy writing secrets
-Become more energetic
-Go to sleep earlier
-Work harder during the day to keep positive
-Run every day
-exercise (push ups and such) 3 times a week

I've got a long way to go, but hey nobody said that this would be easy. I feel like crap right now, but I think that's just because I'm really tired. Oh yes, exemption form classes is very nice. Anyway, yeah today was a really good day. and now I'm goin to sleep.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 1, day 7

OHHH man today was great.

Ok, same routine. Drumline, went to school yada yada yada. So anyway. After school, I went to church and after that I went to my brother in- laws. So after all this is done and over with it's 11:00. And I still have 14 people to say hi to. So I tried to find the best place. IHOP didn't work. Hampton Inn was just kind of retarded. But then I got to blockbuster and albertsons. I told myself that I had no other chance. THIS WAS IT. So I went in I saw. And I conquered. With 20 minutes to spare (it took a little while to finally find a good spot like albertsons). This is a great feeling. I completed the first week and it feels great. And I really don't care what anyone thinks of me.

It's like putting myself on the line made me better. Made me stronger mentally and socially. Well, I'm exempt from all my classes so I've got a free day tomorrow. So I'm gonna go to sleep.

Oh yeah, called Joy. and were gonna do something tomorrow. I don't know what though. So I might just go with the flow or look up some date ideas on here. Meh, I'm sure everything will be aight.

-go to bed earlier
-find good date idea for when I go out with Joy
-run everyday( had no time today:( )
-laugh every morning
-read comedy writing secrets
-stop watching tv


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 2 day 1

2 o' clock in the morning.

I'm tired.


Was exempt from all classes. Went to IHOP with some friends and I gave my friend Eliu a ride there and back. He had been having some trouble with this girl and the only advice that I could think of was the post I read 2 days ago.

That the game can only be played and not controlled. Anyway, after that went out with my sister. We get along pretty good and it was pretty fun. Came home, watched finding Nemo. Then went to watch my nephews and Joy wanted to come so I let her.

She was really good with the boys and she's not too bad at hehe wouldn't you guys like to know.

Then went home, then went out and got slurpees with my sister and went to her boyfriends house to help him set up his pool table. Played pool and beat everybody:D. Then went to Taco Bueno, where $ .59 party burrito's rock the frickin casba. Well that was my day in a nutshell.

Should have read the post. But still had a lot of fun today.

Only have the basic of thinking skills right now.

-Have fun while I'm exempt :D
-Read week 2 of bootcamp

QUESTION: (please answer these)
What should I do about the bootcamp if I end up getting together with Joy? Should I still complete it or what? Well, I'm way too tired. G' night


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 2 day 2

Power was out last night so I'm doin it right now.

Still didn't get to read week 2 of boot camp but it's cool.

Went out to eat with my friend then I came home and slept which is what I really needed. After that I left to go the game. It was cold and rainy and we lost but I still had fun. Even though when I was playing quads I hit my thumb and it feels kind of weird right now but it's gonna get better.

Came home at 1 in the morning and power was out so I just went to bed.

I need to get my act together with this bootcamp.

-Go to the show at dreamworld tonight and have fun :p
-Go to Carrolton and talk to at least 7 people
-Read bootcamp week 2
-practice for region


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
back on track, week 2 day 5 i believe

Ok guys took a little break. Truly it wasn't worth it I was just being lazy but I now see the errors in my ways. So I worked hard today, here's what happened.

School, not too much talked to Joy.

Came home did homework and worked out. Hard like there was no tomorrow. After that I took a shower and ate. Then called Joy, she was getting ready to go to Stuco so I tried to keep conversation to a minimum. I think this might turn out to be good but were not goin out yet so I'm still looking at prospects.

Here's where today got good. I went to the mall where I decided to talk to at least 3 people to get things goin. It got so much better in time. I ended up getting 5. Hey it's not too much more but it was over my expectations. I was talking with ease. I made some mistakes but it was worth it. This feeling right now is so worth it, I faced my fear of talking to people and it has diminished a lot. :D It's a great feeling, that I don't want to fade. I'm going to continue talking to people throughout the week. I've got 2 days left and tomorrow is going to be a great day.

Listen to "Right before your eyes" by hoobastank via www.hoobastank.com media. It really gets me motivated to do pretty much anything. I love listening to it.
What should I do about a really strict Dad? Joy's dad pretty much seems to not want her daughter out with anybody at anytime. I want more out of it but if I can never get in contact with her then I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Please reply.

-Work out every day
-practice for all-region everyday
-practice relaxing during school
-practice voice exercises in the morning with the laughing
-talk to more and more people make more and more friends
-Find more inspirational music.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 2, day 7 (an awakening)

listening to Right before your eyes again. Great song. Anyway today I finished this weeks exercise by talking to 3 more people going over the number. But I could have done so much better. It's of no matter now.

Man guy's today was like an awakening for me It was like I realized that all of the social obstacles in my life are put forth through my own mind. They are illusions that I have the ability to break through and will break through.

It burns in my stomach, this feeling it's angry yet it is a fire. A fire to do something! A fire that calls for action. That calls for me to be a man. It's a good feeling and I like it. I read it in part of the book psycho-cybernetics (good book, boring beginning)

Anyway, yeah I finished the bootcamp for this week and am going to start next weeks reading tomorrow, probably during class. I'm going to finish this.

Do you guys ever get the feeling that you've only got today and this moment to do something? Because for the most part it is true. We've only got today, this moment to live to succeed to be confident. Basically, I just feel that we as people shouldn't take things for granted so much. That we should be happy with ourselves but always be ready to improve, it's confusing but hey. This wasn't really so much a question but if you want to give your 2 cents it's welcome. If you're even reading this.

-Act more in the moment
-Laugh every morning
-Work out tomorrow
-Ask out HB-8
-Start bootcamp reading for this next week


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Do you guys ever get the feeling that you've only got today and this moment to do something? Because for the most part it is true. We've only got today, this moment to live to succeed to be confident. Basically, I just feel that we as people shouldn't take things for granted so much. That we should be happy with ourselves but always be ready to improve, it's confusing but hey.
I usually get that feeling when i'm trying to go to sleep. I really feel like doing a lot of work. Then i get up, forget all about it, and continue living each day knowing the next will always be waiting. Some times i follow through on my plans, but "the mind is willing, but the body is weak."

Ya i'm reading :eek: Glad i could be of help.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Week 3, days 1-3

Ok, tired but I'm going to sum up the last 3 days in this post.

Alright so things didn't really work out with Joy like I planned but hey you're not always going to win so i've accepted it. I think what I did wrong was showed her too much attention right out of the start. But I'm learning from it and that's what counts.
Anyway so that was day 1, I got to read the thing for this week so that got me started.

Day 2 I can hardly remember. Went to see Scary Movie 3, it was pretty funny.

Day 3 ( The day of laziness)

Guys I realized how lazy I was today. I had a lot of chances to go chat up girls but my own laziness got in the way. It was like this whole day was a dream that I'm about to wake up from. So was yesterday. But now is the only time I can change. So tomorrow I'm going all out. Goodnight.

- Talk to at least 5 girls tomorrow ( no excuses)
-Start living more in the moment
-Go to sleep
-Work out tomorrow
-Practice tomorrow


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 3 day 4?

Man, weird stuff happened today.

Things were goin great. Talked to 3 girls 2 at my friends church. One at Barnes and Noble. She was reading Hamlet so I opened using that. She was a cool chick. Anyway, so I left there and I went to my old friends house. They were really glad to see me. Their neighbors daughter was pretty cool too. Too bad she doesn't date. Oh well, anyway onto the weird stuff.

Well on the way home I hit a car. Yes it sucked a lot. Not too much damage done though. Just my fender is a little cracked. It sucks, told my Dad he's pretty leniant which is kind of surprising. Anyway, I'm going to get that job at Best Buy so I can pay it off. He just told me to drive better, and to keep more distance between me and other cars.

Anyway, that was today.

-Finish homework as soon as I get home
-Go to sleep
-Finish Bootcamp for this week


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 3 day 5

Long day short.

Went to school. It was fun I felt more peace today at school then any other days.

Uh, I was getting a lot of kino from this girl in the musical. Were friends but she was lickin me and stuff. Kind of freaky:D . Meh, anyway, there's a girl who thinks i don't pay any attention to her. So now it's like she hates the world or something. I don't know. I want to help her but the only one who can is herself.

Oh well, anyway worked out tonight. Was gonna go out but it's a little late.

-Finish bootcamp week 3
-Take break to re assess my skills and get back in peace with myself
-Start Sammo's bootcamp:p


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
week 3 last day

Today started out bad but got a lot better.

I was just feeling bad for some reason. I know everyone has felt this sometime in their life, where you just feel sad. Nothing bad happened but you just do. Weel, I pushed through it and thank the Lord I did because it would have eaten me alive. Anyway, So I went to school, I read a little bit of psycho cybernetics during band. So overall good school day. Went to musical practice, and I had a lot of fun. Then my friend dropped me off at home where I ate and got on read some so suave. Then I had a discussion with Silent John (Aka Pulse) He's a pretty cool guy. He helped me out with some stuff on laziness which is part of the reason in why I went to go talk to girls. Thanks again bro.

Then I went to the mall where I talked to some people. I had like 10 minutes though but I still did good given the circumstances. I tried to get this one girl's number and I got rejected. It was the best rejection I've gotten in awhile.

It was just the fact that I did it, I went for it. Through the BS through the thoughts in my mind telling me to not do it. That she had a boyfriend didn't matter. Just the fact that I pulled through it and walked through my fears. That's how good it was, I'm sure you guys have had this feeling too.

So anyway, I was feeling pretty good after this and I went to my youth at church. It was really really really really great. Just everything was awesome. I can't express by typing how much it lifted me up. So after church I talked to my best friend andrew for a little while and we headed to Taco Bueno.

At TB there was this girl that worked there, looked alright and so I started talking to her. Turns out she's in rehab for smoking so much weed. Overall good convo.

This next week I'm going to be out and I won't have the use of a computer. So I'm going to do the 10 rejections thing twice. Or not, I'm gonna think about it.

-Go to sleep (Short term)
-Practice for all region tomorrow
-Read Scarlet Letter
-Start living in the moment
-Go for Rachel's number (I'm thinking why not? I've got nothin to lose:D)
-Just have fun where I'm at


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
don't really know anymore

After readin Vivalasvegas's post on how this has become an AFC's paradise I realised that it is true, even in me. I had an incredibly crappy day today, and why?! Because some B*tch said something that really stuck with me for awhile. No, no more of this.

I realised how much I had changed over these 2 years of being on sosuave.com but while I was here I just didn't do what I could. well now this is going to change, I think it's time that I took a shot, a chance on myself and just strike out and go for it. I can't really think of any other purpose of this post other then to vent what I'm feeling right now but it's going to be worth it to me and that's what matters.

I am in the same boat as Viva, it's like I was mad because I was getting girls.

What the crap! This is what I had hoped for and wanted for so long. But I realised that what it was is that I am not happy with myself. Like I can not have success. But now it is going to change. I am going to change. I am starting anew again, I've got myself, God,and Jesus in the end that's all there is going to be. So now I've got a new excitement rising through me a new fire, oh and IT"S GOOD. Well guys I've spent too much time on this already. I'm out.:D