Drop into my well of wisdom


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
So basically you guys should know what a wishing well/water well is.. which is used in European folklore.I want you guys to drop some wisdom in my well...

I want you guys to tell me everything i should know as a 16 year old growing up today in society about: Game,Girls,Self improvement,ETC.

Tell something that you now say "Gosh i wish i knew this back when i was 16".You know something to stop me from making stupid and AFC mistakes.

Help a youngmack out..It would be immensely appreciated..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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Two things. First is start off slow and build up confidence. Even if it's just flirting with a cashier or with somebody on line in a store. This should help when you see a girl you actually want to hit up.

Second, you really got nothing to lose by going up to a girl. The worst that will happen is that they will ignore or reject you. Big deal. It's not end of the world.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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Judge women (people in general, actually) by what they do and not what they say.

Back in my afc days, girls would hang the idea of sex or a relationship over my head like a dog bone and I would follow them around, believing what they told me.

Wasted years.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
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When you're out at parties/clubs, don't limit how good your night is going by how many women gave you their number. Focus on having fun, the women will gravitate towards you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Screw up now. Better to screw up now and learn rather then screw up later and pay for it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
New York City
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Screw up now. Better to screw up now and learn rather then screw up later and pay for it.

Yup screwed up BIG time already...Im in a bad oneitis with a maneater


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
1. your gut never lies. ever.
2. judge women with what they say and what they actually do.
3. don't get into a bf-gf relationship when she's not over her ex.
4. self-confidence and self-improvement is key.
5. you are the prince...always choose the woman. and choose wisely.
6. don't tell her the failures you had in the past. not unless you've been together for years already.
7. don't give up your trust easily and learn when to back off.
8. a woman who really wants you will do WHATEVER it takes to have you.
9. love is just an assurance that the men will stick around.
10. don't get too attached too fast...women hate oneitis so much she'll leave you for another man...or her ex.
11. break up with her first...this will hurt her ego so much. especially when you prove that you won't take her back ever again.
12. when you do no contact...do it all the way. make her grovel for what she lost.
13. if you wanna play around with women...just play around. no serious feelings. you'll just get your heart trampled when you develop "feelings" for her.
14. it's better to get into a "relationship" with a woman who is out of your social circle. this would minimize the damage when you breakup. just in case.
15. always plan your game. whether its flirting...getting into a relationshp...****buddies...
16. never tolerate bull****.
17. always prepare for a breakup. that's the purpose of spinning plates.
18. it always hurts a girl whenever she realizes you're doing better in life than her. and don't take her back...just **** her but don't get into a relationship again..
19. when she invites you literally to **** her...**** her brains out. asap. and **** her good.
20. keep her excitement going. it's what keeps her around you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
1. Girls your age only care about looks and popularity. They will tell you otherwise. They are lying.

To maximize the looks angle, dress well and have at least one athletic activity.

But never do anything just for girls. Make sure it's fun for YOU.
Last edited:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I love things in list form!

thorwynn said:
1. your gut never lies. ever.
2. judge women with what they say and what they actually do.

Both true!
3. don't get into a bf-gf relationship when she's not over her ex.

BF-GF relationships is like a broke man doing maintenance on a Bugatti.

4. self-confidence and self-improvement is key.

Doesn't stop women from being so shallow.

5. you are the prince...always choose the woman. and choose wisely.

Sure, a man can choose a woman, but she still has to say yes to you.

6. don't tell her the failures you had in the past. not unless you've been together for years already.


7. don't give up your trust easily and learn when to back off.

Trust yourself and another guy, before you trust a b**ch.

8. a woman who really wants you will do WHATEVER it takes to have you.

Totally agree!

9. love is just an assurance that the men will stick around.

Part of why I don't really believe in love.

10. don't get too attached too fast...women hate oneitis so much she'll leave you for another man...or her ex.

All women have options always, and that's why they're so fickle.

11. break up with her first...this will hurt her ego so much. especially when you prove that you won't take her back ever again.

Women break up with you long before actually telling you. They also don't care about your feelings. Even if you break up with them, they have another man in their iphone they can call right after.

12. when you do no contact...do it all the way. make her grovel for what she lost.

She'll move on eventually. That's why you spin more plates.

13. if you wanna play around with women...just play around. no serious feelings. you'll just get your heart trampled when you develop "feelings" for her.

Of course!

14. it's better to get into a "relationship" with a woman who is out of your social circle. this would minimize the damage when you breakup. just in case.

Women handle breakups better than men do.

15. always plan your game. whether its flirting...getting into a relationshp...****buddies...
16. never tolerate bull****.

Agree with both of these.

17. always prepare for a breakup. that's the purpose of spinning plates.

Women can drop you at any time and think nothing of it. Why? Because a woman's options are damn infinite.

18. it always hurts a girl whenever she realizes you're doing better in life than her. and don't take her back...just **** her but don't get into a relationship again..

Yep, women only feel rejected if a high-end male rejects her because he has options.

19. when she invites you literally to **** her...**** her brains out. asap. and **** her good.
20. keep her excitement going. it's what keeps her around you.

Damn right!
And @Mike32ct, money factors in there too. Read the surveys that women fill out about what they like in a man. They always say some inner qualities, but that's only important AFTER you pass her physical and financial tests.

Hey, women have a lot of entitlement issues these days and have no problem trading up in the hopes of getting a guy in the top 10%.


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Care more about yourself than you care about anyone else (except your mom). If someone is a source of anxiety in your life (whether Oneitis or anyone else) demonstrate that you care about yourself by removing yourself from that situation.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Society likes to say men are shallow and that they are bastards.

These lables are more suited for girls

It also says women are glorious and innocent, which they aren't.

I also wish I knew about the DJ bible when I was 16, read it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late

Fully agree. I was just tailoring my advice slightly to his age group since young AWs are mostly about looks and popularity (the h.s. code word for status).

But yes, money helps too. The 16 yo rich kid has the hottest most expensive car and can throw crazy parties at his parent's mansion. How can he NOT be popular with the females lol?

But in the end, it's not really necessary for me to custom tailor the advice. Women don't change that much.

16 yo female wants looks, status, and money

26 yo " " " " "

56 yo female - wants same stuff lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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The most important thing a man can do is learn to represent himself properly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
New York City
It is soooo true about girls my age liking looks first. I mean my looks are average i have a lot of acne but still pull girls... And i can dress my ass off, i'm one of he favs for class best dress for the yearbook next year.

Another thing is i find that im vey boring! I hate it, i wont lie im kinda intoverted but during convos i never know what to say next to have her interested in the convo, or like wow i like talking to this guy.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
@nismo-4: damn right ain't it...i've learned things the hard way for the past 5 years man. lately if you have seen my recent posts for the last 7 months...i got no problem getting the woman....the only trouble i had was maintaining the relationship/thing etc etc...well it only means i have to keep on improving my game. the list that i wrote down was one of the most important things i learned from the things i went through...it goes on for everybody here in this forum.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The MOST important thing Mike32ct learned and will share...

Keep you &*$#in mouth shut.

Don't talk about dating, pickup, which women you like or don't like, or how good or bad you are doing in this department. No bragging or complaining. Save those discussions for here on SS, NOT for in person.

The best players are the ones that keep their mouths' shut. (You might not even know or think he's a player.) Women want a guy that doesn't kiss and tell. Women want to be able to hook up with a social circle guy VERY DISCREETLY and have nobody find out.

If you are bragging about your conquests to guys or worse to girls, you are digging your own grave socially. Other girls in that group might have found you attractive and even considered hooking up with you, but once they overhead you bragging or heard gossip about you, they changed their mind because they don't want to become front page news.

(If some girl BRAGS about what a great hookup YOU were, that's fine, but play dumb anyway. Any gossip should NEVER come from you or be reinforced by you.)

Even worse is when you are struggling in this area of your life, like I was for a very long time. It becomes a "badge of honor" of sorts. You tell everybody how you have trouble meeting, dating, scoring, etc., in hopes that somebody will help you. The truth is, nobody (in person, outside of say SS) is going to help you. Men don't want competition. (Your friends that get women are probably good looking. You can't TEACH how to be tall and pretty boy, not matter what the gurus say lol.) Women want you to FAIL in this department so that group of attractive doable males remains a VALUABLE ELITE club CLOSED to new membership.

So even trying to get "tips" or advice from friends to improve your game will be leaked to girls in your social circle via gossip. People might seem nice and helpful to your face, but behind your back, you will be branded a desperate, tryhard, loser. You will have zero chance with any female in your social circle then.

What can you talk about? Work, school, your fun hobbies, maybe fun plans with your buddies. But leave out the women, sex, pickup, dating stuff. This will give the "unspoken" message that women/dating/hookups is not an issue (concern) for you, AND you are VERY discreet.

Might some people wonder if you are gay? Maybe. But I'd rather be the good looking discreet guy that women wonder about his orientation than the desperate (known) straight guy that everybody knows is struggling to get a date.

The exception to this rule is if you have a HIGHLY trusted buddy or family member you can talk to. But I'm gonna be honest to the OP. You're NOT gonna find a trusted buddy with "take to the grave" confidentiality in high school. Everything you tell a guy then, WILL be leaked to the whole school eventually. I'm not picking on young guys, just giving the likely reality.


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Another thing: break bad news to people in person if at all possible. Not phone. Not email. Often this will be a relationship break-up, but it could be other things too. Why in person? Because the vast majority of people do not have the backbone to bring bad news in person. By doing so you command respect and respect is one thing that, once lost, is very difficult to regain. As an added benefit, doing so in person does not leave a record of what you said, which could be of benefit to you.