Doubts about peacocking


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
It has happened to me lot of times that I’m using some kind of peacocking… and some people has asked me what does this means???

When I buy peacocking (rings, necklaces, etc) I do it because it’s eyecatching… but do u think peacoking you use should have a meaning as well???


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, it's VERY apparent that you're new to dealing with women.

That's okay.

Let me start by telling you to DROP the Mystery Method, and work on your inner game first.

Why do I say this?

Because you're going here to ask what you need to say in reply to something a girls asks you. If you had good inner game, you wouldn't write this up.

As for your question, tell them what it means to you, and research whatever you bought. Say you bought an Egyptian ankh, tell them that you were fascinated by ancient Egypt when you were a kid, that you went there, etc. Just don't lie. Be creative, you already have EVERYTHING you need to say to anyone, you just need to find that part of yourself.

Speaking of peacocking, my personal opinion of it is that it's acceptable to a point. One interesting item is all you need, and that's enough for YOU to get opened once every two months or so (women NEVER approach). So the amount of time you invest in peacocking should be minimal, as the return will be minimal. Don't make the same mistake I did and focus a tremendous amount of energy on peacocking, lol it got me almost NOWHERE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Peacocking is sort of like taking a burnt cake and putting pink icing on it. Yeah, the cake looks unique and pretty, but when you take a bite of it, it still tastes like sh1t.

Peacocking is an attention ploy. It's a way to draw attention to yourself that you wouldn't otherwise garner. So if you are going to use it (you really don't need to), then you better make sure that what's underneath will stand up to the scrutiny or you are just wasting your time and will quickly become the "idiot who looks weird."

My suggestion, when it comes to peacocking, is to make sure that whatever the item is you are using to peacock yourself with, is something that is congruent with your personality.

For instance, if you wear a pink shirt to a club, but you hate the color pink, then you are just another guy trying to draw attention to yourself.

But if you have a necklace with an emblem or something that has real, true, deep meaning to you, and it also sticks out, then that is going to be far more effective that just doing something that stands out.

The pink shirt will get you laughed at and thought of as a fag. The necklace, with the emblem or whatever, will add a layer to your already interesting personality.