Don't underestimate the power of the haircut...


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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OK, so I decided to get a haircut today. Nothing fancy, just standard barber haircut. I was putting it off because I don't think I look as good with short hair. I'm 18 btw.

So I'm walking through a door and this friend says "Did you get a haircut?" I said yeah. "Because you look a lot cuter." I gave him a hard time about this, but he said, no seriously, if he was a girl, he would think I looked really handsome.

So I still didn't really get it, until I started getting these smiles from girls, everywhere. And offering to help me when I looked lost, etc.- which never happened before.

The latest case was at a restaurant just a little bit ago....I asked a waitress where the bathrooms were, and she turned and smiled and said, "Over there, sweetie."

"Sweetie"? I have NEVER gotten that before!

My only conclusion can be that it was the haircut. So, don't underestimate the power of the standard, non-fruity, short haircut:)


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Darth said:
OK, so I decided to get a haircut today. Nothing fancy, just standard barber haircut. I was putting it off because I don't think I look as good with short hair. I'm 18 btw.

So I'm walking through a door and this friend says "Did you get a haircut?" I said yeah. "Because you look a lot cuter." I gave him a hard time about this, but he said, no seriously, if he was a girl, he would think I looked really handsome.

So I still didn't really get it, until I started getting these smiles from girls, everywhere. And offering to help me when I looked lost, etc.- which never happened before.

The latest case was at a restaurant just a little bit ago....I asked a waitress where the bathrooms were, and she turned and smiled and said, "Over there, sweetie."

"Sweetie"? I have NEVER gotten that before!

My only conclusion can be that it was the haircut. So, don't underestimate the power of the standard, non-fruity, short haircut:)

Tyler Durden actually talks about this and uses the specific example of the new haircut in The Blueprint: Decoded.

It wasn't the haircut that caused all of that positive attention - it was the confidence and the attitude you gained from thinking that you were getting all of this attention from your haircut. Basically, your haircut has little to do with it - it was the way you carried yourself, the confident way you handled yourself, and the general outgoingness that you felt that made women do double takes when they saw you. Your new haircut made you feel that way, but the truth is you can call upon that feeling any time from within and feel that way and you'd get the same results.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Totally agree. After a change in hairstyle I started getting a lot of compliments from people.

Alas good things don't last forever. I started losing my hair so had to go for a change in hairstyle. Don't get the same reaction anymore.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Brighty said:
Tyler Durden actually talks about this and uses the specific example of the new haircut in The Blueprint: Decoded.

It wasn't the haircut that caused all of that positive attention - it was the confidence and the attitude you gained from thinking that you were getting all of this attention from your haircut. Basically, your haircut has little to do with it - it was the way you carried yourself, the confident way you handled yourself, and the general outgoingness that you felt that made women do double takes when they saw you. Your new haircut made you feel that way, but the truth is you can call upon that feeling any time from within and feel that way and you'd get the same results.
Really? So you don't think it was the haircut?

I think it had at least something to do with the haircut, because I wasn't even sure it looked good until I started to get these unusual signs...I mean, I suspected it after my friend brought it up, but still....



Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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Denver, CO
your unconscious mind was telling you to look out for unusual things to "gauge" how your haircut unconsciously you became more confident and thus more attractive not because of this style change, but because your attitude changed. KEEP IT UP!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
confidence from new haircut? stop bull****ting yourselves people

if you get a haircut that suits your face perfectly well then you are going to get more looks, simply because your face looks more attractive. There's a reason why men don't like women with buzz cuts or bald heads.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
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muhuwahaha said:
confidence from new haircut? stop bull****ting yourselves people

if you get a haircut that suits your face perfectly well then you are going to get more looks, simply because your face looks more attractive. There's a reason why men don't like women with buzz cuts or bald heads.
Exactly! Don't get why people are in so much denial about looks on these boards.


Lol, I love how you take everything from Tyler Durden as the truth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
muhuwahaha said:
confidence from new haircut? stop bull****ting yourselves people

if you get a haircut that suits your face perfectly well then you are going to get more looks, simply because your face looks more attractive. There's a reason why men don't like women with buzz cuts or bald heads.

You're kidding me. I mean, yes, you may get a new haircut that is a perfect fit for you face, but that's only the first impression. The confidence you gain from that is the other half of the equation, and that translates into all the other things that you do. I'm not saying the haircut doesn't do anything, but I'm willing to bet that the confidence he gained from it definitely attributed to his success.

I'm not sure why you're comparing men and women as having the same principles of attraction. For the most part, men are not attracted to confidence in a woman to the same degree that women are attracted to confidence in a man. To men, looks or physical attributes play more of a factor in determining a partner than they do for women. So obviously a bald woman wouldn't be appealing to a man. Come on, use your head.

Exactly! Don't get why people are in so much denial about looks on these boards.


Lol, I love how you take everything from Tyler Durden as the truth.

I'm not in denial about looks, I'm just an advocate that they are no where near the deciding factor in success. I'm an example of it myself - In high school I was, or so I've been told several times, in the "top 5 hottest" high school guys, but because I was so self-conscious and shy around girls, I failed repeatidly for years. It wasn't until I developed my inner game - that I found confidence and became more outgoing - that I actually started to get girls. My looks didn't really change. However, I went from getting no girls to living in abundance.

And I'm not sure how you took away that I take everything Tyler Durden says as the truth from one paragraph saying that I agreed with him on one issue.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Bull**** about the confidence thing, lads.

I hate my haircut 100%. I detest it but when needs must...

Anyway, girls are giving me more attention. I hate this hair. I am not confident about it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Moneytalks said:
Bull**** about the confidence thing, lads.

I hate my haircut 100%. I detest it but when needs must...

Anyway, girls are giving me more attention. I hate this hair. I am not confident about it.

You can love or hate your hair, but let me highlight something for you:

Moneytalks said:
Anyway, girls are giving me more attention.
You already know they are giving you more attention. You're telling me that you don't take confidence from that?


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Brighty said:
You already know they are giving you more attention. You're telling me that you don't take confidence from that?
How could I when I first had it done? Going around thinking you look like a tit doesn't give you confidence, nor does it convey it to others.

So obviously the hair has something to do with it, fucking retard.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
@ Brighty

All your case proves if anything is, confidence matters along with looks. It in no way proves that looks don't matter since you said you were rated highly for looks anyway. It does not even prove confidence matters more than looks.

But then again, why is your case adequate "proof" that looks don't matter while you easily ignore others' experiences?

Since you quoted Tyler Durden as an authorative source in support of your argument I'd think it was fair to assume you take his word for fact and expect us to do the same.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well, like I had said, I thought I looked WORSE with short hair. So the first couple of interactions, my confidence was not up...if anything, it was down. Which leads me to believe that it was the haircut.

And yeah, like Brighty, I was attractive in high school but didn't get any girls. I found out I was perceived as attractive during my last year I think, when I got on myspace one day and went onto this girl's page and under her list of superlatives she had, "Most good-looking in the school: Darth."

So, I think looks do matter. Except if you're not good looking, you can compensate in other ways (confidence) whereas with women it's hard to compensate if they're not pretty.

And I think the reverse is true...that is, a girl can sometimes get by on just looks (compensating for a stupid personality), whereas a guy cannot compensate for having a bad, wimpy, personality.

IMO. I'm still trying to figure this stuff out...


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
muhuwahaha said:
there's a reason why chicks don't like bald men too.
Chicks go gaga for bald men who can pull it off - think Vin Diseal, Bruce Willis, etc.

Moneytalks said:
How could I when I first had it done? Going around thinking you look like a tit doesn't give you confidence, nor does it convey it to others.

So obviously the hair has something to do with it, fucking retard.

Wow, get mad bro. I'm not trying to make any enemies here, I'm trying to have a better understanding of this by seeing both sides of the argument.

Anyway, there are too many variables in both situations. The first few girls that commented on his hair could've been HB5s and there were a bunch of HB8s that didn't even look his way until he got a enough compliments which caused him to have an ego boost and slowly attract the HB8s. I'm not saying that looks don't matter, I'm saying that confidence goes hand-in-hand.

@ Brighty

All your case proves if anything is, confidence matters along with looks. It in no way proves that looks don't matter since you said you were rated highly for looks anyway. It does not even prove confidence matters more than looks.

But then again, why is your case adequate "proof" that looks don't matter while you easily ignore others' experiences?

In either case, you can't really "proof" the opposite. This stuff is kind of difficult to have hard facts on.

Since you quoted Tyler Durden as an authorative source in support of your argument I'd think it was fair to assume you take his word for fact and expect us to do the same.

It would be fair to assume that I would agree with him on the issue, yes, but to say that I take everything he says as the truth is a little insulting to my intelligence. So obviously I was a little offended.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I notice a difference when I get a haircut. It's usually marginal though and not as the OP described -- I meant it wont change you into a movie star or any sort of attention like that. If your look similar to a celibrity from that haricut, maybe it had that effect and people are wondering if you are that celibrity?


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
what a sad post...


cant believe u are writing mesage about how a haircut makes u feel more confident..

get a life dude..


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
^^Did I say that? You get a life, lol. I rediscovered this and I thought maybe other could benefit.

San Jose California said:
apparently the opinion in your head does not = the average girl's opinion.
Yeah, I guess not. Like I said, I thought I was better looking with longer hair, but I sure wasn't getting "sweetie" and smiles and etc. then!

Luke Skywalker said:
If your look similar to a celibrity from that haricut, maybe it had that effect and people are wondering if you are that celibrity?
I doubt it. I'm only 18.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Rofl........ I just want to say that hear cut don`t matter much. Clothing have much more power than a hear cut.