Don't try to be ****y & Funny if you don't need to!


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey BC
For those of us who are attractive and/or rich, trying to use C&F can be a major mistake, if it doesn't fit your personality!

Not trying to brag, but I consider myself to be a model-handsome guy. But because of fears and insecurities, I have always had problems getting dates. Approaching a woman turned me into a nervous wreck. Even when women approached me, I'd feel the need to flee. In short - I majorly lacked confidence. So what did I do? I searched around on the internet for help, and eventually found David DeAngelo's book.

So far I have screwed up a few relationships where women were already attracted to me, by trying to be ****y & funny. Now, of course I didn't do it right, but the point is, I tried to do something that didn't feel natural to me. If you have qualities that women are naturally attracted to, you should put more focus on being confident and making her laugh. Making fun of a woman and busting her chops are all great techniques for a fun swing... but not if she's looking for a long-term relationship with a man who has some maturity... and it could royally screw up any potential relationship if not done correctly. It's very easy to start acting like a jerk when focusing on being ****y and funny.

DeAngelo's book is GREAT for those who don't have any attractive qualities. If you're the type who just wants to have fun, have sex, but not care too much about financial goals, then ****y & Funny is perfect for you.

However, if you are a naturally attractive guy, with a future and a plan, who would prefer a long-term relationship, THERE'S NO NEED TO GIVE YOUR PERSONALITY AN OVERHAUL. You don't NEED to use C&F because you HAVE the qualities that C&F tries to immitate. You see, whenever you read a theory, you have to be very critical. One man looks at a human eyeball and sees millions of years of evolution. Another sees the miraculous power of the creator.

DeAngelo believes women ASSUME that men with qualities like riches, fame or good looks - have the qualities they desire in a man... and are attracted to them solely because of their assumptions. He believes if you use the right techniques, you can show them that you have these qualities WITHOUT being rich or physically attractive.

On the other hand, you could look at the same scenario and see that riches, fame, and good looks are what women are NATURALLY attracted to, because they are universally admired qualities. This man has some qualities that make him different than others. When this woman introduces her boyfriend to her friends, they will immediately be jealous of his undeniably attractive qualities. No matter HOW ****y and funny one of her friends' new boy-toy might be, she will never be able to introduce him as "Mike, the manager of richyrich enterprise", and she will always feel she has the "inferior" boyfriend.

I believe the reason why DeAngelo says things like "it's easier to steal someone else's girlfriend than to keep your own", is because ****y & funny DEPENDS on intangible attraction, rather than solid qualities. If some other guy comes along and shifts her excitement to him, then she'd have no reason to want to stay with you... no matter how confident you are. ****y & Funny can be seen as "lightning in a bottle." It's electric, it's exciting... it doesn't last very long. This is perfect if you are the type who doesn't want to stick with a certain girl for very long. (A friend of mine says he gets sick of seeing a woman's face after 2 months) It's important to realize that, just like women, while we all have some similar desires (read: sex), we also may have some very different desires. It's easy to say "If you're a guy! Then you want to have sex with many many women!" if that is what YOU want as a guy. It's hard to comprehend another guy thinking differently, and shrug any other behavior off as "wussiness," when it could in fact be a subconscious, genetic drive embedded into our minds.

In no way am I claiming that ****y & Funny does not work, because when properly applied, it works like magic... But there's no need to get a new engine if all you need is an oil change. Before you give yourself an overhaul, work on your own confidence - get some therapy if you need to. You will be alot happier if you become successful with women by using a personality that feels comfortable to you, than by forging yourself into someone that you never were.

P.S. For those who do not want to use C&F tecniques, I still recommend buying the double your dating book, since it contains alot of valuable tips and insight.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
wow so many spelling error by the guy above me..but anyways decent post i guess but aslong as you aren't boring i guess it could work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
If you have qualities that women are naturally attracted to, you should put more focus on being confident and making her laugh
Good passage .. I'm not a big fan of David D's C&F theories .. only because i'm often thought of as arrogant or too business like to begin with! I believe it is a form of flirting, but that's all. It's just another way to flirt. Alot of 'success' stories relative to C&F are simply because the guy had the courage to actually talk to a girl in the first place (with a mission now), whereas before he wouldn't ever approach.

I think being confident is so important and to believing that you're as good as any - so if that dream girl likes you, you're not asking yourself why or writing it off that you could never be worthy, which is complete BS.

Showing emotion is also key, being expressive. I grew up in a family where emotions were always surpressed, and made it difficult for me to express myself. I've worked on being more expressive, and think it is paying back in Spades (time will tell - but not too much dam time!).

Anyway, to sum up ..

1) Be confident - no matter what, period.
2) Be expressive

Do these two things, and everything else will fall into place.

Like the saying goes - "Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come"