Don't see many pickups at clubs

No Leaf Clover

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Anybody else notice this? It seems like all the girls in the clubs aren't really interested in hooking up with anyone. Most just come with their girlfriends and have a good time. The same people who come in together, leave together. Rarely have I seen a guy leave with some hot chick he met there. Not to say it doesn't happen, it's just what I have observed.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
That's a pretty accurate observation. People keep forgetting, hot women don't need to meet guys in the club; it's the opposite. The girls who leave with guys are usually the real slutty ones that are desperate.

Most girls meet their boyfriends through school or work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
I disagree. Girls go out for guys. Most of them anyway. Why else would the dress up sexily and spend 3 hour on their makeup? The thing is the guys who approach them in clubs are probably drunk/horny/lame, and the others are too scared to approach unless they have had a few drinks, in which case they come accross as drunk/horny/lame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
SinJester said:
I disagree. Girls go out for guys. Most of them anyway. Why else would the dress up sexily and spend 3 hour on their makeup? The thing is the guys who approach them in clubs are probably drunk/horny/lame, and the others are too scared to approach unless they have had a few drinks, in which case they come accross as drunk/horny/lame.
Pretty much. You also have to realize that the whole meeting/flirting/escalating aspect of the whole game is not only multiplied in its frequency (multiple approaches) but also as a matter of course. Things move at a much faster pace than let's say typical day game. So, you get a lot of missed connections and failures but you also get a lot more number-close and even f-close situations.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
To me clubbing is just a very very big party hosted by the promoters. This one small time club I went to, I knew almost everyone there and I had a great time and met a lot of new women through my girl friends. Another more big time club I went to I only knew like a handful of people and spent most of my time just standing around idly and checking out women. I got rejected almost every single time when I asked to dance. My friend is a promoter and I'm also thinking of joining a promoting group too. Unless you're a big time local celebrity among your community, women will sort of seek you out first before the regulars since you hold a higher position amongst them (even if it might be by only a notch).


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2007
Reaction score
One thing I will grant you is that the typical bar club ratio is skewed very heavily. It is VERY rare to find a 50/50 male/female split at ANY bar or club. 80/20 is common, and it rarely drops below 60/40. So yes, in that sense, the numbers sometimes favor women.

Then again, most guys are not very skilled, and tend to drink, drink, drink, and go home emptyhanded. Sad, but true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I see number closes and makeouts all the time. if you're expecting insta-lays, a lot of times it's not even logistically possible

it sounds like the guys at your club just suck. if you're at a club and literally every guy there is pvssified just holding their drink for 3 hours or following their guy friends around, that's better for you. seize the moment and just start opening girls. through contrast principle, by being the only guy at the venue who's actually making an effort to have fun, you automatically assume higher value. even if it goes nowhere, if you're the only fun thing that's happened to them that night, the girls will come back to you an hour later


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
It seems that the bigger the city, the more hookups happen at clubs.

I say this because I live in a somewhat small city, have some pretty attractive female friends, a lot of them are single. They go clubbing quite often, but get hit on very rarely (at clubs anyway, day to day they get hit on a lot). When they do, the guys usually just try grinding with them for a while and that's about it These girls are by no means prudes or even close to it, but the most any of them have done with a guy from the club is make out, and even that's pretty rare.

So sure, it's possible, but the basic problem is this: Lots of girls do go clubbing just because they enjoy dancing with their girlfriends. I don't know of a single guy that goes to a club just because they like dancing. Therefore, even leaving the total guy/girl ratio aside, among the girls that are there quite a few are simply not looking to meet anyone, while the vast majority of guys are.

It can be done, but really, there are much better places to meet women.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
wutangfinancial said:
As someone who has worked in clubs: getting girls at clubs is NOT for normal looking guys. You have to be reealllly good looking and be wearing super expensive clothes to get a girl at a high end nightclub, or have world famous game. I used to see ugly guys with dimes in the clubs and wonder, then I saw the same super hot girls with different ugly guys, then learned they were high end escorts.

Not one of my normal looking friends has pulled a girl at a night club. Actually, none of my "hot" friends have either.
Right. So if you're not super good looking, you might as well stay home on the weekends and not even go out to clubs and bars. Hell, you might as well just kill yourself while you're at it, because you're not super good-looking, and because of that a girl will never want you to approach her. :rolleyes:

The real answer to the OP is that not a lot of lays happen in bars/clubs. I've pulled it off a handful of times, and other guys have as well, but for the most part it's very difficult to meet a random girl at a bar, then take her home and fvck her that night. And usually, you don't want anything to do with the kind of girl who is up for something like that. I know a few of my bar ONS's have been with girls I really, really regret going home with.

Mostly, there are a lot of makeouts and number exchanges at bars and clubs .


New Member
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
Clubs are good locations for full kino pick ups utilize the hypnotic rhythm of the normal club music approach on the dance floor and use mirroring and mimicking to initiate a state transition then slowly initiate kino on a neutral area with one hand for example the hip wait and be patient as you escalate kino ensure that you watch her eyes and other cues she will slip into state (once she closes her eyes continue to study features and close your own if she starts to open hers) you can help this along by slowing your own rhythm below the level of the music if she is matching you then she is hooked just continue to take your time with this and don't rush trace her body lightly following natural curves and contours with fingertips and the backs of hands you can work hypnostability tests in like raising her arms above her head and holding them there lightly decreasing your support and moving them ever so slightly so that her own muscles will unconsciously support them in this position and re-enforce the idea of doing what you want her to do... think of snake charmers and just be patient this builds a fantasy of tall dark stranger and elevates physical and sexual tension levels between the two of you by decreasing the space between you ... no worries about talking it will only break state just let her mind work in your favor and stay silent she will turn over to fantasy 90% of the time if done correctly you should at a minimum be making out with her and enjoying heavy petting...... DO NOT RUSH that's the bid part


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
When a guy good at meeting girls in clubs is really will not even notice that he's approaching. Everything will happen under the radar.
By the way, in's not the best way to meet girls IMO.
Better places: street, mall, grocery stores, libraries etc etc


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
You don't have to be super good looking but it helps. Just be cool, confident and have fun. Having a good social circle in the club doesn't hurt. I have all the above but my confidence falters due to my dance skills. Sucks but i'm working on it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
darkme_legendary said:
When a guy good at meeting girls in clubs is really will not even notice that he's approaching. Everything will happen under the radar.
I agree with this statement. I picked up a girl last weekend for a F-close from the club and nobody probably noticed a thing because I was extremely casual in how I spoke. We were casually chatting and then I offered the "my place for drinks" and she took the bait.

Prior to leaving with her, I had girls I'd flirted with from before come up and shower me with kisses and various other opportunities to dance and chat with girls.

I've found I am most successful when I have other guy friends at the club to go bounce off of and chat with but nobody that i'm stuck with who will slow me down. I've had less success with wingmen than I have flying solo but that may just be lack of experienced wingmen???

Anyway, I typically wear a t-shirt to a club. I take joy in dressing "down" a lot of times, just to show them I don't give two ****s about spending $200 on a shirt. But my conversation skills and confidence makes up for the lack of clothing so..'.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
chances are you won't get a girl to leave with you if she came with friends (and who the hell goes to a club alone?)

but you can easy get make out with, number close, etc etc and if you get enough real interest for them to accept dates when you call, then you're good.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
No Leaf Clover said:
Anybody else notice this? It seems like all the girls in the clubs aren't really interested in hooking up with anyone. Most just come with their girlfriends and have a good time. The same people who come in together, leave together. Rarely have I seen a guy leave with some hot chick he met there. Not to say it doesn't happen, it's just what I have observed.
Well Dane Cook said it best. No guys ever go to the club saying "yea man we're gonna DANCE tonight!"

But girls go to the club saying "forget guys. we're gonna dance all night! wooo!"