Well, I have deleted Chantal's phone numbers from my cell phone. I have collected all my stuff and given her back all her stuff. I have let her know that I think she's full of ****. It did not end nicely, but I'm glad I did it.
I think it was around my second post about this girl that the more experienced DJs were yelling "NEXT!", "She's an attention *****.", etc. Of course, I was in denial and kept seeing her. But you know what? At the end of the day, I'm glad I didn't next her too soon.
I am not a very experienced DJ. I have had one short-term relationship, and had only ever made out with one girl. I think it would have been much harder for me to next Chantal earlier on because I would have always wondered what might have happend. I would have been depressed, etc.
By taking the long route I have gained so much experience because of it. I have been on four REAL dates (never done that before either! DATING!), I learned how to be sexual without going over the top. I saw how well kino and C & F work.
I got to make out with Chantal (I did it once I knew she just wanted to have a fling, and she is HOTTTT). Now I have made out with two girls. It may sound lame to some of you. But considering my experience level...
I have gained experience. I am glad. I feel proud of myself for at least asking her on that first date, and for pursuing what I wanted.
I have now seen, first-hand, what to look out for. I now know the signs that attention *****s give off. Also, since I can spot an attention ***** I will not hesitate to use one to have some fun.
See, once I KNEW Chantal just wanted to use me and I knew she'd cheated on her BF 4 times and liked to lead men. I lost interest in her completely. So I just made out with her for the fun of it. I didn't get hurt cos' I no longer cared. I just had a big grin on my face cos' I used the user.
I now have had more practice at making out
I think nexting shouldn't be done too quickly if you are just starting out as a DJ. More experienced DJ's spot the signs and next the girl. Less experienced DJ's should be aware that the signs are not good but should continue to pursue the girl until you can SEE that she is just using you/leading you on. This is especially true if you do not have other options due to lack of experience at pick-ups.
We all know how when you learn anything it's best to do it PRACTICALLY. Theory just never really sinks in until you see it out in the real world.
It's amazing how much I've learnt in three weeks. I am much wiser than I would have been if I'd just nexted her right from the start. Plus I got to make out with a HB. Did I mention that?
This site is great. In one year I've gone for three women who were actualyl interested in me. That brings the total to about 5 in my entire life. By making AFC mistakes I have scared them off. Now I've seen how stupid they are and you won't catch me doing the same thing twice.
I think it was around my second post about this girl that the more experienced DJs were yelling "NEXT!", "She's an attention *****.", etc. Of course, I was in denial and kept seeing her. But you know what? At the end of the day, I'm glad I didn't next her too soon.
I am not a very experienced DJ. I have had one short-term relationship, and had only ever made out with one girl. I think it would have been much harder for me to next Chantal earlier on because I would have always wondered what might have happend. I would have been depressed, etc.
By taking the long route I have gained so much experience because of it. I have been on four REAL dates (never done that before either! DATING!), I learned how to be sexual without going over the top. I saw how well kino and C & F work.
I got to make out with Chantal (I did it once I knew she just wanted to have a fling, and she is HOTTTT). Now I have made out with two girls. It may sound lame to some of you. But considering my experience level...
I have gained experience. I am glad. I feel proud of myself for at least asking her on that first date, and for pursuing what I wanted.
I have now seen, first-hand, what to look out for. I now know the signs that attention *****s give off. Also, since I can spot an attention ***** I will not hesitate to use one to have some fun.
See, once I KNEW Chantal just wanted to use me and I knew she'd cheated on her BF 4 times and liked to lead men. I lost interest in her completely. So I just made out with her for the fun of it. I didn't get hurt cos' I no longer cared. I just had a big grin on my face cos' I used the user.
I think nexting shouldn't be done too quickly if you are just starting out as a DJ. More experienced DJ's spot the signs and next the girl. Less experienced DJ's should be aware that the signs are not good but should continue to pursue the girl until you can SEE that she is just using you/leading you on. This is especially true if you do not have other options due to lack of experience at pick-ups.
We all know how when you learn anything it's best to do it PRACTICALLY. Theory just never really sinks in until you see it out in the real world.
It's amazing how much I've learnt in three weeks. I am much wiser than I would have been if I'd just nexted her right from the start. Plus I got to make out with a HB. Did I mention that?
This site is great. In one year I've gone for three women who were actualyl interested in me. That brings the total to about 5 in my entire life. By making AFC mistakes I have scared them off. Now I've seen how stupid they are and you won't catch me doing the same thing twice.